The Law of Attraction – What We Put Forth

The law of attraction is something you might have heard in my past blogs, or it might be something you are familiar with through movies and everyday life. The law of attraction is defined as the magnetic powers of the universe that draws similar energies together. This means that whatever you are thinking about is being drawn to you. If you are thinking about negative energy and bad times, then sadness is drawn to you, but the same is true if you think about happiness, then happiness is gravitating toward you. In this blog, I want to help you learn to control your mind so that you can begin to use the law of attraction to bring forth the things and energy you want in your life.

The law of attraction begins with your mindset. My specialty/main focus as a coach is attaining a strong mindset. I help others to realize that they have everything inside them already. They do not need more money, fame, or glory to be amazing. Just the simple thought of thinking you are amazing is enough to change your life. This will lead to the change you want. Now, the good life or your most desired life does not come free. It requires your blood, sweat, and tears to get there. There will not always be good times, but the bad times shape us into who we really are able to become.

If bad times fall into your life, there are ways to see the other side. Bad times are inevitable, and they can put a huge curveball into your life for a time, but that time is just a moment for you to pay attention to. You are still in charge of your thoughts, feelings, and actions in those bad times. Negative energy might come into your head and make you a victim. You will not see the bright side anymore. You will be stuck in a depressed state, and your world will start to seem less vivid. You lose traction and gain 30 pounds, lose your job, and get dumped. How did all this begin?

The law of attraction is a choice that you have the power to make. You can have a positive mindset even though you are going through hell. It is a skill to understand that no matter what is happening in your life, you can choose the polarity you want in your universe. Whether you choose positive or negative energy, the energy you continuously put forth will be the reason why you win or lose. You cannot be negative and hope for positive results. You must remain positive even through negativity and failure. This constant push on the universe will pay dividends in the time to come.

The law of attraction happens because of the energy we put forth. We cannot be happy and cheerful one minute and then sad and defeated the next. The universe does not want to get in your way, but oftentimes we place the blame on it for our misfortune. We might be angry or upset because life is not going our way, but what you put forth today and tomorrow will be what you attract. If you are the type of person who loves to give back and wants the best for the world, then the world will magnify that. It might not be an instant magnification, but it will be a slow and gradual change for the better of your life.

Putting forth positive or negative energy will place you exactly where you want to be. The universe doesn’t operate in an instant, so you have to be patient and take the hits with a smile or give in and break down. Remaining full of energy/confidence in your skills and your path is the mindset of a person who can really make an impact on the world. The sad part I see is that we all have this wonderful “power” or “determination,” but many people choose not to let it show. We would rather surround ourselves with fake friends and material possessions to fill in the places of our world that feel empty. Have you ever given yourself fully?

Giving yourself fully is a critical factor for the universe to begin mimicking your aura. Once you understand that “now” is the only time that matters, then you can do anything that you put your mind to. The universe will no longer be an issue and move out of your way. The universe has never been the issue. “We” are the issue with ourselves. We decide what good and bad affects us in our life. We are not in charge of what good and bad happen to us because that is unknown in life. We do not know what is in store for us.

I can tell you that putting in the effort to be the best version of yourself makes the biggest difference. There is no sure-fire shortcut to your most desired life. No matter how much money you have, you cannot take it with you. If you made all the money you needed to live tomorrow, what would you do? Would you stay at home and relax and just take it easy? That will be nice for a while, but then the pounds start to creep on, your friends start to ask for handouts, and that pile of money is starting to look a bit thin. You lose it all, and now you have no friends and are overweight. What went wrong?

The secret to what we put forth pertaining to the law of attraction is to be certain. We have to be certain that we will be someone that the world remembers. The energy we emit can either be a balance of our entirety or can favor either the good/bad parts of life. I help people understand how to favor and savor the good parts of life. No matter what is going on in your life, you must remain in control. If you are stuck at a point in life, there is a way out. The way out might involve blood, sweat, and tears, but that energy you put forth will lead you someplace amazing.

Life doesn’t have to be a passing flash of good and bad times. Life can be what we want! The law of attraction states that what we aim to have in our life can and will be ours. However, in order to attain that life, you must remain consistent with what you want out of the universe. If you want good things to happen to you and then suddenly turn 180 degrees, then it is hard for the universe to act in your favor. You must lean to one side and put forth what you want most.

In conclusion, the law of attraction is like a magnet for what you think, feel, and do in life. If you do feel, think, and do the things you want for your life, then one day, you will reach them. You do not reach a mountain peak in one single step. It is an accumulation of steps that get you where you desire most. Make sure that you control your mind and put forth consistent and deliberate energy that will get you closer to where you want to be in life. If you do the opposite, then you are just tipping the scale back to regular times. I want you to want more than regular times. I want you to have the most amazing life, and it begins with what you put forth into the universe.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

2 thoughts on “The Law of Attraction – What We Put Forth”

  1. Jennifer Rearden

    I love this blog.manifesting does not mean money,fame and glory.First thing is being Grateful.Thank you God,The Divine,the Universe for all my blessings. With a positive mindset. You will attract positive energy. And remember without your life struggles you will never find your strengths

  2. Pingback: Attract Love: The Law of Attraction Guide

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