Surrounding Yourself with the Right People Creates Success

Achieving happiness and success is a universal aspiration. Still, it is something that only happens in isolation sometimes. The people we surround ourselves with will play a significant role in shaping our life. As the saying goes, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Choosing the right individuals to be part of your inner circle can be a game-changer. In this blog, we will explore the types of people you should surround yourself with if you want to lead a fulfilling and prosperous life.


I often speak about the power of positivity and how you should focus your mindset on that and surround yourself with it. That is why having positive and supportive friends will be crucial for your well-being. These people genuinely celebrate your successes, lift you when feeling down, and provide a shoulder to lean on during challenging times. However, we should only rely on them for some battles we face.


As you can imagine, surrounding yourself with friends who believe in your potential and cheer you on can give you the confidence and motivation to pursue your dreams, but it can also cause you to forget your strengths. Here I will present two schools of thought. If you want to go fast, you go alone; if you want to go far, you go together. The second is that if you rely on someone else to fight all your battles, you can only move forward when they are there.


An understanding that the people around us can play a huge factor in our success, but we also have to look at the opposite effect. It is great that you have positive people you can rely on, but you also have to have the mindset of handling your business. I did not say do it alone because that would defeat the purpose, but you must understand that a man that asks for help when he is capable will only drag the group down. Think of this like money. Would you want someone in the group that only makes withdrawals? No, you would want someone who adds something to the account. It’s not about the amount but rather the discipline.


This is where you can learn a lot from mentors and role models because you can see the blueprint without much-guessing work.  You want to ensure that you have the best resources along the journey to success, and mentors, role models, and coaches are invaluable. These individuals have already achieved what you aspire to accomplish to some degree. Their guidance, wisdom, and life experiences will be precious because they will offer insight and shortcuts to your goals/success. My mentors and coaches encourage me to push past my comfort zone or when I am not 100%, which has greatly benefited my growth.


As the saying goes, “Birds of a feather flock together.” Surrounding yourself with ambitious and motivated individuals can be incredibly inspiring. You want to ensure that these people are just as hungry as you, but the key is that you want people who want to see you win as much as you want. I have found that many people in my life who cheered for me did it when I was at their level. Being in the company of people with big dreams and working diligently to achieve them can ignite your drive to succeed. You’ll be more likely to adopt their positive habits and work ethic, propelling you toward success.


You also want to ensure these people can tell you the truth. If I am not showing up, I would like someone to tell me I am not doing what needs to be done. I know I would not like to hear it, but what I will do after will be to remedy the issue. I believe that people who provide equal value and constructive criticism are rare. These individuals are not trying to bring you down but rather help you grow and improve. Constructive criticism helps you identify areas of weakness and allows you to develop and become a better version of yourself, and that is what ultimately brings success.


I always say that if a person can come from their heart or a place of goodness, that will lead to a meaningful relationship. Though no relationship is bulletproof, you can get close. Compassion can play a huge role in this regard because there will be situations where a person might get knocked down, and you have to leave them there to learn. An example of that would be the loss of a loved one. It would be unfair to tell someone who lost someone they love to suck it up on day one. However, if this person has gone months and has fallen from their glory, then by all means, there are no compassions needed, only tough love at that point.


It could be tough for them to move on by themselves, but as a team, you can help each other through the rough patches of life. This will help foster a supportive environment to share joys and sorrows, especially for me, more readily. As men, we are raised to hide our feelings and must do that to some degree to protect ourselves. The people you have close to you should be there to have your best interest at heart. However, the one rule I have for men here is not to allow your spouse to be your emotional support. Sometimes it can be fine, but making it a no-go zone would be easier.


Even though your wife/partner should be the person you surround yourself with, because of the repercussions that can stem from releasing emotions in front of them. Yes, some women can handle their man’s emotions and always be there, but many need to be taught how to deal with a man’s emotions. Often, the woman will listen and be there. Still, at the onset of a relationship hiccup, she may use that in the fight toward the man, causing a betrayal that can a detriment to the relationship’s longevity.


We must realize that as men, we are the figure of protecting and providing. That is why when we show fear or unnecessary emotion to our women, it could cause them to feel as if they are not safe in the relationships. This is an instinctual effect that many women will not realize is there until they have two options, to stick by the man they said I do to or find a man that is “stronger”. Our world today might say otherwise, but men should confide in other men when they need emotional support. This is the same as teenage boys looking to other men to emulate even if they have a strong single mother.


Is it possible for a woman to learn to support a man? Though it goes against their initial mindset, they have to learn it. The truth is that many women today are not taught how to deal with a man or even how to be a wife. This requires not just women be men too to be lifelong learners. We must learn about the people we surround ourselves with, see what lifts and tears them down, and always support the effort to build them up.


Though we can tear them down, we do not go down that path. This will create more trust and help the other person grow. Think of it in the way that successful individuals never stop learning. That is why surrounding yourself with lifelong learners who are curious and passionate about acquiring knowledge will stimulate all growth aspects. You need people with whom you can have emotional and intellectual conversations to foster continued creativity and open your mind to new possibilities.


The people you surround yourself with can significantly impact your happiness and success. Seek out individuals who will support, challenge, and motivate you to be the best version of yourself. Be sure that the relationships with positive friends, mentors, ambitious peers, constructive critics, compassionate souls, and lifelong learners become the roots of your empire. Surrounding yourself with the right people isn’t just about what they can offer you; it’s also about what you can offer them. Be a source of encouragement and support for others as well.


Remember to remain adaptable because as we grow, things will change, which is why we help many individuals form their circle and become an aspect of it. If you want to create a new family, circle, or tribe, ensure you get the best coaching possible to choose the right people to surround yourself with. People can come in seasons, but your group should walk the higher road with you. So even if you have different ventures, you will still find that you can help and support one another.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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