Out of Tolerance

In life, we will undergo many hardships that require us to change. It is not because the situation made us bitter, but it made us aware. We must look at a critical component of life when thinking of making changes. That component is where we were and where we wanted to be. The part that many people fail to understand is where they are right now. Where you are right now, does not have to be a physical location. It is more of a mindset than anything. Are you happy? Are you full of energy and life? If not, you must consider what components of your life need to be changed.

When you think of the word tolerance, it is hard not to think of the word tolerate. What will you tolerate in life? That is a great question to ask in almost every situation. I have helped countless clients by asking this question alone. It dives deep into the inquisitive mind processes. Many people do not descend too deep because they might stumble upon their inner fears; they will know how they want to live and be treated.

The idea of out-of-tolerance talks about how we are not operating at peak performance. The other day, an AC guy came to my home to service my air conditioning unit. The temperature was a bit warmer even though the thermostat was on schedule. I knew something was wrong when the temp read 6 degrees off from where it should have been. The ac was still cooling, but not to its fullest potential. The repairman was troubleshooting several things to find the issue.

While the repairman was checking out the unit, he told me that one of the motors was out of tolerance. I was confused by what he meant, so I asked him to explain it. He brought me to the ac unit to show me what out of tolerance was. To my surprise, it was just a diminished product. In simple terms, it was a part that was not operating at peak performance. 

He said the motor should be reading at a certain number. He showed me what it was reading, which was well below where it should be. He had the new part, showed me the reading, and of course, it was the correct numbers. The old part was out of tolerance because it couldn’t keep the minimum number. The new motor was the correct number to prove that sometimes, out with the old and in with the new is needed.

When we are out of tolerance, we are not operating as we should. Perhaps we have back pain, ate crappy the night before, and didn’t get enough sleep. You name it; it is possible to take us off our game. When that happens, we feel less than we are or are not 100%. For this reason alone, I implemented a self-assessment practice each morning. This practice helps me understand whether I am in or out of tolerance. This then allows me to see if I need to make any adjustments to my daily routine.

You hear about the wealthy having a routine, which is one of the main reasons. They understand that to operate at a high level, they must continue to be tolerant; otherwise, they risk burning out and not doing their utmost in their days. There is no difference between what they can do and what you can do. You have the same 24 hours they have. They have learned how to make the most out of themselves instead of being the typical person who wastes much of their time on mundane and frivolous activities. Knowing that we waste more time than the wealthy, how can we turn that around or curb our ineffectiveness?

The main thing that separates us from achieving our dreams and goals is that we are not at peak performance. If you do not know why you are a certain way or what needs to be done to reach that peak performance, that is a sure sign you need a coach. A coach will help you see your blind spots and prepare you to overcome them. That means you will ensure you can fill in all the gaps stopping you from having a smooth ride in life. Just like my AC that was not cooling as it should, your life might not be as smooth as you would like.

Though we all want to have smooth sailing in life, we do have to appreciate those moments when there is a storm or unsettling waters. However, I am sure if you have a product or item that should work, you want it to work that way. Sadly, that is not how the human body operates. There could be a lot of trial and error when dealing with the human body. That is why we have doctors and nutritionists who know the body well in each field to help their clients achieve a better body balance. If something is not working as it should, you shouldn’t attest it to old age and figure out what needs balancing in your life.

Getting back into tolerance can be a simple task. You might have heard about juice cleanses or eating a specific diet to get your body back in alignment with its regular cycle. However, just because it works for some doesn’t mean it will work for you. That means you must get a custom plan to ensure you have the best course for returning to your peak operating level. If you’re out of tolerance and need some direction, you can set up a free consultation, and I can connect you to a doctor, nutritionist, or personal trainer to help you get back into tolerance. 

Being out of tolerance might not have drastic effects in the short term, but the long-term effects will be seen across the board. The reason for this is the compounding effect. Anything over a long enough period will add up. That means the longer you are out of tolerance or not operating at your peak performance, you are leaving so much on the table in your life. There is a massive difference between what people can do with their life to what they do to their life. What would happen if we were our best selves each day?

The result would be something extraordinary. You would not have any more wasted time or moments due to the lack of energy or planning. Of course, the human condition will be a factor, but if we can learn to operate as the highest version of ourselves, we will be in a better place. What tends to happen to many people is that they slow down right before the finish line. In a sense, that is a breaking down of their momentum and maximum potential. We can make the change we need today to learn how to realign with our true selves and get back into tolerance. If you need more guidance, do not hesitate to reach out to me and find out what is necessary to get you back into your alignment.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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