Can A Mindset Coach Help Me?

Can A Mindset Coach help you? When I get asked this question with any new client, I tell them the same thing; it is up to you. A mindset coach is there for a few core things to happen that will help you be in a better place physically and mentally. I facilitate the results that we can attain together, but I will make sure you are the person who realizes you are responsible for that success. This can be a difficult process for people to see because they start to see changes once they start working with me. Can a mindset coach help you? Let’s break it down.

A mindset coach will help you with the quality of your thoughts. They help you facilitate your goals and give you the best path possible to achieve the desired results promptly. Coaching is something you should be in for a short period. You should do something for 3-6 months to get on track and get the mindset necessary for your goals. If you are constantly re-adjusting, you might get a coach a few times a year, but you will always graduate and move on to your next mission.

Mindset coaching is not like therapy. Therapy is great if you have a deep wound trauma that needs healing. This process can often take more time than mindset coaching. I know people personally that I have worked with that have been in therapy for over three years. That is insane to me because I only need 6-9 months to work through a trauma enough to function at near full capacity. I know I have a strong mindset, but it is not a strong mindset that helps you get over trauma alone.

The clients that come to me typically have already hit a wall or rock bottom and need help figuring out where to go next. I first tell them about their current mindset and how we can change it. If you are someone who waits until something is broken until you pay attention, that will be our main priority. This type of mindset is one of the major contributing factors to why many people do not achieve the success they are looking for. The answer is to adjust your mindset, not to wait until something is broken to take action but to implement systems that will help you maintain or gain in any specific area.

I will be the first if no one is willing to say this, but Mindset Coaching is a luxury today, but it will be a necessity in the future. Mindset coaching might appear to be something for people with disposable income, but I have had clients who would save up during the year to work with me for one month and get a plan or, rather, a guidebook for the rest of the year. I do this for clients who need help and cannot afford to receive coaching for several months. I give them the best plan I can give them in that one month of coaching without overloading them. They wouldn’t get anything done if I just gave them a year-long plan. The brain is funny like that.

On my website, you will see that I do not hide my pricing for my coaching. I want to be transparent with my current and all new potential clients. I get asked often if the coaching I do is primarily for professionals, but I work with any healthy mind ready for a change. I have found that if you give free coaching away, people will flock but have no action, but if you charge just enough to have the client put some “skin in the game,” then the coaching process works out better for everyone.

I have also found that although the price is lower for online sessions, many celebrities, and public figures will opt for the more expensive in-person meetings. Yes, they have money to spare, but it is about something other than charging them more to get money. The reason is the law of persuasion. If I charge someone making millions of dollars the same price as I do to my online and telehealth clients, they will get ZERO done. I have tried it, and it wastes time for them and me.

Knowing that time is one of our most precious and nonreusable resources, we need to make sure we use it efficiently. That means we do more than just get coaching for the sake of getting coaching. If you seek coaching, you should ensure that you are ready to make some changes and accept those changes in your life. The brain will fight you tooth and nail every step of the way, but the result will be the life that you desire.

When I needed a coach the most, I did it on my own. You can do the coaching process without a mindset coach, but you will be introduced to many challenges you would not face with a coach on your team. I have found in my life journey that people like to do things the hard way. You tell them not to touch the stove, and they do it anyways. The same is true in coaching. You might have the wisdom necessary for someone to be successful, but they will go their own way until they get burnt and then listen. All of this can be mitigated.

One of the best reasons to get a coach is to avoid unnecessary failure. Failure is a key component to growth and learning, but if you have a coach, you can bypass some of the unneeded pitfalls of climbing the success ladder. I have failed enough for both of us, so do not worry. The difference between me failing and a regular person without mindset coaching is that they will fear failure and be more inclined to quit before they win. All of this can be avoided with a coach.

Changing your mindset with a Mindset Coach will be the start of growth and fulfillment with each session. You can look forward to meeting with your coach and learning where your mindset is, how to adjust, and seeing the results of making small changes. Be sure to find a coach with your growth as the primary factor in the relationship dynamic of the client-coach relationship. Some coaches mean well but should not be in the profession. You will want someone who challenges you and continually raises the bar.

If you are still wondering if a Mindset Coach can help you, then you are in luck. Right now, you can get a complimentary Intro coaching session at Reven Concepts to see if coaching could benefit you. This is a no-risk win for any new and potential client. Not only will you see if coaching can help you, but also you will be made aware of your shortcoming and take away an action plan to get started without needing to sign up for a long-term coaching contract. Even if you did sign up at Reven Concepts, we do not have any long-term contracts that keep you locked in. You are free to come and go at your leisure.

A Mindset Coach can help you with the quality of your mind and help you achieve the goals you have been unable to lock down. I encourage anyone struggling to make progress in life to sign up for an intro session and see if the fit is good. The relationship should be beneficial both ways. I have turned away more clients than I can recall because I wasn’t the best fit for them. If I cannot help you get to the best place possible, I recommend someone who can tell you what steps you need to take before receiving coaching.

The process of coaching might seem simple, but it is a highly intensive process that is not for the faint of heart. Will you take back control of your life with Mindset Coaching, or will you allow this year to be like every other year going forward? If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, then today might be the beginning of your best life by signing up for a coaching session and then beginning the journey to your most desired life with your Mindset Coach.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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