The Movement Principle

The Movement Principles is going to be a new concept I want to implement into your daily life. This principle will allow you to see any scenario in its entirety. I have found that people have created a subconscious way of thinking when it comes to goals and aspirations. Some people talk about a big game, but they do not show up when game time. These people are not doing anything particularly wrong, but they are missing out on a multitude of experiences in the world. Today, I will break down the Movement Principles and how you can begin to implement them in your life.

The Movement Principle is going to consist of strength, knowledge, wisdom, and determination toward the goals you set for yourself. I find that people can set goals in their life with little to no issues. However, when it comes to following that goal to completion, that is a different story. I can see this phenomenon happening all around. Whether coaching clients, friends, business partners, etc., there is an underlying basis for people giving excuses to validate their decisions. This wouldn’t be a problem, but these excuses do not hold the truth past the person’s lips spouting them. How can we use the movement principles to get past this common thinking mentality?

For many of us, thinking of a reason or validation for our actions will make us feel like we are still on the right path. I call this false sense of attrition – a movement penalty. In life, you will have many slowdowns. You might even come to a complete stop, but what keeps you going is the idea of your ideal future. What happens next is that you will validate what choices you make with believable reasons as to why you can or cannot do something. Doing that will tell your mind that you are still on task, but there is something that needs to happen or take place first. As you can see, this is another form of contingency taking place. One of the biggest problems we face in our society today is people putting off until a later date.

There is no perfect time for making the moves you want to in life. Yes, there will be times when certain actions could benefit from operating in a timely manner/fashion. We will not dive into this area because it will be unique to each person. If you are unsure about the timing and placement of goals in your life, you would want to reach out and hire a life coach. Besides that, we are faced with reality each day. We can choose to run toward our dreams or run away from them. The movement principles will help you run toward your dreams.

The first area in the movement principles is going to deal with strength. This is not only talking about physical strength but also mental fortitude. This area will help you push through any excuse or uncertainty you may be having. Having strong mental strength and mental fortitude will keep you focused on your end goal. Most people have a weak mindset that will give up and fold at the least bit of resistance. We have to learn how to become stronger when it comes to the outcomes of our actions. People like easy, but easy will not help you get to where you need to be.

The easiest way I have helped people gain more mental strength besides coaching with me is to have them find something they love to do and then do it religiously. The task that they choose to do has to be productive and provide some growth in their life. For example, going to the gym will create change in multiple facets of one’s life. A wrong choice to implement would be to increase your television watching time. Though you might like watching television more than going to the gym, you will not grow from watching television (and watching educational programs won’t help). The task should be related to your purpose of gifts in some facets. You just have to link the job with a talent or passion in some mannerism, so your mind can validate your choice.

The second area is the knowledge aspect necessary to accomplish a task. You can gain knowledge from a book, but it does not guarantee that you will use the acquired knowledge in a real-world scenario. The best example of this is if you read a book about learning how to ride a bike. You can read a book and gain all the knowledge you need to know about riding a bike. However, until you have real-world experience, then the knowledge you acquired is not going to be able to be utilized. That is where wisdom comes in.

The third area is wisdom which is the second factor in knowledge. Wisdom can be acquired from personal experiences or experiences from others. Wisdom can stop you from making many of the same mistakes others have made in the past. In a sense, we all go down similar paths in life. Though the trials are not the same, many features or aspects can be viewed from a wisdom standpoint. If you only equip yourself with knowledge, you are building up an array of weapons that you do not know how to use. Until you use them and gain experience, knowledge can only take you so far. However, if you gain experience and now have newfound wisdom, you become a stronger force.

In many areas having wisdom over knowledge is preferred. What I want you to understand between the two is that one requires more action than the other. That is the wisdom aspect because it causes you to go out and do rather than sit and stay. Sitting and learning is a critical components in education, but you will need a teacher/coach/mentor to solidify your learning when it comes to life. I think of this as letting the cement of a foundation for a house set/dry. If you do not wait for it to set correctly, you will have a house that can be compromised. The same is true in your life. If you only operate under knowledge or wisdom, you are compromising your goal.

In a sense, knowledge and wisdom must work together in the movement principle. If you are lacking one or the other, it does not mean that you cannot progress. It means that you are putting yourself at a disadvantage when you are ready to move toward your goals. I cannot tell you how many people believe they are not prepared for the next step because they lack some areas. Your mentor will be able to see things you cannot. I have been in the student’s shoes before. I felt I wasn’t ready when I was already shining. My own limiting beliefs and comparisons to my teacher caused me to feel lesser than I was. It will take a great mentor to give you all you need.

The final area will be the level of determination you have toward your goal. Most people will go through life saying all the things they want to accomplish. The sad truth is that many people will not be able to make that happen. They will talk the talk, but they do not show up when it comes time for action. This is because the amount of effort and determination do not match. The best things in life will require a large amount of effort, requiring you to have a large amount of determination.

This type of determination will be the final and maybe the most important reason to reach your goals. I find that people start strong but fizzle out before they can make it to the end. That is a mix of habit and the rising challenge effect. The increasing challenge effect is something our mind focuses on when it starts to see a task as rising in difficulty. The brain is naturally lazy and will do anything in its power to not emit any extra energy or effort. That then sends your subtle brain cues to give up or not pursue a goal further. Many people will chalk it up to a higher power or it not being their moment to shine yet.

When it comes to determination, no one can take that away from you. However, failure does have a waning effect on the resolutions we hold. That means if you do not know how to deal with or cope with disappointment, negativity, or challenges, then you will succumb to the mind’s natural tendency to give up. To get around that, we must learn new methods to remain active in seeking our goals. Me, I am naturally stubborn. I have learned how to use that personality trait in my favor and help me reach new heights in life. I understand that if I cannot remain determined on the outcome of what I want for my life, then I will not get there. I cannot leave it up to my friends and family to get me there, so the only person I can point the finger at to get the job done is myself.

The Movement Principle is a four-step process to help you keep moving toward your goals in life. Each section plays a role, but you will favor different steps more than the others, depending on the situation and personality. You do need to have some mix of each to the fulfillment of your ambitions. Suppose you could think of this process like a mutual fund or index fund; then you will know that several pieces make up the whole. The ratio of your mix will be different than others, so you do have to take some time to figure out what balance you are working with. If your ratio is off, then that is why you are not able to accomplish your goals.

If you need help finding the correct ratio for you, you can always book a session, and I can walk you through the process. The process is geared at seeing how you operate and what results in you have achieved and failed to achieve. Sometimes tweaking a ratio of a few points can be the key to the progress that was locked away. There will always be a reason you have not reached the places you want to be in life. Some could be others’ faults, but the majority of the blame will fall upon you. Make sure to find the balance between this process and what works best for your lifestyle. When you can do that, you will see that the tasks you put forth will be completed without procrastination, excuses, or prolonged hardship.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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