How To Stay Afloat

If we look at the world’s current state, we will see that many people are not happy. They are fighting for air to breathe and are trying to stay in the fight. Whether it be personal or financial hardships, everyone is feeling the pressure, and we have to figure out what to do before the time comes when we are over the deep end. Today, I will also touch base about depression amid a recession and impending difficult times. Right now, you might be struggling to pay your bills and are trying to figure out how you will make ends meet. Let’s get you started on the right path to deal with any emotion that may arise and how to get out ahead of this mess.

The state of the world is not in the best shape. This is not me being pessimistic in any fashion. We can look and find out that people are struggling in these times. What I do as a mindset coach is promote forward-thinking. I look beyond today and start to look into the future of what is possible and the time I need to make it happen. I can see immense growth now, but I will have many hardships to overcome. Many people know the struggle before them, and it becomes debilitating. They would instead choose to stay where they are and not take action.

This is a huge issue because it will create that helpless feeling if we know we should be taking action. That helpless feeling is going to be closely related to depression. Though you might have a good life and things are ok, it will become evident that the future is not looking up for you. You will see all the work and struggle and refuse to take action. Even if you subconsciously choose to move, that intention will die out in time. The reason is that people are struggling, and when you are struggling, you are expending more energy unknowingly.

When I was a swim coach, I would teach people how to swim effectively. The definition of swimming is to be able to traverse through the water. That definition doesn’t talk about swimming gracefully or skillfully. As long as you can move through the water, you are swimming. If we apply some standards to the level of proficiency we want to be recognized as good swimmers, we will know that our bodies must be in control. That is also true with our thoughts, feelings, and actions. They have to be in control; otherwise, we will be flailing through the water, thinking we are doing a good job.

When a student made unnecessary movements while swimming or splashed the water, I told them they were “Drowning with Style.” I teach them to have control over their body and actions. Once they have the power, we can make further progress in swimming, and the same is true in life. Right now, people do not have control over their life. They are flailing and splashing through, wasting energy, thinking that they are doing meaningful work. I am not sure how barely surviving is meaningful. We need to get out of that mindset of accepting what the world gives us and going after what we deserve.

The majority of people in the world will choose complacency and their comfort zone before taking any actions toward a better self. The reason is poor habits, the fact that they do not know what is possible, or they do not know where to start or how to get it. That is why having a coach by your side will be one of your most excellent tools in changing who you are. I like to think of coaching as a two-person team. It is a 2v1 scenario where it is us against the world in this situation. Our goal will defy the world’s rein in control and get the winning outcome that we are looking for. We will find where we have been wasting time and energy and make adjustments in this process.

Staying afloat is more than just making a comfortable living for you and your family. We can look past what staying afloat implies and go after a different and more meaningful meaning. When we imagine staying afloat, we can barely fight the wave from us going under. We are not in the best situation and should change in this sense. Why would you struggle for air when instead, you can make a change to become buoyant and float on top of the water without unnecessary struggle? The keyword here is unnecessary because we should seek challenge and fight. After all, that will bring future growth. We do not want to waste our energy and time with no momentum or progress.

Many people mistake movement for progress. Just because you are making noise or not dying does not imply that you thrive in life. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. One of the significant factors of highly successful people globally is using their time and energy to promote growth and momentum. They do not waste time thinking, waiting, or taking unnecessary actions/movements. That is where the majority of people are in the world. They find something that drains their time, energy, and money, and they continue to allow it into their life. The change that needs to happen is that people have to do more than survive.

If you want to start to make an impact on your life, you will have to become more purposeful with each new thought and movement you make. Drowning with Style shouldn’t be the bounds we operate under because it is what we have in our life. We have to understand that if we are not happy with our lives, we have to figure out what needs to happen or make the changes to bring happiness. If you do not like your job, leave it and find something passionate about. If you are in a toxic or unhealthy relationship, find a way out, and make sure not to repeat that mistake. If you are in a rough place with your finances, figure out a plan to make ends meet first, then start to push forward. If your world is on fire, it is up to you to douse those flames.

After making the necessary change, you can start focusing on your destination. It is difficult to progress forward if you barely make it right now. Not only is your subconscious mind not confident you can make progress, but it is exhausted from wasting energy and making choices that will only help the present you. We live in a society where people would rather have instant gratification than put in the work. That will make it difficult for the mind to see the way out. That is where coaching becomes invaluable. You cannot be operating under the same bounds and expect a different result. People would wait for luck or someone to come to save them before taking action themselves.

Simply staying afloat is the wrong way to go about living life. We have to become more purposeful and regain control of our actions and intentions within our life. If you are the type of person, who allows complacency or circumstances to dictate your bounds, you have to get out of those habits ASAP. If you are uncertain how to do that, you can hire a coach to help you get out of your old ways and into a new way of living. The amount of stress you are dealing with now is more than likely unnecessary, and you have to stop thinking that enough is enough. Go after your wildest dreams and choose to be proficient and efficient in the time allotted to you each day. There is no reason to feel like you are about to drown in life, so let’s learn how to swim, learn how to fly, and go after a life we would rather have.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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