T.U.S Part 37: How To Transform Your Life

Currently, I am having an influx of first-time clients seeking coaching with me. Sadly, I cannot take on every new client because of availability. However, a common question I receive from people is how they can transform their life. The answer is simple, but it was coming up enough that I wanted to create a Tune-Up Series for my clients and any new people interested in coaching. This guide will help you get a good understanding of the process of how transforming your life in the next 90 days.

There is no magic formula for transforming your life besides needing 90 days. You might need more depending on your mindset on day 90, but if you can get to the mindset you need quickly and maintain it throughout this time, you hold a greater chance of transforming your life. What I mean by transforming your life is addressing how you can make your life better than it already is today. No matter where you are, tomorrow can be better if you allow it. There is just one thing you must understand before we begin the steps to transform your life: the quality of your mind must be positive to create significant and lasting change.

The 6 Steps to Transform Your Life

  1. Understand your WHY
  2. Develop a Personal Development Mindset
  3. Throw Out The Thrash
  4. Learn How To Be Mindful/Present
  5. Practice Gratitude
  6. Seek out a mentor/ coach/ guide

Understand Your Why

If you have been listening to the podcast, then you probably have heard my guest coaches talk about the “The Five Whys.” They refer to the reason or desire why you do the things you do. There is a reason why you can do something others can do, and that is because of your uniqueness. How you grew up and perceive things will be unique and cannot be replicated by anyone else. People may get close, but it will not be the same as what you went through, which makes you unique and what you can accomplish importantly. Finding out WHY you keep on living each day will give you an answer to move toward.

You should also see your purpose, passions, and gifts when you find your WHY. If you are unaware of these three after finding you why then a brief consultation with any coach should be able to help you. If you are interested in that aspect of your why and want to find it out on your lonesome, I have an article you can read HERE. To touch base on your purpose, passion, and gift will relate to the motivation and the relative ease with which you can do something. Typically when you find something you love, time seems to pass by more quickly. This is because when there is no mental struggle with time, we live in who we are meant to be; there is no mental struggle with time.

I find that many people find their Why in life but will choose something different. This can be because their why might be something that is not safe/secure, so the mind will go against your natural gifts and choose something easy and secure. Though this is not the end of the world for many people, it will significantly impact your future. The reason is that your WHY will be there every day when you wake up, but if you choose to ignore it, you have nothing to look forward to. That is when you will fall into a mundane routine that will not bring about joy in your life.

Develop a Personal Development Mindset

If you can fill your brain with knowledge and wisdom about growth and success, you will begin to notice how your brain naturally thinks and operates on a given day or in any specific scenario. What can make someone curl up and give up and som, one else rise to the challenge? The answer to that is the person’s ability to adjust their mindset. For many people, making adjustments to the way they think is a temporary thing, but if they could learn how to make that transition more permanent, they will retain a more positive state of mind for longer durations.

This positive state of mind will require a consistency many people are unwilling to do. Like how people must remain consistent with a diet or work out to see results, so makes the mind. If you can begin to fill your mind with positive things and be more optimistic, your mind will start to operate. That means that the mindset that we have right now can evolve and change with effort. The data put into our minds and the constant state of our thoughts must be positive and look at growth. This is where having a mind that can see solutions to any problem will start to peak.

When that happens, the mind will develop more substantial and permanent neuro-pathways in the brain. You rewire the brain to think a specific way. This is good because many people will look for excuses or have placed themselves in figurative armor because they have been hurt before. If they can look at personal development as growth and progress, they will be on track to develop a personal mind. 

Throw Out The Thrash

At this point, you should have gorged yourself with personal development resources and are now brimming with a newfound meaning in life. However, at this point, your brain is on the brink of overload, so you will have to eliminate the things that do not and will not serve you in your transformation. This is where having a coach plays a huge role. Often, people cannot see this area because it is a symbolic blind spot for many people. People try to save areas of their life instead of starting from scratch. Doing that can cause many issues in the long run.

When you try to save certain areas of your life instead of throwing everything out and starting over, you are susceptible to a relapse. Many people will hold on to things that are almost like a safety blanket, but in reality, they are anchors. Those things we keep, consciously or unconsciously, will keep us stuck, and the only way to get unstuck is to let go of everything. In this manner, I want you to think about having a garage sale. You might have items you have not seen or used for over a year, but it is off-limits when selling them.

When we start to limit what we get rid of, we run the chance that what we keep might not suit us in the long run. The process of throwing out the thrash is simple. You get rid of EVERYTHING, and then you start to come through what you need to live and build on. If you still need those Candles, you got from your friend’s wedding, then by all means, but that candle can very well be an unwanted attachment. Though that was just an example, I find many people have something they hold on to when they should be letting go of it. Now I want you to replace that candle with your current thoughts. Some of those thoughts are those candles that need to be discarded.

When you can throw out the trash in your mind and then in your life, you will be more accessible. You will create more space for you to grow and develop. It can be challenging to paint a furnished home because more steps are involved. However, if the house was empty, the painters could come in and do what they must do rapidly. This is the importance of this step. If you have a blank canvas or an open space to work with, you can work more efficiently towards a transformed life.

Learn mindfulness & How to be Present

Once you can get all the unnecessary thoughts and things out of your life, you will begin to live in the moment and be mindful of the “Now.” When you start to be present, it may feel weird because you are so used to being distracted, and now you are forced to pay attention. The only thing that should matter in this state of mind is the moment you are in. When trying to be mindful of the initial start-up, you will not worry about your friends, career, bills, etc. Eventually, you can be mindful and present anywhere and in any situation. 

To be mindful, the first thing you have to do becomes aware of the time and space you are in. You can even go as far as to understand that the moment you are in is one of a kind, and you cannot get this exact moment back. When you start to see things for what they are, it can be easier to appreciate them. People often notice this when they have more years behind them than in front of them. It is human nature to want to live; that is why being mindful will allow you to live life to the fullest.

The next area is going to be present in every moment you can. Though this may be difficult at times, you must try to be present at all times. Sometimes I get lost in the heat of the moment or the boatload of work I have to do. Regardless, I also try to appreciate those busy times because they help me pay attention to the quiet and slow times. There is a balance that we tend to favor. I like to work more than relax, so my balance has a more significant percentage of work. It is crucial to find your balance because it will make it easier to live in the moment and be present.

Practice Gratitude

Getting caught up with everything life throws at you can be easy, but we must find time to reflect and look at what we have and have accomplished. Many people get into the habit of moving on to the next task or goal with no time in between. These people miss the crucial part of celebrating their victory. If you fail to appreciate what you have, you understand much, even though you have an abundance. Many people in the world would have your position in life. If you are reading this, you have some electronics to read this blog. Not everyone has that luxury.

Seeing and appreciating things can be challenging, especially in a technologically based society. Since many people have cars then, we may take that for granted. Since the majority of people have cell phones, then they may take having a phone for granted. This is all the case until you are without the item you have taken for granted. This sometimes happens with people, too; we take them for granted. We typically won’t get to that point until we lose someone or are about to lose someone. Though this is natural in life, we can learn to appreciate our relationships.

Applying gratitude in your life will make you more aware of how you act in a given moment and in your days. When you are grateful, you will create a space for positive, love, and caring to happen. This is the missing piece for many people who have achieved crazy amounts of monetary success in their life only to find they are not happy. When they get to that point, they must apply gratitude and giving, and they will begin to notice life again. Life is within each of us, but we have to be able to pay attention to it. Being grateful will help you pay attention to your life can continue to transform.

Find a Coach, Mentor, or Guide

I firmly believe that getting a coach, mentor, or guide for the journey is vital to going places you have never been. The reason is not that you need one; instead, if you had one, you would be able to take out the guessing work and mitigate trial and error and excessive failure. Failure can be a good thing, but when you have a coach, you will have someone who has helped countless people and may have experienced the failures and hardships, so you do not have to experience them. Wisdom can be one of the best teachers, and when you have a coach in your corner, that is what you are getting.

It wasn’t until I found mentors and coaches I knew there had to be a better way. It was a no-brainer when I was introduced to people who had achieved what I wanted. They will teach you the ropes and help you become successful. Depending on what you are looking for, you can find the right person for the job.

Not every coach will be the right match, so research and find a coach you resonate with. If you are looking for a coach other than me because I am not your cup of tea, I encourage you to check out my podcast and find a coach I have interviewed, so you can get a good feel for them before reaching out to them. My goal is to help you transform your life; it doesn’t have to be through me. Find the coach that will help change your life for the better today!

In closing, if you want to transform your life, it is going to take some work on your end. You must be in the right mind and remain committed to the process. Make sure to eliminate any dead weight that may be holding you back. Throughout the process, continue to be present and aware of what you put in the world. If you are not happy with the results you produce, you must adjust and make the proper changes. Doing what you are called to and what feels most natural to you will be a sure way to transform your life. This is a higher sense of self, so you have to get past what the brain wants and start transforming your life in the manner your soul seeks.


Until then

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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