
The act of awareness for the mind can happen at any age. It is similar to being mindful in your days, but with the bonus of mixing in common sense and logic. Awareness was one of the big lessons that I learned as a child. My parents told me to look both ways, watch out for strangers, and mind my manners. Nowadays, we tell our youth not to text and drive, no phones at the table, and to stop playing video games and go outside and play. Throughout this blog, the goal I will be trying to make is to help you become more aware. That awareness includes what you see on the outside and what you feel on the inside.

The initial area of awareness that should be addressed is parenting. I want to address this awareness first because we can start to make changes in how our youth see the world through effective parenting. The reason for that is that those young minds will one day be adults and the leaders of the world. It is our duty to help them as much as we can be successful. This is not only because it will help them, but it helps us. We are living in a very reactive world right now. Those reactions do not always bring the best results. That is why I want to speak about awareness in not only what we do, pay attention to, and how we feel to start to make the practical changes we want for our futures.

Some parents fail to rise to the duty of what a parent should bestow upon their children.  That style of parenting has started to reflect on the shortcomings of our youth. This is not the case for every parent out there. If you are reading this blog, you are one of the good ones who teach their children right from wrong and how to live a strong, healthy, and happy life. The lessons that I will share with you today can help you and the young minds in your life how to be more aware. I understand how busy life has become, but that cannot be why we remain passive in our actions and visions. The reality that is around us is not always what we make it out to be.

The youth of the coming generation has formed a different kind of reality that is new to us. Teen (and even some adults) has created a type of reality based on technology. These people have to be on their phones, in front of the television, computers, or have some kind of electronic helping them “not be bored.” These realities keep them blinded by what is going on around them. They have so much going on that they forget the small things. Those things can include a home-cooked meal. The freshness you smell after washing your bed linen. It is those small things that many youth/adults have forgotten. Remember, life is not about the big things; it is the accumulation of the little things that add up to the best memories.

Being young in our current era is nothing like it was for us growing up. We did not have all these distractions to take away our focus. We had time growing up to feel the sand between our toes. The gentle breeze of the wind hit our faces as we barreled down hills on our bikes. The smell of fresh-baked cookies Grandma helped make on a Friday night after a long week of school. Those were the simple pleasures of life. How many of you paid attention to those small moments? Those moments happened so fast, and now as adults, we smile while remembering the good old days. What would you give to have some of your sweetest moments back?

Remembering the past serves as a great reminder of the small things that help mold us into who we are today. I know what it is like to be young and naive, and now through experience and wisdom, I know what it is to be an adult. We must start to take control of what we pass on to the next generation. We have to help them be aware of what is going on around them. Limiting focus to what is in front of them only will keep them in the little world they created. On top of that, our school system is failing and cannot keep up with the demand of our developing youth. That means we as adults and those who are parents must take control of how to be aware—not only being aware of our youth’s needs but also of what we need daily.

The majority of our days are made up of outside stimuli. When was the last time you had a rough day and told yourself, “Not today!? For me, I am going to have a great day, and there is nothing no one can do about it. That mindset has the power to help you become more aware by not allowing things to take away your focus. When were the last times you stopped and took a deep breath in and a deep breath out? (If it has been some time, I encourage you to do five breaths before reading on.) We often forget all the things our body does for us daily and, in return, allow stress to run rampant in our minds. The act of awareness is to notice those things that happen automatically, including the things around us.

There is always something going on within or around us at any given moment. Those things can range from each breath we take to what we see happening in nature. This is something that I started to pay more attention to when I was in college. It all started on my journey to enlightenment and to be more mindful of what was going on. At first, it was challenging to focus on everything, but with time, practice, and patience, I was able to see more in my days. That eventually let me do more because the hustle and bustle around me did not blind me. Time moves the same for everyone, and it is up to us to feel every second.

There is a difference between paying attention and being aware. Paying attention is listening/watching with the intent to respond. Being aware is listening/watching with the intention of feeling its entirety. Being aware of more than just one of your senses will help you become more conscious in your days. We have adopted a culture that is quick to do everything, like eat, sleep, work out, and have fun. What is the hurry for any of these things? When I was in elementary school, I would look at the clock to hurry home and do nothing special. Though most times I am sure I had some cartoons to watch or play with a new toy/game I received, it was always the next moment I was looking at. Now I know from experience that I was learning to live life the wrong way.

Many adults I speak with can relate to this idea of always knowing what is next in their life. That is why a good majority of adults like Fridays and despise Mondays. For me, I could care less what day of the week it is. I put in work every single day. The fact that I make working days every day has helped me stop wishing for specific days to come or leave. All days are days for something great to happen. All that there is to do on those days is to pay attention to what is happening. To bring back the slow paces of life and feel the wind or see the birds playing in the yard. There is so much to benefit from when you allow awareness to take effect.

Those benefits can range from an intrinsic standpoint and a safety standpoint. We have become accustomed to looking at the world through a lens/filter. However, the original raw scenery is nothing like the replication we made. I remember after I recovered from my Lasek eye surgery and how clearly I could see. I saw the world in HD, and it was terrific. The trees, sky, buildings, etc., looked different to me. I cannot even begin to tell you how I felt to see the world how I saw it. If I had to choose one word, it would be clarity. I saw the good for the good and the bad for the bad. I no longer glanced over things without paying close attention to them. The practice of awareness has helped me to remain in the moment. It has also helped me to become more mindful of what is going on in my life.

The act of awareness is the knowledge or understanding of a situation or fact. Often we can be blinded by our ideals and truths, which limit us to what we can see. Whether it is the quality of our life or the relationships we keep, awareness can be used to see more. Have you ever spoken to a good close friend or family member and asked how they were doing, to which they would say they were fine, but you knew that was not the case? Taking some effort to notice things that are out of place is similar to paying attention when things are right. That is why we must become aware of our breath and the life around us. We cannot continue to take things for granted because when the bad times come, we will have a more challenging time getting out of that slump.

Being aware of what is going around you can bring positive change in your life. That change is to notice more of the good that is happening in your life. Perhaps you see a child laughing and smiling as they play on the playground. You might see a proposal happen on the beach at sunset as you take your nightly stroll. In both examples, there was happiness and love to be seen/felt. Even though that moment was not yours, it was there for you to feel and believe in. To help you remember your sweetest memories that trump all the bad stuff that is going on in your world right now. Being positive is not only about reciting affirmations and believing in yourself. It is about experiencing the world for all it is, the good and the bad.

In closing, the acquisition of awareness in your life can bring about many good/healthy changes for you. Not only can it help you see more than what you see right now, but also what you are failing to see. The fact that you can read this blog is a testament to how many blessings you have in your life. You were able to wake up this morning and start your day. Though you may not be where you want to be right now, that is also an excellent opportunity to be aware of. Knowing where you are on the map is the first step to reaching your destination. The mind needs to know where it is before it can get you where you most desire to be. Let today be the day you share/teach your awareness with all the minds around you and watch how they evolve.


Until then

Michael Rearden

CEO of Reven LLC.

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