T.U.S Part 60: Rising to Potential

Finding your way through life’s complexities can be daunting. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed amid all the noise, opinions, and uncertainties surrounding us. Doubts creep in, fueled by the constant barrage of misinformation and deception. But amidst this chaos, a way exists to rise above it all, unlock your full potential, and thrive. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the maze of confusion and emerge as the best version of yourself.


Steps to Potential

  • Cultivate Self-Awareness
  • Set Clear Goals
  • Develop Resilience
  • Seek Knowledge and Truth
  • Surround Yourself with Supportive Influences
  • Take Action Consistently

The steps listed above are in no way in any order that you need to follow to reach your potential. You can define your potential for yourself, but only another can bring it out in you. This might seem different for some, but most people need someone to bring them to the next level. This level will break through the limits within your mind and society to reach a potential that you may have once seemed impossible.


You must become clear on who you are, where you are, who you want to be, and where you want to end up. This will lay out a path requiring you to reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, passions, and values. What drives you? What holds you back? Understanding who you are can illuminate the path and the blind spots so you do not fall prey to being unprepared or ill-equipped.


The goals you set for yourself do not have to be set in stone, but they do have to be precise. One of the many things I do with my clients is to look at the goals we are working toward continually so we understand if we are making progress or if our goal shifts. This shift can be natural because, in a sense, we might not know what we truly want; we might just have an idea. That idea can lead you on many journeys, so it is essential to keep checking in on your goals.


Some say your goals should be scary and achievable, but the best things you can attain are on the other side of fear. There may be some uncertainty about achieving the goals you set out to acquire, but with a proper plan, you will win more than you lose. You must align those goals with your values and aspirations to ensure you are determined to see them through. Whether you break them down into small steps or try to bulk it all together, remain clear on why you do what you do.


Resilience is the sole reason on this list that makes today’s article a Tune-up Series. Being resilient in our world is essential and has become clouded over the years. Today, being a hero may mean following unthinkingly and doing as you are told, and the alternative is that free thinkers and doers are considered evil. In a world that tells you who to become, you should do the opposite because the world essentially wants you to fall in line with everyone else. That is what has to live in a soft society.


Although these temporary hurdles can lead to a mind that is closed like a roadblock, we must not allow the mind to be swayed by the convenience of lies. I am not sorry when I say that if you look in the mirror and are unhappy with yourself, it is your responsibility to change. This is not an opportunity to look in the mirror and say, “Oh well, I am what I am.” This mindset is no longer helpful today; we need the truth.


This means we must be discerning in what we consume. I am talking about the foods you eat and sources like the news, social media, and others’ opinions. Remember, there is nothing wrong with having beliefs and opinions, but when you start to listen to people changing your mindset away from your true potential, you must verify the information coming in to see if it is credible and helpful toward your journey. Critical thinking is a must when we are seeking knowledge and truth today.


Then we get into the following aspect: to surround yourself with supportive influences—mentors, friends, and communities that uplift and inspire you. This is why having a Life Coach or any kind of coach is so powerful. It is like having a warrior on your team fighting alongside you. We want to see you win, sometimes even more than you may want to win. This is why it is crucial to distance yourself from negativity that hampers your progress. Remember to cultivate relationships based on trust, respect, and mutual growth.


You know what to do when all the layers have been set. You have to remain consistent. This means you have to rise to the challenge, day in and day out. Those consistent steps do not always have to be big; you can start small and work your way up or even work your way down if you are burning out. I like to think of consistency as 100%. You would fall to 0% consistency from 100% in rare cases. For most people, it is a gradual decline over the years.


For example, one pizza or cheeseburger will not make you fat if you think about weight gain. Repeating that action will lead to bad eating habits and weight gain. This action can be stopped in its tracks if you bring some attention to what you are being consistent in and what you are falling out of rhythm in. This may be that you stopped going to the gym, and you are at a 50% consistency with your fitness goals. This moment should be a red flag, and you should create a plan if you have no reason to drop out or get a trainer to help you get back to 100%.


In a world filled with confusion, opinions, doubt, and lies, rising to your potential is not just a personal journey but a courageous act of defiance against the forces that seek to hold you back. By cultivating self-awareness, setting clear goals, developing resilience, seeking knowledge and truth, surrounding yourself with supportive influences, and taking consistent action, you can chart a course toward a brighter, more fulfilling future. Remember, you do not have to go alone in your rise to potential. If you lack or need support, find someone or create a system to help you reach the top.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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