Mindset Principles

Mindset is the established set of attitudes held by someone. This means that a person can have one or multiple viewpoints on a given matter or way of thinking. There are many schools of thought when it comes to having a strong mindset. One school of thought is taking what you get and making the best out of it. The other is that you will not settle for less and go for the best outcome regardless of obstacles and challenges. Is either of these mindsets wrong? Of course not! Any mindset you hold will either help you or prevent you. You have to come to the conclusion of what you want your mindset to accomplish. In today’s blog, I will speak about a new concept of the Mindset Principles and how you can use them in order to get a life worth living.

The Mindset Principles are a set of thought processes that are available to anyone who is seeking change. The keyword is that they must be seeking change. Typically, people need trauma in order for change to occur, but that doesn’t have to be the case. People can apply these mindset principles and start to implement the change they want to see in their lives. However, to make these changes possible, we must know how our brain works first.

The brain is naturally negative. For example, if you ever receive a notice that someone needs to talk to you, your brain will typically tend to go down a spiral of the possible news to come. At first, you might think about a negative conversation or outcome, but the mind does have the ability to be positive too. Now, in order to see the positive more than the negative, it is a flip of the switch in the brain, but it requires work. That work will be the practice of developing the habit of positive thought direction. Once you notice your mind go down the hole of negativity, you have to stop yourself and think about the solution or the positive.

In order for the positive to become the positive outlook, you do have to know that your mind will go in the direction you are facing. If you are thinking about the negative, you will go down that road of negativity. However, we can start to look in a positive direction, and we can start to head toward a positive result. That is the first step because what we need for change is trauma or a belief in the truth. That truth can come from others, but that is typically a temporary factor for many people; think of motivation. A better solution is to change your beliefs and create new truths in your mind.

The Mindset Principles will address this creation of new thinking. The path to changing your way of thinking is to control the input you consume on a daily basis. In this world of fast pace living and attachment to technology, we have become overloaded with input. That input will be strained through our minds, and we will be left with a mound of knowledge that we must shift through in order to take what resonates with us. The problem with that is that we are conditioned to follow the crowd, even though it doesn’t lead us to a “better place.” We believe that since the populous is going in a particular direction, we must do it too.

The direction the world is going in mass will typically be the wrong direction. There is a reason why the top 10% of people hold about 70% of the world’s wealth. What that does is create a scarcity mindset for the 90% of people who have to fight over the remaining 30%. That means that regardless of how these people think, they have to fight over 30%. However, you have the choice to be a part of that 10% of people in the world. You will have to the world’s commit to that goal and the process to attain it. The act of shifting the mind is actually simple enough for anyone to follow.

That shift will require someone to be by your side. This is necessary because you cannot change with your current mindset alone. You will need someone to hold you accountable and show you your blind spots. The good thing about this mindset shift is that it will not require any trauma. However, this process is more difficult to achieve if you walk the path alone. I wish I had known about this process before having a trauma because I sought change. Now, I want to share this method with people all over the world so they rise to a mindset that is powerful and full of abundance.

The primary thing to understand about these principles is the following:

  1. You are the person who decides what your beliefs and truths are. If you allow others to influence your way of thinking, you set yourself up for failure.

  2. Suppose you do not like what you have, then find out what you want. People will see what they have and label it “good enough.” Then these same people will hate people who are in a better place or have a different mindset in life.

  3. You will have to overcome a series of challenges to raise your level of mindset efficiency. This mindset of efficiency states that your mind will work to be more efficient in thinking and using time. This is going to deal with your laziness, procrastination, and fears.

  4. You will have to layer multiple mindsets and formulate rules/guidelines to follow to remain in that mind-state for the long term.

When you have walked through these steps to develop a mindset that will help you, it is up to you to maintain it. The mindset principles will constantly change and evolve because of how our world operates. We are traveling at the speed of light in a sense, and we have to adjust our mindsets to remain in the right direction continually. It is the same when driving a car. You will have twists and turns on the road, and your mind will have twists and turns to navigate. This means you must be in control of your mind so that you can steer it in the proper direction.

If your mind is easily influenced by others or what is going on in the world, you have to overcome that tendency. You must become the person in control of the input that comes your way. So what are the Mindset Principles, and how can they help you? Simply put, the mindset principles will be flexible mindsets that adapt to any and every situation. This mindset will change when it must, but it will be the navigation that helps you reach your destined place in life. If you follow these steps and make an effort to continue to mold your mind into an unstoppable force, then there won’t be anything that can stop you. This will help you live the way you dream.

One of the first things I do with people interested in changing how their mind moves is to allow them to share their dreams with me. We create a dream and a vision of how they want to be living, and we formulate a plan of action. Of course, your brain will get in the way, and what I do is redirect that thinking toward what you are going after. I often get asked if their view is too big or right/wrong. I tell them that as long as they can believe in what they are doing and it leads to a positive outcome for the world, they should go after it. The trick is to bring about a positive change in the world and not only in your life. I then get asked about people who are delusional about their truths, and those people I tell are not yours to change.

When someone has a truth that they attain that is false or doesn’t bring about positivity in the world, delusional people will be a short-lived mindset. We cannot make anyone change. However, we can make sure we have control over our thoughts, feelings, and actions. When people try to shove their opinion down others’ throats, it will create tension and resentment. That will act as an anchor if you are changing people to your ways. I offer people an avenue to implement change, but it is only available if you are ready for it.

What we must create to make these mindset principles effective is a set of rules or guidelines that must be upheld. For example, I have rules about how many days I need to go to the gym. Those days are mandatory and not up for negotiation. If they were, I would choose the lazy road and eventually fall into a habit of not wanting to work out. I do this in almost every area of my life (such as work, family, and relationships), and what that did for me was create multiple principles in the respective regions for me to follow. Understanding those rules and guidelines keeps me honest and accurate about my destination in life. Though the road is long, I am confident that I will reach the goals I set for myself.

The idea of the mindset principles is to instill mindsets into your life that will be a tool for change. These mindsets will help you reach goals and become a better person for following them. This change does not come easy, and if you need some help, you can head over to my website and sign up for coaching. Getting a coach to help you reach a different way of thinking is your choice entirely. I encourage people to seek more in their lives and not settle for what life throws at them simply. Understanding what mindset you need to move forward will be essential for your future. If you want to reach great heights in life, it is possible! Do what you must to get your mindset principled and focused toward your best life.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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