To The Young King: Harnessing Your Power and Potential as a Man

This one goes out to all the young men of every culture. Your right to the throne has been predetermined, but obstacles will stop you from reaching that position. There will also be people trying to get you to relinquish your power and rightful position of power. These people will not all be called enemies because some will be called friends and family. The world created you with the best intentions, but not everyone will have the best intentions for you. How can you learn your power and rise into it?


As men, we must understand that we are powerful beings. This is unlike the women’s empowerment movement, where there is the truth behind understanding but closed eyes behind the fact. It is a biological fact that men are BIGGER and STRONGER than women and make our world function. Yet, many males today have allowed themselves to become docile, effeminate, and neutered, shying away from what it truly means to be a man and their true power.


It is easy for women to say they do not need a man because men have created easy times and systems for them. However, that system has begun to crumble at the wokeness our culture is taunting. From the trans movement to pronouns, men have been coddled by their mothers and society and told that they do not have to show up.


Today, I am telling men the opposite. It is time to show up and take your place on the throne so you can reign supreme over your domain. I am writing you this message today as a man and a father who sees what is happening in the world. Not every male will have a strong and positive role model, so let’s mark today as when we will create that relationship between men wanting other men to be strong and find meaning in their life.


Even the years I spent as a teacher wouldn’t prepare me for how fast the world spiraled out of control because of false ideals and narratives. Today, men pretend to be women. Compete in woman sports, wear woman clothes, and think they can have babies. Where did it all begin?


The inception of the fall of civilization was when men began to relinquish their power unknowingly. Women decided to be more masculine in their mindset and turned a blind eye to their feminine superpower. The issue is that women have been told a lie that their power should come from being masculine rather than feminine. Women have been told they do not need a man to survive, yet these same women live in a man’s world. From the water to the electricity, if men were not keeping the infrastructure functional, the world they have come to live in ease would cease to exist.


I am here to tell you that it is not too late to reverse the damage that has been done but to make that happen, I need you to understand the mission I will give you. That mission is to learn what it means to be an authentic man in today’s world and be able to pivot at a moment’s notice. Understand that every male needs a woman to protect and a family to lead. This will pave the way for him to rise into glory, but there are maps we must understand and areas we must be cautious about.


The journey to manhood can be broken down into four steps. The first step is at age seven. The second step is at age 12. The third step is at age 15, and the last is at 18. At these points in a man’s life, there has to be clear actions taken for him to understand his duty as a man.


A man must go through a right of passage at these four stages, but before these rights begin, a male has to be present. When I say a male has to be present, I am not only talking about the dad. It can be any male figure that has gone through the rights of what it means to be a man and one that lives with purpose and not passivity.


Most men raising their families today take a back seat approach and let the woman raise the kids. Though it is a woman’s role to be the caretaker for the family, it is up to the man to set an example for the kids to learn from and follow. If everything is left up to the mother, the kids will not be disciplined and will struggle later in life to find meaning and purpose.


Now take a look at these four rights of passage for a man. We must have an example of what a man is. The easiest way I can describe a man is that he must be willing to protect, lead, and not be passive. This foundation is for every man, but just because you can lead and protect does not make you a king. This mentality is reserved for later in life, but today we will focus on what to start with.


In the first stage, a man must be given a sense of duty. This can be him holding the door open for their mother or protecting their younger siblings. This will give him a sense of protection. Not only family but women. This is not to say that women need protection 24/7, but rather to teach the young kind he will one day need to protect his family, wife, and children.


The second stage is right before puberty starts or at the inception of puberty. At this point in a male’s life, he will undergo many changes from his growth to his mindset. He will be confused and self-conscious about how his body is changing, but this is a natural process every man must go through. Another man must be there to answer any questions that might want to be asked with no shame. This creates the foundation that who he is becoming is good, and the teen will embrace the change.


In the third stage, you might find that rebellion takes hold, and the young king begins to act out. This is natural because he is learning how to assert his authority. Though we want him to get into the mindset of ruling, he is still too young to be the leader of the house and must be put in his place. This must be done through mental and physical training (think sports). The boy will begin challenging you at this point, but you must remain stronger than he can ever reach because it will give him a beacon to look toward.


At the final stage, the boy will have graduated high school and will most likely be dating. At this point, he will think he is an adult and knows everything. He will have found a woman to protect and a purpose to live for. This is where a man must resist the urge to begin a family and learn about himself. At this age, a man is incomplete without knowing it, which can be dangerous. At this point in life, a man must begin to unlearn some of the societal norms they were told.


Now the male will begin to learn through failure and adjust accordingly. This is when the father’s wisdom will start to ruminate more steadily in the mind of the young kind. They will begin to ask themselves more questions, and if you have cultivated a relationship based on communication, they will seek more wisdom for you at this age. If they do, they will find another male role model to mimic.


After these four steps, a man will have to grow and develop even more, but it will vary depending on his mindset and environment. Some men can learn what it means to be a true man by age 22, and some will have to wait until their early to mid-30s. The time can vary, but understand the foundation first and work from there. As a young king in the making, you must understand that, as men, we must build our value. That value is not created overnight and cannot be faked with false bravado.


I want young men to understand that your cards are stacked against them when evolving into a man. People will tell you to remain complacent and to get in touch with your emotions. To that, I say, seek failure and F how you feel. Sometimes you will want to avoid showing up, but men must find purpose in their responsibility. This critical component will separate the boys from the men and the men from the kings.


In closing, becoming a man can be a right of passage that leaves you wondering if you are now a man. A man is not born; he is created. Just as you were born a young king, you must take hold of your destiny, which means you must learn your true power. Your true power will be feared, so people will tell you not to let it out. They will tell you to be calm and emotional, but I want you to be fierce and mighty. A king must rule with an iron fist and mindset. If you are missing either, you will fall into mediocrity amongst weak men. I urge you to choose to be a ruler, a protector, a leader, and a KING! If you need guidance, do not hesitate.

Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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