How to Make This Year Your Best: Just Start

The New Year is underway, and I already see people falling short of what they promised for the year just a few days ago. I understand life can be difficult, but having the habit of dreaming with no action is unfitting for someone who was meant to be great. People fail to see their worth, and they do not do what they need to do to grow and become better. If that is the case, how can we start to change that? How can we get more people on board to a better self? In this week’s blog, I want to talk you through how to make this year your best year yet!

To have a good year, you must have a goal you have set. Each of your dreams should have an action plan involved with it. If you do not know how to create an action plan, head here and sign up for a free coaching session. The lack of planning is the number one reason people fail. The second reason is accountability toward the goal. Lastly, the mindset is the reason you are not where you want to be. Typically, your mindset will be at the forefront of your actions. However, it is easy to let your mindset operate down the line around New Year’s time. This is because you have a world of inspiration, hopes, and dreams that drives you. This creates a motivation driver that does not need to include a mindset to be effective.

Determination will drive you once your motivation runs out, but that is stepping into the realm of what mindset is made from. I teach people how to tap into their latent potential and see solutions instead of problems/obstacles. It is easy for us to give up or throw something away that isn’t working. What takes courage and effort is solving issues and overcoming situations. Developing a mindset that is geared toward getting things done will be your greatest asset. Addressing your mindset to make this year your best is a momentum thing.

People think that if you change your mind to being more optimistic than pessimistic, your dreams will come true. That is true to an extent, but the subconscious mind doesn’t work that way. It is similar to saying you will be a millionaire tomorrow. You can apply a series of mantras and affirmations to get you in the mindset. However, if it doesn’t come to you at a particular time, do you keep on dreaming, apply different actions, or pivot? Each method can get you where you need to be, but you are the one underlying commonality between them all. How badly do you want the life of your dreams?

The reality is that many people do not want their dream life as much as they want to remain comfortable. If your comfort zone is holding you hostage, you have to find a way to break free. Many of my clients struggle with breaking free alone, so they reach out to me to help them escape. With the amount of experience and skills I have attained over teaching and coaching, helping people get out of their slumps is second nature. I know firsthand how a comfort zone can stop you from achieving great things in life. I will say that attaining a life full of abundance and prosperity is not for the weak. It will require more work than you have put forth yet in your life.

Starting with your goals and then creating a plan is the easy part. After we have that set, we have to monitor progress and growth continued and make any adjustments that need to be made. People think that once they know what, they set off to go on the journey alone. You can reach your destination alone, but I have seen more people sway from their path and fail to reach their goals. I understand it is an investment to hire a Life Coach to help you along the way, but we must get you to the best version of yourself ASAP. Continuing to allow excuses and contingencies to rule your life has to end today!

The longer we wait to make this year the best year, we are increasing the likelihood that we will waste another year living in mediocrity. I am not forcing you to reach for a life of success, wealth, and happiness. What I have found over the years is that some people are so warped in their way of thinking that they cannot be reached with words alone. These people need an event to happen in their life before they seek to change. I encourage people to develop into naturally-changing people rather than forcing something they may not even want to have in their lives.

Just starting the process to be more than you were the day before is a great place to start. However, some rules must be followed. The first and most important rule is that you will not allow your circumstances to dictate the possible outcome. This means that no matter what happens in life, we will look for opportunities and growth. The second area is to remain accountable for your actions. For example, if you wanted to get in shape and said you would go to the gym every day, it is your responsibility to make sure that happens. If what you plan to do is not working or you fail to complete the plans for the day, you must be willing to make adjustments.

I help people make adjustments through constant communication and guidance. Life is easier with a life coach! Many clients relay how excited they are to tell people they hired a life coach to help them with their goals and projects. They always tell me they wished they got a coach sooner, and I told them I was in the same boat. It wasn’t until I assembled a team of coaches and mentors to help elevate my life. Since then, each day has been better than the day before. Now, I am not saying that every day is perfect or 100% efficient, but I know to take another bite of the whole pie. Eventually, the process towards completion is noticeable with time, and it helps to motivate you to attain small victories each day, even if your world is on fire.

If your world is on fire, it is time to hire a coach that can help extinguish the flames. I continue to learn from educators and people in higher positions than me. The goal is to accomplish what they have accomplished in half the time. If I aspire to be where someone is in half the time they took, I am setting up my future to reach greater heights. My mentors and coaches have the road map to the success I seek, so it only makes sense to follow the directive from people in a position I aspire to reach. The same is true with your year. Find people who have reached the goals you have planned out. Have them help you stay true and focused in your endeavor. Just start the process, and the rest of the year will fall into place.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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