T.U.S Part 51: The Multitude of Distinctions

A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog about the difference between communication and comprehension. In that article, I spoke about the importance of communicating and comprehending what was said and, even further, what it means for your future. I did my best to stay politically correct in the article and podcast episode without swinging far left or right, but I believe the entire message wasn’t conveyed. The reason is that the distinctions a person can see will be left up to perception and the beliefs they have learned to live in.


When we look at the past blog post and the flow of conversation, we can see what feels right in our minds. Though your preconditioned beliefs will heavily influence your thinking patterns, they will not turn a perceived lie into a factual truth. That was the hidden nugget I was trying to relay to you because there is something we must understand: there will always be another side of the coin.


When we look at the different distinctions of what can happen in life, we will see that there will be two, if not more, options on the table to choose from. Though some options are not a good choice, it still reflects a choice someone can make. The multitude of distinctions is similar to the “Vs.” blogs I have done in the past, but today I will put them all under one article.


Examples of Distinctions

  • Kind vs. Rude
  • Weak vs. Strong
  • Able vs. Can’t
  • Power vs. Force
  • Leading vs. Following
  • Tired vs. Energized
  • Happy vs. Sad
  • Love vs. Care
  • Improvement vs. Acceptance
  • Etc.


The list of the differences a person can feel or live in can go on forever. However, we will not be dissecting each area apart today. In the future, if you want me to go deeper into any of these areas, please contact me with your request, and I will add it to the queue.


The notion of distinctions can be explained simply, whether it is positive or negative. When I say positive or negative, I am not only talking about good and evil as a whole, but rather more about what you need in your life at a given time. For example, you must be more forceful when stepping into an over-saturated industry to get your point across. Still, it doesn’t mean you intend to use your power as a dictator to force people to follow you. However, even if you must force your way into the equation, you can do it from a healthy mind and consciousness.


If you are a long-time reader and listener of the podcast, you will know that my coaching is based on positivity. The reason is that being positive will help you eliminate the limiting beliefs you have in your mind. However, negativity will be the greatest motivator for you to take action. In a sense, you have to be able to juggle both in your life to make a significant impact, but negativity can have a counter-effect that can abolish whatever positives are in your life.


The truth is that it takes three positives for every negative you have in your life. That balance is similar to the balance of multitudes. If you can think about Ying and Yang, there is a balance of good and bad, and both are needed for a happy and fulfilled life. This “balance” or harmony is essential for you to begin to take more purposeful actions.


Looking at the above list of distinctions, I am reminded of how our world is trying to move people today. Today, our world has no qualms in defining what is good and what is bad. For example, being a masculine man today that promotes young men to be strong and not be weak is considered toxic in today’s modern culture. Though this might shock, it is a systematized way to get people to think in a fixed and limited mindset.


I have found that the distinctions between everything we face are essential for our growth. As much as I would like to have nothing but wins in my life, I understand that if I was given that life, I would be miserable. The same happens each moment we follow or run away from these naturally occurring distinctions in life. This means you must learn to embrace and understand what is happening in your life.


The best and most effective method I have found and still use in my coaching practice and personal life is the journaling process. When you can journal or simply write down what you feel, both the good and the bad, you will find how your brain is naturally structured. That structure might be a mix of both sides; for example, I want you to look at the above list of distinctions and write down one of the two options for each line item. When you are complete, look at the list and see if you can see a pattern.


Some people will be steered to the far left or right of negative and positive, and then some will have favored a mix and would fall more in the middle. Regardless of the results, you will find that this list represents your life and the paths your brain will naturally go down. I say your brain because most people will think before they act. This means that if you can control your thoughts, you can control your actions.


Many people do not have or never will live the life of their dreams. One of the main reasons is that they have not taken ownership of their life. The second is that they need to learn how they operate effectively. This will include your likes/dislikes and what you are good at and love to do. Also, what you put up with, knowing the choice is not healthy for you or belongs in your life. Learning about those distinctions can be the key to many of the locked doors in your life and mind.


It comes down to a simple factor many people have total control over. That factor is that your way of thinking differs from your true way. You were conditioned to think, feel, and act a certain way. Though some seem like common sense or instinctual, we have been taught how to live according to the standard. The issue with following these standards is that they will not bring about abundance in life.


I am sure you heard about being patient and waiting your turn. However, if you can recall last week’s blog or podcast episode, you will find that we can save time for the right moment. The issue with waiting is that the right moment will never come because fear will always be an underlying factor in what you do, especially if it is out of your comfort zone. The quickest solution is to learn how to rewire your thinking that aligns with your goals.


To do that, you must know three simple aspects. The first is where you are. The second is where you want to be. Lastly, the third is having a plan to get there. Step three is more difficult because it can be biased of trial and error if you do it alone, but if you have a coach, you can make step three much more enjoyable. These three steps can get your mind thinking in the way it should be rather than how it is now.

Other aspects include fears, limiting beliefs, knowledge, and skill set, which can be learned with an action plan. Many people’s perception of success is that it is hard to reach and limited. Both of those notions are false because you define success. Even though we live in a world people define success by what they see, that doesn’t mean we have to mold to other people’s desires or logic.


As you can see, there are many paths you can take in life. It is similar to the saying to take the road less traveled. Regardless of which road you take, if your systems and mindset align with what you truly believe, not what you were conditioned to believe, then you are on the right path. I enjoy a good challenge, but I also appreciate not having to reinvent the wheel whenever I want to travel to a new location.


The multitude of distinctions is similar to the either-or method. You can choose either; ultimately, you will have a path uniquely catered to you. You might even start to go down with one way of thinking and change it mid-way through, and that is a sure sign you are beginning to learn your true nature.


That nature should be built on the foundation of a mixture of your synapses when you were born to the knowledge and wisdom you have gained in life. The result will be you creating something the world has not seen before, thus altering your life toward abundance. As always, if you need help with this process, contact me today, and we will get you on the path you were destined to be on.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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