Surviving a Turbulent World with a Positive Mindset

If you have been a long-time reader and supporter of Reven Concepts, I do my best to avoid drama and unnecessary politics. However, I will shift that perspective today because the era we are approaching for the next several years will be heavily based on politics. Though politics can be full of negativity and deceit, I hope to bring you a new mindset and the politics I will promote. Today, I will share how you can have a positive mindset in these turbulent times of politics and opinions.


When I write and when I speak with clients, I make sure to approach the situation from a bird’s eye view. It is one of the many reasons the logo for Reven Concepts is of a bird. I understand that not everyone will hold my ideals and opinions, and it is not my job to change people. What I do is help people live the life they truly want to live. Often, that is a life of purpose, fulfillment, joy, and happiness. Though it can be a winding trail, it is essential to take a non-judgmental approach, even if my views differ from others.


As you are aware, our world is constantly changing. There is much economic uncertainty and always seemingly another pandemic on the rise, especially around election times. This brings about many societal challenges and struggles that we must learn to cope with, but many people have had an increasingly difficult time with the changes in the world. This has caused our minds to find fault in logic, and when fear and irrational thinking begin, the mind cannot think clearly, causing turbulence.


The goal should be to qualify the mind to think positively, peacefully, and logically, but with the changing times, many people have taken a different approach to mindset. The whirlwind of negative news, financial instability, and global issues can create an atmosphere of anxiety and despair. However, it’s crucial to recognize that while we may not control external circumstances, we can choose how we respond to them.


The world has never been short of challenges; from economic downturns to political conflicts, natural disasters, and health crises, we are littered with problems that can weigh the mind down. Though technology is a wonder and has made our lives infinitely better, it has also caused us to become overwhelmed due to the massive amounts of information. Especially in these last years of politics, pandemics, and war, people have difficulty keeping up with the evolving trends and breaking news we hear daily.


This barrage of news might not have been a problem if it was more positive, but most news we listen to is negative. Often, the news will highlight adverse events because negativity will keep you watching longer, and thus, you will buy more due to fear, so it is about keeping you hooked so they can get your vote, dollar, mind, etc. This state of being will lead to powerlessness and unease, which is why mindset coaching is essential today.


It can be challenging to maintain a positive mindset on an uphill battle, but regardless of our environment, we can begin to make progress to make some changes for the better. This environment many people choose to reside in differs from where they should remain in the short or long term. In the last blog, I talked about the importance of your circles and who you keep in them. Choosing who you have in your life is important because the last thing you need is friends and family to give you more chaos when the world already gives you enough.


Though that chaos is something that you cannot control, what you can control is you. If you are stressed and overwhelmed by what is happening, you must determine what you will allow into your world. That can be news, opinions, anxiety, etc. I have found through the last pandemic that if I want to come out with a positive mindset, I will need to give myself more confidence because that is the key to longevity and health.


At the onset of COVID-19, many people were afraid to get it and die or get it and give it to a loved one and die from it. Death is a common phenomenon when it comes to COVID. If I said COVID was no more than a common cold you would recover from, people would stock up on cough syrup and keep on living. Our body has one of the best systems to fight off colds, and it has been keeping us alive for millennia. However, the news told us to fear because it was more than the common cold.


The news outlets say to worry about getting sick, even if you are healthy. The narrative is that you will die if you do not get a shot or a booster. This is mixed messaging because we know you do not need the shot to beat COVID-19 or prevent it. However, many people are still in this hysteria of getting sick and dying, but when you think of yourself as someone who can beat the odds and overcome challenges, you will begin not to be afraid of a little cold.


I understand that some people did lose their lives to COVID-19, and they were not a number used to lie about deaths. The fact is that the survival rate of COVID-19 is similar to that of the flu. What COVID sold with the cold is fear and a respiration issue akin to ammonia. This can cause serious health complications when mixed with mindset, which is why COVID-19 is today’s crisis.


More people today are afraid to get sick because they do not think they can get better. For example, you get up if you fall, but it’s the end of the world when you get sick. Imagine if you started to fall or trip, yelling and telling your brain it was the world’s end. Eventually, people will be afraid to walk without a cane, let alone breathe without a mask. Soon, they will be afraid to get wet by the rain if the news tells you that the rain has morphed into acid. The breaking point is near, but you must be aware of the cause, or you will be blindsided when it happens.


It’s natural to be affected by the world’s turbulence, but dwelling solely on the negative aspects can trap us in a cycle of negativity. Prolonged exposure to stressors and uncertainties can lead to feelings of helplessness, anxiety, and even depression. This negative mindset impacts our mental health and influences our decision-making, relationships, and overall well-being.


Strategies for a Positive Mindset

The Resilient Mind

  1. Limit Media Consumption: While staying informed is important, excessive exposure to negative news can be detrimental. Set boundaries on your media consumption to prevent information overload and its negative impact on your mindset.
  2. Practice Gratitude: Regularly remind yourself of what you’re grateful for. Cultivating gratitude shifts your focus from what’s lacking to what you have, promoting a more positive outlook.
  3. Mindfulness and Meditation: Engage in mindfulness to center yourself amidst chaos. These techniques will help you stay present, reduce stress, and promote emotional regulation.
  4. Set Realistic Goals: Break down your goals into manageable steps. Accomplishing small victories can boost your confidence and overall sense of achievement.
  5. Connect with Others: Building a network of others who think positively, it will help you focus on things that matter more than what the news is trying to hook you with.
  6. Change Because You Want To: Instead of changing because the news or others tell you, change because you want to. Do not change because of your circumstances; change because of a new realization of your capabilities.
  7. Focus on What You Can Do: Prioritize learning about your power and mindset so you do not become swayed by false and fear-based banter; you know your strengths.


Surviving a world filled with turmoil requires consciously cultivating a positive mindset. While hardships may be inevitable, how we respond to them is within our control. By implementing strategies, we can navigate challenges with resilience and optimism. Remember, a positive mindset isn’t about denying the existence of difficulties; it’s about equipping yourself with the tools to face them head-on while maintaining your emotional well-being. If you need help with these Concepts, reach out to us here at Reven Concepts to get some Mindset Coaching.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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