T.U.S Part 49: The Evolution In All We Do

We must look at our growth as we wrap up these first 50 entrees of our Tune-Up Series. From the first to next month’s article will end a cycle of further growth and personal development, only to lead us into another cycle that is more intriguing and fitting to our potential. This ideology stems from the natural growth we all experience as people. Some people experience growth more, while some people remain almost stagnant. What is the difference between the two individuals? Today we will be breaking down the areas of evolution in all we do.


As I mentioned, we will look at all the major growth areas. This list would be a generalization because there would be too much to name and go through if I tried to hit every possible spot so that we would focus on the main areas.


The Core Evolution Process

  1. Mindset
  2. Goals
  3. Leadership (Career)
  4. Relationships (Personal, Parenting)


These four areas cover a wide range of spectrum’s that incorporate the majority of our life. I am well aware that this is not what life is only comprised of, but these areas can make life worth living if done correctly.



Regarding mindset, this is a specialty of mine here at Reven Concepts. The company started with the mindset of helping people get out of their limiting beliefs, and that has evolved to work not only on limiting beliefs but also on the growth potential and its attainment. Though mindset offers a unique journey to all, it is crucial to understand that a negative mind will have more difficulty attaining the goals and dreams set forth.


Knowing that a positive mindset would help people begin to take more action, I started to create and develop motivational and optimistic material about one’s growth. The reason is that the mind operates better under positive than unfavorable conditions. However, this only pertains to when your basic needs are met and you do not have an ambition outside your reach. In a sense, we create a comfort zone.


I have spoken about the dangers of a comfort zone to a great extent, and it is essential to know those dangers and why a person stays there. The simple reason is that it is easier, and the brain loves easy and to conserve energy. However, as our mindset evolves, the difficulty level rises, meaning we must grow at each stage of our development and growth.


This evolution of a mindset only comes naturally because, for most, they will be operating under their pre-existing conditions. Those conditions may have errors or flaws that need adjustment or modification to ensure that the next stage we push through will give us the growth we seek. At this point, we should already be past the need to use traumas and hardships as fuel to push us forward. Though it is an excellent propellant for newcomers to mindset and personal development, the need for trivial and harmful motive factors becomes insignificant as mindset evolution occurs.



Regarding our goals, we should always stretch what we can do each time. There is a saying, “Your dreams should scare you,” and I cannot agree more. Sometimes when I look at my plate of things I want to do and accomplish, I am almost overwhelmed by these ambitions I am setting forth. Yes, I know how to break down goals and put them into micro-steps, but it doesn’t take away the sheer enormity of the task.


When I started thinking about goals, they were always simple and easy to attain. Most of my goals when I was younger required time, but some needed patience, diligence, and discipline. If you can incorporate those three areas in anything you do at every stage of life, you will develop your mind into a powerhouse that will scare the world about what it can do.


Today, my goals do more than scare me; they scare the people around me. Most people around me think I will NEVER reach these great goals I have created and envisioned for myself. However, they must not know the premise of my company because those limiting beliefs they have for me will help push me past my usual standards. Sometimes the haters in your life have a purpose.


The one thing I will say about your goals is that they should remain the same to counteract the goals you have accomplished in the past. For example, if you have a goal to live more healthily, get into shape, and succeed, your next goal should not be a lavish life and enjoying lavish foods until you are gluttonous. Your goals should complement each other as you grow and develop. Yes, you can enjoy the pleasures of your success, but do not let those pleasures take you three steps back; we need to keep pushing forward.



When it comes to being a leader, it can be explained in many different areas like career, family, or self. I have learned that being a boss and managing people is a challenging task. One of the reasons it is not easy is that I do not treat my workers/team as people who can be replaced. It takes more time and money to train someone new for a job than it is to retain the workers you have. Though skills can be developed quickly within a team, the levels of leadership through the boss will either pave the way for growth or create a negative and toxic environment.


While working as a cog in the wheel, I made sure to pay attention to the leaders of the group/organization. I have had my share of outstanding leaders and my share of terrible leaders. The difference is the work environment that was created. The hostile environment was filled with people who would do their best, but more was needed, and not much growth would happen in these places. There was seemingly constant growth in environments with great leaders; though sometimes slow, the team’s growth was almost inevitable.


Being a positive leader in a fast-paced, moving world is more than just having a team and creating a positive work environment. As a leader or a boss, you must understand one hard truth no one will care about your business more than you will. Yes, you will have people passionate about helping you build your dream, but as a leader, you must be willing to do more than what your team is doing. This creates an example and expectation for them to follow.


As a leader, we must be aware that we will not always know everything, and it will require us to learn and bring that knowledge to the team. This is about being a trailblazer and paving the way for all who follow you. Also, as a leader, you must ensure that the people who follow are protected under your reign. In a sense, you are like a country’s ruler, but the difference is we are all equals. Just because you have the boss title does not mean your team is beneath you.



I saved the best for last because our relationships will determine our future. Yes, having a strong mindset and having goals are needed, but we cannot fight a war alone. That is why leadership is on this list of evolution. We need people to live. We have separated from the communal and tribal society we once lived in and have become separated and segregated to the point where we think we do not need anyone. Still, that way of thinking is false.


When it comes to our relationships, we must first look at ourselves and then at the ones around us. We look at ourselves because we need to understand a few things about ourselves, including mindset, goals/ambitions, character, etc. The purpose of understanding this is to know who you surround yourself with. Do you want people who will cheer for your success or pray for your failure?


I have found that the most important relationship we have as people is with our immediate family, excluding siblings, aunts, and uncles. You should not look at these relationships, but you may find that these relationships bring about the most authentic strength in your life. A great example of two brothers who can take over the world together is Andrew and Tristan, Tate. Though this goes against what I am saying, these two are great examples of how siblings can rise in power together. The secret to tying this bond together is struggle and challenge, as most siblings will face their challenges alone without the help of their siblings.


Looking at our parents, grandparents, and children will help us understand what a relationship is truly about. These relationships are so powerful because a parent creates a purpose for their child’s life and will sacrifice to no end to ensure their child has the best life possible. The sad truth is that around 90% of the time parents spend with their kids will be from 0-18. Though most parents do not want this to happen, it depends on your relationship with your children growing up.


I recall speaking with my father earlier this year, and he talked about all the mistakes he made as a parent. I told him that even though he made those mistakes, they were great lessons to learn from that he could pass on to his grandchildren. This is where the three relationships evolve into something magical. Parents who turn grandparents understand that they will have almost 100% of the time with their grandchildren if they live close enough to visit. Raising grand Babies becomes their second chance to be parents and raise new children after learning from their mistakes.


Though the evolution of our relationships can change and adjust, we should do our best to amend and ensure that these core relationships stay strong. The main factor is that finding your purpose becomes exponentially easier when you have a trusted loved one. This includes your spouse, so you must make the right choice the first time, even though that is becoming more challenging by the day.


Parenting and maintaining relationships is not easy, but I have found a great balance here at Reven concepts through my Relationship Coaching Process that helps people cultivate new relationships and repair the essential relationships we should be having in our life. Through my process, you will learn the importance of family through my years of wisdom of both failures and successes. I will create podcast episodes that explain this concept more fully but understand that it all begins with you.

In closing, as we age, we will go through periods of evolution. These moments of evolution will not only create a deeper meaning in our lives but will also ensure we stay committed to whatever our goals our. We will develop the mindset we need and become the leaders we must achieve success and happiness. Relationships will act as a core component of how we evolve, but the mindset and the goals we set will be the path we walk on. I encourage everyone to get someone who can help them on that journey, like a coach who has experienced this firsthand, so that they can bring some insight into your life.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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