Manliness and Modern Society

We have come from ancestors that were once kings and queens. The Kings would be feared and respected. You would not want to get a letter, or a summon from a king if you have done wrong in some manner. Whether it was an accident or not, you must answer for your actions. If this king has created a name for himself as being a pushover, then you will not worry, but if this said the king was quick to go to war or send someone to the guillotine, then you will find fear is present. What does this mean when it comes to manliness? 

In our world today, many men choose to be weak and feminine. That has created a void in what men can and will do. The concept in the west of equality stemming from the feminist movement has evolved into a corporate takeover of men and their manhood. I have no issue with a strong independent woman; the issue is that many men are choosing to be led by these women and not be the leader themselves. The problem with this is that it goes against our evolution. Women have always followed men since the dawn of time, and now that they have the option not to, they are exercising that freedom.

My issue with going against what you have been wired to believe is that you must undergo a complete mindset shift. These women who want to find a man to lead them but do not want to be pushed around are counterintuitive. I am not saying that the woman should be a punching bag to any man, but if she TRUSTS a man to lead, and he is the man she chose, wouldn’t it be best to let him lead? 

The issue is that since women have this newfound freedom, they want to have a saw in how a man leads. Again, not saying that a man shouldn’t heed the advice from women because they have an incredible emotional connection to their choices that might be beneficial in certain situations, like raising children. The manhood issue now is that it is one of those optional things men can be, but what many women grave on the primal level.

Most women want a man who can protect and provide for them at some fundamental level. Modern women say they want a man who monetarily makes equal or more of them. This is because if a man does not make at least equal, he will not be able to support her lifestyle if she chooses not to work and be a stay-at-home wife. This basic necessity is what a woman will use if she acknowledges a man or not. The truth is many men are invisible to women because of status. The second is looks. You will find it hard to find a woman dating an attractive man but homeless and living on the streets.

There is a basis for what a man should be if he wants to be appealing to the opposite sex. The role of manliness will be dealing with shedding the veil of the “soy boy” mentality and inserting caveman 1.0 back into our operating system, the brain. Though many people reading this blog might have been triggered at some point, it proves more to my point that what I am saying is irking you somehow. It can be extremely difficult to take ownership of our actions, especially if they are harmful and have some negative notion about them.

Though society has chosen this path of passiveness and softness, it does not mean we must abide by what society is doing. If you are familiar with my company, we aim to turn limiting beliefs around. That is where the name Reven came from; it is simply never turned around. In doing so, we can eliminate the limits we were given as people and start to operate more in line with our true DNA. That DNA will be different for everyone, but if I had to simplify it in modern terminology, we have to be either manly or feminine. 

The issue with women today is that they are operating under the mindset of a man. Women today have more manliness in them than many men in the world. I do not have the exact numbers, but I would argue that in the population of men, only about 40% are genuinely what manly men would be described as. This might come as a shock, but what do you expect when men can just go to a porn website or only fans to get their sexual needs fulfilled. In the aftermath, men do not have to set themselves apart from other men in the mating process. It is easier to not be in competition and still get the marginal benefits of the result.

Though there will be men who see themselves as manly, it would be a wake-up call for them to realize that they are not willing to walk the walk and talk the talk. I would rather a man stand up and lose in a fight than run away as a coward. A true warrior will look death in the eyes and still walk towards it, knowing the likelihood of the battle. This is not to say to be absent of common sense, but to have the mindset that standing up and running will cause the mindset to shift. 

Just as many women want their men to be able to protect them if the need ever arises, they want to know they feel safe and secure. Again, this goes back to human evolution and the main role of the brain, which is to keep itself alive. If women didn’t band together with men back in the caveman times, their survival would be even less guaranteed. That is why one man might have had multiple women because that woman wanted a man to protect her in the face of danger. Today, many women believe they can defend themselves, but if something goes wrong, they call the police. They call a man to come to save them because most police officers are men.

You will not hear a woman with a feministic mindset call 911 and say she is in fear for her life; send help, but make sure it is a woman. That would be crazy because if your life is in danger and you need someone to save you, you will not care who it is if you are still alive and well. However, since we live in a peaceful world or in civilized societies, it is easy for women to create a false sense of security in their minds. I am sure a woman can fend for herself, but if we put a woman and a man with only bare hands, the man has a biological advantage because he is bigger and stronger.

The idea that men are bigger and stronger is a biological fact. However, some men have such low levels of testosterone and higher levels of estrogen due to the foods they eat. I would even agree that mindset plays a role in this phenomenon because if we use biology as the marker, you could be any size and still have the strength to be stronger than the feminine women. The issue is that men no longer have to be strong. There is no danger or damsel in distress that need us to save them. However, many women find a man in shape more attractive than a pudgy man who appears out of shape.

The men that we are raising today are weaker than our forefathers. This is a setback for humanity because it will create turmoil within the next millennium. I might not be alive when this correction occurs, but a correction will occur. Call me a conspiracy theorist,  but I know if you poke a hornet’s nest, you are likely to agitate the nest and get stung. The same is true for men, who choose to be weak rather than strong. There is no shame in being strong and having a say in what happens in your life.

We must take back the wheel of this modern society and stop being passive about what is happening in our world. Most of the issues that are happening today can be remedied with proper action. The first is to understand your true power. I am sure you have heard me talk about “stepping into your power” in the podcast, and it is mainly driven by the mindset of modern women taking control. Men see this and allow it because it is easier to be a follower and take no action than to be the leader or produce.

If you want to make some changes in your life, you will have to understand the cause and effect of your actions today. You might have an easy, harmonious life, but where does that leave our children? The path we are on will make it even more challenging for them, especially if we continue to allow boys and girls to pretend to be the opposite gender and go against common sense biology. We live in strange times, and the mindsets of these folks are confused. Imagine what would happen if we listened to our primal instincts and human nature. We would see a mindset shift happen in society quicker than a summer vacation.

In closing, you have the right to live the way you want to live your life. I help both genders see what is in their mind and what is left on the table. I have had many feministic mindset guests on the show, and we can still have a fantastic conversation. Having a different viewpoint doesn’t make you a bad person. You just have to realize what you want in life and go for it. The issue is when you allow lies to become your truth and fantasies to take over reality. Just like women who are “stepping into their power,” men should “reclaim their power.”


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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