How to Deal with Doubt

Doubt is just an excuse not to take action because nothing should stop you if you want the result. However, many people allow doubt to be the reason why they do not go after something or a better life. Getting rid of that doubt will help you achieve the life you dream of having, with no roadblock impeding the way. We have to learn how to rise to any challenge and allow our minds to remain strong and resilient. We are powerful, and doubt relinquishes that power from ourselves. We must instill ourselves with certainty and vigor so that we can go after all the things we want to in life.

Fear and doubt are two of the biggest obstacles you will have to deal with in your life. I have several articles about fear and multiple articles on doubt here. People still come to me and ask how to deal with doubt. I understand the idea of doubt and fear about why people do not take action, but what is the excuse when people have the tools to get the job done?

People do not have faith in their abilities to succeed. They have forgotten how powerful they truly are. Today, I will remind you of your power and share with you a faith that is unshakable if you build it correctly. People must be willing to change the things stopping them from becoming more in their lives. That will be to learn how to trust and be confident in who you are and in who you can become.

In order to get rid of doubt in your life, you must be willing to believe. I tell clients that in order to accomplish any task, it will require a set of beliefs. Those beliefs will determine if you are able to reach your goal or if you won’t. There is a trick with this because that belief doesn’t have to be your own. The belief can come from someone else. That means that you can achieve things in your life and not have the belief yourself. However, if you don’t believe in yourself, you have to have trust.

When I was a swim coach, I made sure that I built trust with each of the students. The reason for that trust-building process was to help them get over any fears they had or were creating in their mind. Swimming is a two-step process beyond basic body movements. The first step is to learn how to not fight with the water. The second step is to trust the instructor or themselves (getting rid of doubt). These two steps seem simple at first, but if you fear water or do not have too much or too little faith in your abilities, you will have a more difficult time swimming.

The same thing can be said about our goals in life that we have doubts about. How will you get to the result if you cannot trust yourself or someone else? If you’re living in fear and being timid, you will begin to develop a type of  Hope Syndrome. The Hope Syndrome is when you think of luck as being a variable to reaching a life without fear and doubt. This will cause you to believe that there is a chance you will not be able to get out of your feelings and your teachings, which in turn causes you not to take action. If you continue to place faith in something/someone with unfocussed action, those doubts will weigh you down and stop you from taking action. The great thing about working with a coach is that they will help you with your unfocused actions.

Going back to the swimming analogy, we have to learn how to be buoyant, whether with support or without support. If you have support, that will be like having someone in your corner, like a life coach. If you are confident in yourself, you can hold both belief and trust in yourself. I find that many people who come to work with me do not have faith and do not know how to trust themselves. This is where the doubt comes into play, and they fail to take action. When they reach out to work with me, I tell them that I will have faith in them, even if they do not believe in what they are doing.

I know from experience that I do not need the client or student to believe in themselves first. In this fashion, it is similar to confidence building. The act of confidence comes after the action. That means you must feel unconfident before you feel confident. Once I give my clients direction and they begin to take action, it is only a matter of time before they start to see the results. It is like an epiphany finally hits them, and they realize what I knew all along, and that is that they were able to accomplish the task.

The task can be anything in the world, but doubt must be disproved before the subconscious mind will start to change. Depending on the client, the approach to getting rid of doubt will be different, but I tell them to follow me in “hope” that things go well. After some time, they will start to see the changes in their life. Some people need more time to get over doubt, and some people can change at the drop of a dime. I have noticed over my years of teaching and coaching that I must be able to represent the example of the outcome.

That is why I make sure that I am in the right mindset when working with clients. Steel sharpens steel, and I know that I have to be present and able to coach people toward a better future. Now, there is a truth that will only come from within you. That means that you can fake it, but it doesn’t mean you will make it to the mindset you wish to have if you cannot change your programmed thinking. I can coach you for three months, and the results are dependent on you. I do not doubt that you are receiving the best coaching available to a person, and if you want better, you have to be ready for better.

Most people think they are ready to achieve a life filled with passion and strength. However, most people are not willing to work to achieve their goals. This is both the doubt coming in and taking over and them realizing that their comfort zone is not all that bad. Though they are not 100% happy, they will accept whatever life gives them and call it a day. What I do is help people push past the idea of settling for less. Doubt cannot live in the same space as progress in the long term.

If you are skeptical about coaching and have doubts by saying, “someone can’t help me,” this is just an excuse people create not to take action. You will not go to your doctor and hope they can help you. You have faith and trust that they will heal any ailment you suffer from. The same is true with your mindset and doubt. Henry Ford said, “Whether you believe you can or you believe you can’t, you are right” I like to go a step further and say that if you cannot believe in yourself, then believe in what I tell you. One of the central the that my company and I follow is to leave people in a better place than where I left them. That means that I will care for you the same as you should care for yourself in the sense of development.

Doubt doesn’t have to be something that sticks with you throughout your life. I have found that once you have built up enough confidence, then doubt will not be able to keep you down. I know that you might be in a rough place in your life right now, but it is your choice if you want to stay there. You can have doubts and move forward, but it will be at a slower pace than if you rid your mind of any doubts and start to operate under a thought process that you will be able to accomplish any task, no matter how difficult or challenging it may be. I believe that people are afraid and no longer accustomed to challenging work, so they fail to act slower; something happens or requires them to operate at a higher proficiency.

That doubt can be beaten by finding people who will nurture your mind to think and act more positively. I am a positive mindset coach who uses the mind’s tendencies to help people overcome fear, trauma, and doubt. It might seem simple to say that being positive instead of negative can change your life. I believe that is where the saying, “easier said than done,” comes into mind. That is because the mind is naturally negative, and we have to get out of that negativity that causes doubt in life. Easier said than done, right?

I have found that when doubt comes into my mind, I have to go against that feeling and invoke the opposite of it. This means that if I think something can’t be done, I just replace that doubt with the idea that it can be done. This simple action begins the rewiring of the mind, neuroplasticity. Once you can change how you think about all your doubts, the only thing left to do is show yourself it is possible. Whether you watch someone else do it, or you start to take the steps for you to do it. This is where the small steps surmount significant actions.

Doubt is placed in your head, and you are the person that has to evict it before it gets comfortable. Your brain has five seconds before it starts to get in the way and build roadblocks of doubt, fear, and limiting beliefs in your mind. That means that if you learn how to start taking action sooner than later, you will be in a better place not to allow doubt to rule your life. Dealing with doubt will open up so many more doors in your life and help you reach greater heights. If you have doubts about your capabilities, you can hire a life coach to help you move past your doubts and into confidence.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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