Quiet The Mind

Are you able to quiet the mind? Most people are addicted to thinking. They overthink frequently, and when they wonder why they are stressed, they do not know the real reason why. In our current society, people have the habit of being addicted to information. Eventually, all that information acts as an overload, and now we have issues. Today, I will be talking about those issues and how you can begin to quiet the mind.

When your mind is loud, it becomes difficult to think. Though you will still operate under your character in beliefs, the thoughts you hold will lead you to a constant flux of identity. Information can be helpful, but the same is true if we flip that around. Wrong or negative information is just as harmful as hate. Though you will not experience the same type of fiery passion hate brings, you are putting your mind and body at risk for burnout.

This burnout that will come about from allowing your mind to run rampant is different than the burnout you will feel from being overwhelmed by a busy schedule. The burnout associated with thinking is 100% our fault. This blame cannot be placed on society or the state of the world. I have so many clients whose mind is going 120 miles per hour and wonder why their lives turn to shambles when they crash. Losing control at that speed is dangerous and can cause severe harm to your mental state.

The good news is that there is a way for the mind to slow down and for you to regain control. The way to do that is to quiet the mind to develop a new way of thinking. This new method of thinking will allow you to see multiple viewpoints and pathways for you to use. Doing that will enable you to see more choices than your natural reaction or tendency. This method will help you develop a new way of thinking that will be useful in asking the right questions and taking the proper actions.

When I first started to learn how to quiet my mind, I tried to force myself not to think. It was difficult at first not to allow any thoughts in my mind, but I achieved the result for a few minutes at a time. As time went on and I learned more about the human mind. I realized that forcing the mind to be quiet is not the most efficient way to help the mind slow down and focus. I recall one time in my earlier years practicing mindfulness when I had a friend meditate with me. We did it for only five minutes, and after the timer beeped, she told me she had failed miserably.

I asked her, “What was the most challenging part of trying to quiet her mind?” She responded that she felt that I was trying to change her. I found this interesting because she could live precisely how she was living, not affecting me. I started to think deeper and what she meant, and the best solution I found was that I was helping her brain restructure itself. That restructuring would be a massive change for anyone who has not practiced meditation or mindfulness. The brain will naturally reject this process in the early attempts to quiet and control the mind. That is because the brain understands how much energy and focus will be needed to enact this change.

The brain is naturally lazy and will do everything to stop you from taking action. Walking to the sofa and getting the remote are simple actions that the brain does not see as a challenge. The brain will do easy actions/tasks before it challenges itself. Well, I challenge you to challenge the way you think and start to take the initial steps to control your mind, and the first step to doing that is learning how to quiet the mind.

The best way I have found to quiet the mind is meditation. Meditation doesn’t have to be what you think it is. You are not a monk or priest who meditates several hours a day. The methods I use to meditate are more modern than they are traditional. I have a knack for turning conventional methods into modern ones to fit into any lifestyle that I choose for myself. Becoming adaptable, flexible, and translucent has helped my mind develop a unique way of thinking.

That way of thinking is to break something down into the simplest form and present it in a way that anyone can understand. That means that if I am tasked with helping someone reach a certain point in their life, I can do that by understanding the situation and then developing a strategy. During that process, I must quiet my mind to see all the vantage points and develop a plan for the next in teaching and learning. This technique alone is the reason why I was an effective educator. Though you may not want to be an effective educator, learning how to still your mind will help you focus on the craft you have a passion for.

We are accustomed to living in a busy and fast-paced society. Often we allow the world to take control of the wheel while we take a back-seat approach. I find it interesting that people get upset when they do not reach the destinations they want because they don’t give any direction. The world is a crazy place, and it is just becoming busier. I have found to slow down the pace of the world, we must slow down the rate of our minds. The meditation technique I use is breathing and mindfulness.

People can develop several breathing techniques, but we do not have to get that deep to quiet the mind. We can take the time to notice our breath enter our body and fill our lungs. Pay attention to the process as you breathe the air in and out. Learning to focus on your breath will give your mind a singular focus. Creating that singular focus will help the mind focus and slow down. In time you will find that your breathing can be used for other areas of your life, but today we will focus only on the mind. If you can control how fast your mind moves, you can slow it down to implement impactful change.

Mindfulness is the first technique I learned on my journey to controlling the mind. However, it is a powerful technique that can take years to perfect and master. By being mindful, you can take account of the entirety of how you are feeling and what is around you. If you master this technique, you will focus on elevating your skills and capabilities. Mindfulness starts with how you see each moment in time. If you know the moment as chaotic and loud, the mind will mimic the appearance. However, if you see the moment for whatever essence you wish, you can start to take control of what comes next.

The next part of living is whatever you wish it to be. Being able to quiet the mind will help you see the truth through all the chaos and fog in your mind. Learning how to quiet the mind is a simple method to help you become more purposeful in your day. If you can quiet the mind, you can create a focus that will help you change your life. I find that many people want to enact change in their lives, but they are unfamiliar with it. The best place to start implementing change is within yourself. Go into your mind and find your truth. The mind is loud at first, but if you can learn how to silence it, you will hear your destiny telling you what needs to be done. Start to quiet the mind today and find out what it is telling you about your future.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven LLC.

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