Work In Progress

In a sense, we are all a work in progress every day. Some people focus on that more than others, but we are all working consistently on some aspects of our lives. Knowing this, I started to wonder why more people cannot reach success if they understand that there is always something to do or make better. I then began to see that the work I do is meaningful to me, but they might not see value to someone else. In simple terms, I will give myself a huge goal to complete in one day, while someone else might not be as ambitious as I would be. That is because some people only fill up their day with fun things, while I tend to fill up my day with challenges and things that benefit my future. In today’s blog, I will break down the different levels of a work in progress to become more aware of the work we put forth each day.

A work-in-progress schedule will tell me everything I need to know about someone. One of the first things I want to know when working with someone is what they want to work toward. Then I ask what a typical day looks like for them. These people make their day jam-packed with things they want to do, but the reality is that people fill their days with wasted time. This morning, I was on my phone because I didn’t want to write my book. I said out loud, “Why am I even on my phone, this is stupid.” It is easy for the brain to take it easy, take a break, or procrastinate when it comes to a meaningful task. The difference is that I love my work.

When you love the work you do, it doesn’t seem like you are doing much work at all. Each week I have a bare minimum of work that I MUST accomplish. If the work is not completed on Friday, I will stay up all night if needed to ensure the work is completed. Loving your work helps, but it is not the only factor in finishing your daily allotted work. I find that my habits are more important than the work I do. When I started writing my blogs, I wanted to form a new habit of writing. I knew that I would not write a book unless I could write a weekly blog. My weekly blog was the stepping stone for writing my first book.

Taking ownership of what is or is possible in your life begins with you. The habit of taking ownership helped me get on task when it comes to being accountable for the work I put in each day, but it required me to know my shortcomings to make them my strengths. I found that I work best when I have a set schedule and a defined outcome for the day. There are various methods of writing down tasks you want to accomplish; I just make a to-do list on my phone or a sticky note and attach a due date to it. These simple actions let me know what work I have to do and when I need to complete it.

The work I get done every day can be mimicked in your life too. The biggest factor to pay attention to is what type of focus you need. When I am writing any content, I need full 100% focus. My biggest distraction will be people and my phone. I have to make sure that I do not let either of those factors become a problem for progress. I have friends, family, and work constantly calling/texting me. I understand I am an important person, but when it comes to what you need to do, people will not see it.

I encourage you to set up times and expectations to put in focused work. As I said, we are all a work in progress. The difference between who you are now and who you can be is 100% up to you. If you want to influence and control your life, then you can’t keep the same lifestyle you had. If you’re going to evolve and reach newer heights, you will have to tell people what will no longer be allowed. In life, you cannot make people want to be great. Most times, people do not even know they live life on a lower frequency. These people are stuck in a field of mediocrity.

A work in progress is a simple step down of tasks and accomplishments you want for yourself. The first part is going to be knowing what you want to do. That is the part where you write down your tasks/goals. Second, you need to attach a due date to it. You will put yourself into a deeper hole if you do not hold to your due date. This is because a habit formed due to in-action or non-importance will poison your way of thinking. You will start to see your tasks as optional or a lower priority. Instead, we need to do the work we see as a high priority.

When you start to prioritize your work, you will finish more. You will not allow your workload to stay unfinished or complain that the work has no purpose. People fail to see the value of a day’s work. Even if you work at a company that doesn’t pay you much, if you give anything less than 100, you will find that when you want to do work for your business or your growth, you will not operate at 100%. I am not telling you to give every ounce of your being toward a dead-end job that doesn’t care about you. All I’m saying is that the pride you have in one job will transfer to your own focused work.

When you are working on the next big plan or idea, learn how to work more efficiently. Make sure you know your shortcomings and distractions before you start your next big assignment. If you have been putting off something for a while now, you will have to restart the process and make sure you do not stop this time. This is where having a coach can help elevate you to where you need to be. If you want to have a work ethic that will help get you where you need to be, you must unlearn the reasons and habits that you keep.

In conclusion, we are all a work in progress. We are going through the motions of life, trying to get out on top. We are doing our best to make sure we can make our life meaningful and full of love and happiness. We all want to be happy, healthy, and wealthy, but people are afraid of the work to get there. They do not remain consistent enough toward their goals and dreams, so they give up or give in. Operating at lower effectiveness will only hurt you in the end. I tell my clients that their old ways of doing things will end. People come to me because they know they will get results. If you want results, too, then make sure to fill your days with a consistent workflow so that you can make progress.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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