Focus “in” – Focus “out”

I oftentimes think back to when I was a teacher. It is not that I am living in the past or thinking about the good ole days; it is something else. That something else is being able to look inside yourself first. Learning how to focus inward has helped me to understand myself. Once I had a good concept of who I was and wanted to be then, I could focus “out” on my students. Being able to focus “in” and “out” helped create simultaneous growth between myself and those around me.

In order to be able to focus “in,” you have to be calm. You cannot let the world take you away from yourself. We oftentimes get so caught up in what we have to do, where we have to be, and what we have become. We all have responsibilities, but when will we begin taking responsibility for our life? When are you going to start to eat more consciously, work out more, spent less on material things, and love more freely? The challenge and fear of doing something difficult hinder you from learning and giving your fullest potential.

When you focus “in,” you are able to learn what your mind, body, and soul needs. At times, we can deprive each of these and wonder why we feel “off.” How can we turn ourselves back on? Just imagine you are walking in an unknown dark house looking for a light switch. You know that the switch will be on a wall somewhere and probably next to a door. This is a metaphor for life. We are lost in the dark, trying to find the lights, and cannot see where to go. Even if the door is right in front of us, we cannot see it without first turning on the lights.

Not being able to have faith in yourself hinders your focus. You want to find the light and go through the open door. The only thing you have to do is open your eyes and open your heart and believe. You need to have faith in your abilities so that you can make advances toward your most desired life. Remaining in the dark is giving in to pity and self-doubt. The life you dream of can be yours if you have faith. That faith is your light, and you get that by focusing within.

The world is in your being, and there is no need to go against that. This means that the answers, power, and determination already reside within us.  Rumi said, “What you seek, seeks you.” This saying is clear and to the point. You are what you aim for, and you will get what you strive for. If you sit around and wish and hope for a better life, it will not come. No amount of faith or luck will create immediate gratification in your life. You must be the example you want others to follow. You must be proud of the life you live and commit to massive action toward the results you want to have.

If waking up each day is a chore and miserable, then you have to reevaluate what matters. Many of us have to work and make a living to provide for ourselves, but that living doesn’t have to kill us. Living should be just that, living! Once you begin living or allowing yourself to “live,” then you will be the change you want to be in the world. You do this by first focusing “on” yourself and not letting outside, negative stimulus control you.

When you have mastered focus “in,” then you can work on the focus “out aspect. At this point, you should not have the typical worries many people have. You should not worry about where your next meal is coming from or the roof over your head. All the basic necessities you deem necessary will be taken care of. You might also have some nice things in life, but you don’t allow material things to rule who you are. No amount of material possessions can make you happier. Only you can do that by learning to love yourself and living a life you value.

To focus “out” requires a desire to help others. At this point, giving(focus “out”) will give you more pleasure than buying any new car or big house can achieve. I believe that if you are not in a place of giving today, then it is fine to work on yourself first. However, once you have reached that point of being stable and ready to focus “out,” then be sure to take that action. Give to others and help them reach new heights in their life. The feeling you get by helping someone grow is like no other. Money cannot buy that feeling, but if we are empty ourselves, it limits us to how much we can help.

When I was a music teacher, I found out that I could not help my class get better if I was not at 100%. If I ever tried to give less than 100% of effort and devotion, I could not reach my students the way I wanted. I wanted them to grow quickly, and I wanted them to have a strong foundation for all future knowledge. In order to be able to give 100% for the entire year, I had to make sure I filled up my cup first so that, I would fill up others next. This has become an endless source that was achieved by first learning to focus “in.”

The goal between focus “in” and focus “out” is to help others. You have to make sure you put yourself in a position to grow strong and be strong so that the fruits your bear will be sweet. When I was young, there was a pear tree in our backyard. When I saw all the fruit on the tree, I wanted it all for myself. I learned that I could not eat them all myself and would just let them all rot away. My great-grandmother, on the other hand, would take the ripe fruit from the tree and share it with friends, guests, and neighbors. I realized that the fruit you bear is not for you alone. Your gift, passion, and life are to be shared with the world. It is one of the sweetest lessons she taught me.

In conclusion, aim to produce the best fruit you can in life. You do this by first watering your own grass (so to speak). The grass is not greener on the other side, it is greener where you water it. You can water your life and soul by learning to focus “in.” Once your grass is looking and feeling good, then help others who might need some assistance. We are here to help one another. There is no hidden competition or agenda. Focus “in” today so that tomorrow you can focus “out.” Remember to remain calm, open to learning, and willing to give the sweetest fruits you produce to others.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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