The Concept of Total Mindset

Total Mindset will deal with what type of mindset you are and the synergy it has with your purpose in life. As you are familiar with the two types of mindsets, growth and fixed, we must dive deeper into the next realm of mindset. The next realm will encompass a more comprehensive approach to how we should view our mindset. Though this is a higher level of thinking and state of mind, it is possible by anyone. The issue many first-time users face is that they choose a mindset based on current rather than future beliefs. Though that might be confusing at first glance, I will be breaking the entire concept down today.

What I do as a mindset coach goes beyond helping people with a specific area of their life. It can be challenging to explain what a Mindset Coach is to people who have never heard of one before or are unfamiliar with what they do. Of course, I do all the general jobs of your typical life coach, but what I do differently than many other coaches is by me being both the hero and the villain. You would have heard this phrase on the podcast as sugar and spice. I have found a perfect balance of push and pull that works great for any age. 

Over my years of teaching and coaching, I have noticed that people are simple. People want to have better things, and they do not want to put in the work. Even if you are filled with anxiety and worries about their future, they will neglect to take action due to their circumstances. This causes people to align their current state of mind with their future and authentic self. The issue with this is that though you are building up some experience of whom you will be, what I do is give you the finished product without you knowing.

I firmly believe that we have all we need today to be successful and proficient in life. What tends to happen to many people who do not believe this is that they are hardwired incorrectly during the developmental process. I go all the way to the roots of who you are and begin rearranging those wires to spark your mind differently. This process can scare some people, especially if they have a choice to allow change or run from it. Many people would rather have the mindset of living a comfortable life than struggling today. Well, the difference between the two is one will keep you in the same space your whole life while the other will change your entire world for the better.

If people would start to learn how to appreciate their struggles, then they will be able to see the future for what it should be looked at for, possibilities. Many people have a hardship or a challenge and would either quit or feign ignorance. Both results will not get you where you need to be, so I wanted to create a concept of the mindset that was more than who we are today. This type of mindset is very much in tune with our true selves, but what a total mindset can accomplish might be more than this blog will be able to represent to you today.

One of my top five strengths is seeing cause in effect for what it is and what it will be. That means I will not only see your current mindset, but I will see your future mindset. Your mindset has a path, but the path is different for everyone. I like to break it down into layers before wrapping it all in one fancy package called total mindset. That layering process will be the ability to break things apart with the end goal in mind. As a swim instructor, I would train every new student the same way from the start, but then I would shift to where they needed me.

I would look past their swim skills and into their personalities. Many flows can happen with anyone’s personality, and what I was able to do was recognize them all. That means I can see who you are, see where you want to be, and know what the next seven years of your life will look like. It takes me some time to compile enough of the data I need to make my final verdict, but the accuracy is scary because it is almost like I can read their mind. The best part is that I can do this all in the comfort of your home.

I know some people like my sister want an in-person experience, which is all well. We offer that for clients who have gone through the first month of coaching virtually. This is for them and me to strengthen the relationship past the starting point. Though this might not work well for skills like sports, it is perfect for psychology and personal development. The goal is to get the person in a state of wanting to change and then build them up to the point where it would be crazy for them to stop.

Often we look at how much further we have to go rather than how far we have come. That means we will look at our future self and mindset on the journey and cower away from the challenge and struggle. It is easy not to put in the effort and allow life to happen to you. What takes true courage is the ability to look at who you want to become and dare to attempt that treacherous journey toward the attainment of that mindset.

Though you might have the motivation today to reach it, it might not last if you do not apply the most critical aspect of the Total Mindset, which is looking at the final product. This will include your current and future mindset, your passion/purpose/gift, your character, and you’re why(the reason you do what you do). It will also encompass your belief system today and in the future. This is where the challenge begins because of what you would be like in the future. The answer is simple; you won’t unless you have a high level of the cause and effect trait. I advise getting a coach for the journey, but if you choose to go alone, expect trial and error.

Though this skill of cause and effect is valuable, it will not work if you have the wrong mindset. That means many factors must first take place before you learn a total mindset. For example, can you say you know how to swim if you go straight to the bottom of the pool and have to crawl to the edge? Maybe, depending on how delusional you are. So for purpose’s sake, we will not live in a fantasy world for a moment and say that to be a proficient swimmer, you have to have some adeptness in buoyancy, kicks, body movement, arm movement, and head movement.

The basis for total mindset is similar, meaning you must know how to live in the moment. This also includes being more present, more self-motivated, challenging yourself, and remaining optimistic. That process/journey will take many years to attain, but the result will prove all the years of effort and sacrifice. In those years of growth, you are never afraid to let go of who you are, who you will become, or what you will gain in the short end. That means you can see the bigger picture and choose that over a movie trailer.

It will become arduous if you cannot regulate your thoughts, feelings, and actions during this process. This is not to say you cannot feel it, but we often pity ourselves and sympathize with our struggle rather than telling our weaker mindset to shut up and sit down. Courage is a huge factor here, along with faith/belief. This is not in the religious sense but the knowledge that what you do is not in vain. Sometimes people will get the mindset, “is this worth it.” Well, the answer was always yours to speak. 

When attempting to shoot for the concept of a total mindset, you must have a clear vision of your future. Though it might be a far-fetched fairytale in your conscious and subconscious mind, there is another layer that many people will never reach. This is because they are unaware of it. That means we must learn several skills and unlearn our habits that are getting in the way of our growth. My recommendation to those looking to change their life without backing down is to find a coach or mentor you can travel with along that journey. You will learn more about yourself in that relationship than in several years of struggle alone.

In closing, the concepts I speak about will not be everyone’s cup of tea. It will require acclimation to learning to live in both the dark and the light and being able to reign supreme in each of them. Many people want to gain fame, but they are not willing to do the behind the scene work. They will not practice or fail until they find the perfection they were looking for. As time changes, so will your mindset, and it is essential to realize that change and keep what you need while shedding what you don’t. Total mindset is an intensive process that requires patience and skill, and if you are interested in attaining complete mindfulness, you will want to sign up for coaching at


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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