Reclaiming Your Original Super-Power: Masculinity Vs. Femininity

The rise of issues in our world today has many factors, but one common denominator within every problem we are experiencing is the result of masculinity redefined. Society will try to understand masculinity because they compare it to femininity, but it is a different beast. Masculinity comes in many different levels, and there is no correct answer for one person on true masculinity. Today, I will be going through the levels of masculinity to help people understand the nature of the beast.


Masculinity has evolved tremendously over the past 100,000 years. We have gone from a protector and provider role to an optional one with many caveats in between. This means that how men once were is not how they are today, nor should they be because times have changed from women needing a protector and provider for survival.


Our world has evolved to the point where people can be “self-sufficient” alone and live a life they deem noteworthy. This notion began with the feminism movement in 1848 and has only compounded over the years to give us the female mindsets we have today. This has caused women to think they do not need a man and to take on the masculine role of protector and provider, as they once believed that would make them equal. However, feminism is not about the equality of women’s rights but rather the fore bringing of women’s sovereignty and superiority.


What has happened due to the results of this idolized way of thinking has caused many women to have a disdain for men and a lower level of respect for them. These women will buy a dog or a cat before they commit to a man because they are afraid to submit to a man. Sadly, these women do not know what poison they have consumed as it slowly starts to warp their minds to go on a path of destructive fanaticism on a movement that will ultimately destroy them.


The issue with masculinity is that women have chosen to abandon being feminine because they associate it with being weak and choose masculinity to try and get ahead in the world. Women fail to understand that being masculine and living within that nature is not what they thought it would be. It is easy to see the king sitting on the throne and want the position until you have the stress of the kingdom on your shoulders.


What has happened today is that masculinity has begun to change for each gender. If you are a woman and masculine, then you are a Boss Babe and a Queen. It has even gotten to the point where obese women are treated as beautiful, and housewives and moms are looked down on. This confusion has also confused the concepts of, well, what is masculinity and why women are escaping natural feminine nature.


Masculinity is a trait often used to describe men and their nature. That nature can be harsh, abrasive, disagreeable, competitive, and scary to some. Though these qualities personify what a masculine male is, it does not tell the whole story of what masculinity is. The issue is that we have used one definition for two separate genders, and when one person falls in line with the traits, they are perceived differently than the other. This discrepancy has caused true masculinity to deteriorate.


Today, more men are choosing to be passive in stepping into their masculinity and will choose to be feminine over masculine because it is the easier path of the two. Masculinity is more difficult for men than women because if you are a masculine man, you are perceived as dangerous and toxic. If you know anything about human psychology, being labeled as such can significantly impact your survival in a tribal society. However, the communities in the world today have never been more secular than before.


This divide has confused the minds of men and women to believe that one is better than the other when masculinity and femininity have superpowers that the other cannot emulate easily. Men are built bigger and stronger for a reason, and women are more emotional because of childbearing and raising. This creates harmony in relationships and partnerships when roles can be defined.


A true-natured masculine male will not choose to be feminine before being masculine. Though there are many traits men share with women, like gentleness, kindness, etc., it does not proceed a true male nature to destroy and conqueror. Today’s version of masculinity will be shunned and ridiculed because men have allowed their emotions to step in front of their true logistical minds. This fact alone has caused a rift in the male community.


Today, more men are choosing to be women than ever in history, and the reason is not about what they are putting in the water. It is the most common sense of progression when looking at mindset. If men do not need to be strong, then why be strong? That is why more men choose to be weak and reside in their feminine nature. The issue is that femininity is not weak, but when placed in the mindsets of men as their dominating ultimatum, we have a recipe for disaster.


Women today operate under modern rules that contradict their traditional minds. They think that life in a masculine role is what they should be living because their grandmothers and mothers told them not to need a man. Though there is nothing wrong with some independence, there is an issue when that independence comes with disdain for the opposite gender. This is why you will hear a woman attack a man and call him a misogynist or ask who hurt him to think this way when the man states the facts.


Simply looking at the family dynamic can explain how vital feminine and masculine roles are. A child raised in a two-parent household is more likely in several areas to do better; here is a list. From the list, you can see academics are one of the benefits of a two-parent household, but academics do not warrant a person’s success. Many other factors are needed, but divorce rates and bonding are easy to notice when a child doesn’t have both genders in the household.


After reading this article, I understand that looking at statistics will not override what people feel because the true nature of masculinity and femininity depends on what society tells you. Society will say that true-natured masculine man are toxic and dangerous, yet women will flock over these “bad boys” and toss caution to the wind because there is no easy way to get around your instinctual habits.


I spoke about how men are choosing to be more like women, and women are adapting male traits, but there is also the aspect of total immersion. A fully immersed male who thinks he is a woman (trans) will have more success being trans than he would be a true-natured masculine male in today’s society. We have seen this with cases like Lia Thomas competing in women swimming events. We took a male in the 200th plus seed, making him number one in women’s sports. However, if a woman decides to be a male, she will find hardship at multiple levels.


A woman named Norah Vincent transitioned to a man and told people her story. She said how terrible it was to be a man compared to being a woman because of how she was treated. Being a male was not all that lucrative for her emotionally and physically. She was mistreated, succumbed to the negativity, and ended her life. This example is extreme, but we can see what happens to women who have been in a masculine mindset for most of their adult lives.


The women who chose to be career-focused and delayed families have found themselves single and alone. They are statistically unhappier because they chose a path that they thought would bring them happiness, only to discover that being masculine has its perks in the workforce but not in the household. This is one of the main reasons women initiate 70% of divorces. Though some of that percentage can be justified, a significant portion is based on feelings alone.


As you can see, mixing feminine nature and masculine nature in one mind can cause many issues in the long run. There will still be more repercussions to be felt as time goes on. That means we have yet to begin to see what turmoils and hardships await us on our current path. Regardless of all that is happening between males and females, I can see that many men and women are waking up to the lies they were told and looking to step back into their true superpower rather than borrowing a power they are not fully compatible with.


The reason is that masculinity is best taught by the example of another man nearby or in large quantities. Masculine nature via female perspective will only hurt a woman in the long term. Though she will have materialist wealth, she can’t get around what she is innately hardwired for. This is why a woman will try to start a marriage or family and have a child with a man in hopes she can find the joy of being a parent. She will find joy in it, but she will also find many struggles and hardships along the way.


The issue is that no matter what single mothers believe when raising their sons, they cannot give their children what they crave to understand.  Boys will look for that masculine-natured man, so it is vital to keep marriages together to begin to show the world what true masculinity is today. If the same woman has a daughter, she will raise her not to need a man, thus continuing the cycle that has created the divide between genders and masculinity and femininity.


In closing, finding the power within masculinity and femininity has only become more convoluted in today’s society. You will hear things like conditional masculinity/feminity talk about how a person can swap roles at the snap of the fingers, but sharks cannot be a cow because they feel like it. The same is true with a male and female. Just because you feel like it doesn’t mean that nature is true; your mindset will determine how you feel and what nature you step towards. People have told themselves a lie long enough, resulting in a society that cannot step into its true superpower. What superpower will you reclaim?


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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