The Spartan Way: Warrior Mindset

We have reached a milestone here at Reven Concepts. We have reached 300 episodes of our podcast Coaching In Session. This is a great accomplishment and a symbolic representation of what 300 means. If you are not familiar, a movie called 300 came out in 2006 about the ancient Battle of Thermopylae. The movie is loosely based on what truly happened in the history books. Today, I will not be correcting the inaccuracies in the movie but rather taking a lesson from the Spartans. From how they raised children to culture, what made Spartans powerful?


It should be known that Spartan culture was heavily based on military discipline. That discipline started at a young age for boys, and even once they were considered warriors, they continued to train and hone their skills. This mindset and culture are why the Spartans dominated Greece from around the 6th-2nd century BC.


As you can imagine, before technology and modern weapons, strength, and skill were major components if a city-state were strong and had an advantage in a region. The Spartans based their life and culture on the arts of military and discipline. As you can imagine, loyalty was one of the bases for military service because you needed to know that the warrior beside you had your back. These men trusted each other with their lives, and they honed their skills not only to return home alive but to protect and ensure the same for their warrior brethren.


This culture was masculine by every means, yet these warriors also had a gentle side that our modern male masculinity seems to shy away from. This development started at a young age when they were grooming young boys into men. This started at the age of 7 to 18. This holds to my belief in how parents should raise their children today. I separate it differently, but the system leads to the same result, A child with strong physical and mental fortitude.


I do not need to go into detail about how the children of our current generation are growing up. The last thing these children have is a strong physical body and strong mental fortitude. The reason is that they do not need to have these two strengths today. These areas will help them excel in life, but they are not taught at home or school, so only a few will stumble upon this gold mine.


The Spartan men knew that one day a Spartan child would be a Spartan warrior, so how they were raised accordingly to their future prowess. They would even go as far as to leave a child to die if the child did not show great potential to be a strong warrior. This was not about being cruel, but merciful to the child to allow them to die rather than struggle on the path of a warrior. As you can imagine, the mental fortitude you need to be a fighter is not for the faint of soul, you need a strong mindset to be a Spartan, and you need a strong mindset in our world today.


The Spartan mindset I will share today will not be for everyone. This mindset will only be for the people who want to create generational wealth for their families. Continue reading if you have never been taught about changing your family dynamic for future generations. You might want to join this movement to change your life and every future generation with your bloodline to follow.


The mindset that you need to create strong physical and mental will require much effort and care on your part. Similar to how a parent raises a child, it is a job that requires great sacrifice but can also bring about great benefits in the future. For example, one of the main reasons people had children in the past was not to love them but to have their children care for them when they got older. Today, we do not hear or see this enough, so that is why the rise of throwing parents into a nursing home is on the rise.


Regardless of why we want to start a family, we must understand why we want to create a family culture with this warrior mindset. This is because we live in a very different society than the past Spartans. There is not much need to raise a child to be a warrior or a dragon slayer today. Instead, raise them to be good worker bees and follow the agenda. However, This way of raising or allowing our children to develop will only guarantee job security here at Reven Concepts.


One of the main reasons Reven Concepts was created was that I saw the weak mindsets created in the school system. This is not the child’s fault because they are growing up with societal norms. However, those norms include them being weak in both physical and mental fortitude. This causes a rift in the child’s life and subsequent generations.


Though we can hope or bet that the environment will help future generations to be strong, it is not a sure bet, and with society as out of control, as it is, I wouldn’t leave it up to luck. As parents, we must learn to raise our children to be warriors. We cannot baby them for the rest of their life, so why not start them early on how to be a modern-day warrior? They do not have to be as strong as the Spartans, but why not get them to that level?


I have found the hidden key to raising the strongest children in the world. This can be physical and mental, but the system must be implemented by someone other than the parent. Even the Spartans would send their children away to gain their education and understand the culture. Think of this as a boarding school. Though this is not the method I want you to use, Understand that your job as a parent is to be the best role model for them and find them the best teacher/mentor.


Once you have found a place where your child can learn ways to attain a stronger mindset, you must continue cultivating their learning by creating a family culture that will continue to promote strong children. This task is easier said than done, with the divorce rate at 50% and broken households at around 33%. In short, raising a child in our world today will be difficult with the number of issues we may have to overcome or navigate through.


A child is only as strong as the mindset they need. If a child is born into a prominent family with all their basic needs and even the bonus of material things, then these children could be “spoiled” or “entitled.” Though that is not the case for every child, a spoiled or entitled child will develop a weak mindset if they do not learn hardship. For example, they say that the Spartan boys undergo tests by not wearing shoes or whippings, having only one pair of clothes, or sleeping on reeds to help strengthen their bodies and mind.


Though how they were raised does not have to be emulated in how we raise our children, we can see the pattern. A difficult upbringing will bring about a stronger-willed child. However, today, children with rough upbringings are lashing out because they do not have the core component of what the Spartan children had. That component is a good example of what it means to be a man or woman with a strong warrior mindset.


This is where I saw what was happening and knew I had to do something. I could make a difference in the world by helping parents raise their children to be stronger than the average and able to handle situations that would cause other children to fear or falter. The issue is that many parents need more time to notice how much their children are suffering. I do not know many children who would think, “ I want to be weak for the rest of my life,” so why are we raising them that way?


We must begin to instill warrior mindsets into the next generations. I am already doing that with the podcast and my coaching, but we have to make everyone aware to everyone in the world that it is up to us to develop a strong culture. That means we all must do our part to ensure we raise the strongest children possible. The result is, as I said earlier, generational wealth. That is where you will find that your circumstance does not have to be permanent, and you can change the trajectory of your future.


Though changing your future will be difficult, I am here to assist. A warrior mindset will take years to cultivate. Each mindset will be custom depending on the type of family culture you want to create. I have found that some people will unknowingly teach their children to accept the scraps thrown at them, but I teach my clients/families to not only accept what the world gives them. Just as the Spartans would invade the lands near them, so must we conquer the lands within our reach.


As a parent, I want the best for my child, and I know it will not be an easy road ahead for him, but I know what he is capable of. He has the entire world at his feet and can be an authoritarian or merciful leader. Regardless of which one he chooses, he will be at the top, and so should your family. If you want to learn more about how to help your child get into a true warrior mindset, begin with fighting training and daily mindset practice.


In closing, having a warrior mindset will not be for the faint of heart. The people who undergo mindset training must understand that many hard days will be ahead. Not only physically but mentally. We have to rewire how you think today to get you thinking about how you should think tomorrow. This journey can be difficult, so I recommend getting a coach to help facilitate the process of this mindset shift. You only have one chance to raise each child. Do not squander that opportunity to raise the world’s strongest child(children).


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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