Mindfulness Vs. Mindset

This week as I was driving into the office, I was listening to a monk speak about money. He had some interesting points to make and allowed me to look from the outside in rather than from the inside – out. He was speaking about being mindful in your life when it comes to material goods. I know last week I spoke about To Be RICH, and this is not another money blog but rather a blog to help focus our mindset. Being mindful is closely related to your mindset. Both have a purpose, and both should be experienced each day.

Our mindset is the core of what we do, who we do it for, and why we do it. Your mindset is what will allow you to focus on the things you want in life with a steady focus. However, if that mindset is not developed, we will oftentimes use previous knowledge/experiences to base our decision. This is good and bad because wisdom/knowledge can be of great asset in life, but misinformed knowledge can keep you in a loop of ignorance.

Being ignorant is way better than being stupid. The definition of ignorance is not knowing any better. If someone comes to you with the wrong information and truly believes it is right, then that person is having a moment of ignorance. Most ignorance is backed with pride and stubbornness, and it makes it hard for some people to learn the lessons quickly. Are these people now stupid because they did not want to correct their false information? The answer is yours to decide, but it will all stem down to having the proper mindset.

The proper mindset is one that can adapt to many situations. The mind is a powerful thing, and we often waste its power on trivial things like TV, drama, or the latest fashions to buy and wear. I am not saying that you cannot look good, but are you being mindful of the things you have in your life? Is your mindset of someone who is just trying to cover up insecurities or trying to impress others who might not have your best interest in mind? Oftentimes, our mindset is not focused, and the first step to controlling your mindset is to be mindful.

To be mindful means to be able to understand what is going on inside and out. For example, imagine you are walking in the snow one day. Do you hear the wind blow and the sound of crunching snow beneath your feet? Do you see the new untouched snow in front of you? Did you look back and see the footprints you’ve made in the snow? Perhaps you feel numbness in your face, nose, and toes because of the cold temperature. Whatever you are feeling, you are able to be mindful in each of these moments.

Being mindful is about being aware of what’s going on right now. You can be mindful of all the people and things that you have in your life. You can examine the people who are close to you and determine if they are needed or if they are excess baggage that serves you no purpose. It sounds harsh, but what if we did it for materials? Look around your house. What did you need at one point that you do not need anymore? Maybe it is hidden away in your closet with the tags still on it. Whatever you come up with it should serve you in your life. Being mindful is to be aware of what you need, have, and are right now.

You can be mindful and still have a vast amount of material possessions. The state of mindfulness is realizing what you want, like, and need in your life. You might be a car collector and buy many types of cars. This type of hobby can actually create wealth in your life. Though you are acquiring more vehicles than any one person may need in their life, you are investing in a passion for your future. Just like baseball cards, a car can increase in value with age. It might take many years for it to become a collector’s item. The trick is not to let these material items take over your mind. Be mindful of why you have the things in your life. Make sure that what you have and who you keep in your life makes you feel unconditional feelings.

In my opinion, being mindful takes more practice and diligence than having a strong mindset. For me, having a strong mindset is as easy as making a schedule with strong/healthy habits and routines and making sure to complete the full schedule each day. Excuses can hinder a mindset, so I took out all of the excuses in my life. If I am late for a meeting, then I am late. It is not the traffic fault or the fact the meeting was scheduled during rush hour after my lunch break. There are no excuses in my world. If I do make an excuse, I catch it very quickly and remind myself that there are no excuses. The solution and problem start and end with me, so either I adjust to fix the issue or completely get rid of it.

The process of being mindful is to be in the moment. If you have been a long-time reader of my blogs, then you know that in order to be mindful, you must be here. What time is it? I hope you did not look at your watch/phone and find the literal time. The time is NOW, this moment! The only moment that truly matters. That is what mindfulness is. To be present in each step, breathe, bite, or think. The future can wait, but this moment cannot. Attain the mindset of being mindful can put you on a sure path to enlightenment. If you are not seeking to be enlightened, then what is it that you seek?

Being mindful allows you to excel on a whole new level. When you focus deeply, and truly you can accomplish great feats in your life. You can run faster, think more clearly, and work harder. There is no “what if” in your head because you are so entranced in the “now” that you have no interest in what comes next. Will Smith had a great line about being mindful. He said that a bricklayer makes sure he lays every brick as perfectly and straight as possible. Basically, he was saying that the brick was the moment. You cannot be worried about past bricks because they have already been cemented, and you cannot worry about future bricks because they have not been laid. He was saying that the brick you are working on now is the brick that matters most. So be sure to lay that brick as carefully and methodically as you wish before the cement dries.

There is always something going on in your life. There is never “nothing” going on. The next time you think there is nothing going on or if you are “bored,” why not take some time out to be mindful? Pay attention to your breathing. How are you feeling? Are you hot/cold/, stressed/relaxed, happy/sad, drained/energetic, or lost/found? Regardless of how you feel, you can choose to be mindful in each moment of your day. To be mindful is a constant battle from all the hustle and bustle caused by the chaos of life. When life brings you trouble in breathing, start to become mindful of your breathing. Why not let it out a little bit slower on the next exhale? Perhaps on you’re next breath, take it in deeper and be sure to fill your lungs. The next new opportunity is already yours, and you already hold it within you.

That is the mindset that can allow you to win. To understand that the next moment regardless of all the bad that has happened, can happen or will happen, doesn’t matter as much anymore. What matters is the steps you are taking now to better yourself and your life. The mindset to achieve at great levels and reach a higher potential. All of that that can be yours is awaiting you. If you can believe that you have something to offer, I can lead you to that belief. I can help you find the whisper inside your mind, heart, and soul that wants you to tell the world, “I am here!”.

Mindfulness vs. mindset are different but are closely related to each other. Just like peanut butter and jelly, mindfulness and mindset go hand and hand. When you work on one, you can be working on the other. Slowly and surely, you can take the steps needed to get you anywhere you wish to be in life. The only thing you must do is pay attention to all that you are right now and acknowledge that. Understanding where you are is the first step in figuring out where you want to end up. If you are not satisfied with where you are now, then you have the power to change your location. Your mindset matters, being mindful matters, and you matter. Change what you allow in your head, and your world will begin to change too.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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