What is a Mindset Coach

I do my best to come out with an article about my work as a Mindset Coach regularly. There is so much to the mindset that I would have to write a whole book on mindset, and I will do that this coming year. Mindset is one of the most crucial aspects of whether we will be someone in life or will we conform to the world. If you live in comfort, this might not seem a big issue, but looking at mindset is not for subpar people. Looking mindset is for the people who want to meet meaningful success.

Before I dive into the mindset, I want to address what success means when it comes to mindset. Success means having completed a desire in your life. That is the bare bottom line of what success is. You can have success in raising a child. Though it is overlooked, raising a child is no easy task. You have learned many things along the journey and some wisdom on what you would do differently. The truth is a success can be in everything.

Success has been given a meaning just as the perfect life was portrayed. When we think about success, we think about superficial things like money and material possessions, but success doesn’t have to be that. This is where the work of mindset comes into play because we have been told a set of limiting beliefs all our life, and we have to tear those beliefs down to see what true success is. The mindset of who you have been, who you are, and who you will be will play a more critical factor than any form of exterior success.

What a mindset coach does is help an individual with the quality of their thoughts. A mindset coach will help someone looking for more in their life but is unsure how to get there. Though many people think mindset coaching is like a life coach, that is only true to a degree. A Life Coach will help a person with many things in their life and get the results they are looking for, the same as a mindset coach. However, the job of the mindset coach is to go one step further than a life coach.

As a mindset coach, your results are extremely important to me, but there are other focuses than that when working with a client. One of my biggest focuses when working with people who choose to work with Reven Concept and get Mindset coaching is a two-pronged approach. The first approach is to give ourselves the goal of what area to receive coaching in. Those areas include life coaching, youth mentoring, relationship coaching, career coaching, etc. After they choose what area they would like to focus on, we begin the work in that area. From working with the client, I begin to plant the seeds of what mindset is.

Those seeds can take some time to sprout, so working on one of the main coaching goals is important for the individual because we must conform both the conscious and subconscious mind to think in a new way. One of the reasons we are in today’s life is our current thoughts. That means we must change our current thinking to create meaningful change. That change can be whatever the person wants, but it has to be something they want on an innate level. They have to want this change more than they want to stay the same.

The work I do as a mindset coach is going to be helping people make the changes they want for their life long term. If you think of a fitness trainer as an example, they have a goal to get you to your goal weight and body. That is great, but what do you do after you get that body? Yes, there might be some components of mindset when working with a fitness trainer, but most people who get fitness training will fall off the wagon and create a bigger problem in the future. When it comes to changing our mindset, the goal is not the goal or result alone; it is something more.

That something is that the person must overwrite their old habits and create something new. What is often created is something temporary, but I have found a way to make the goals and results we give ourselves last longer than the typical person who hasn’t received mindset coaching. What I do is help people see the goal, reach the goal, and keep the goal. Getting your dream body might not be easy, but the process is simple. Watch what you eat and add some exercise to the mix. Just by doing those two things, you can reach your goal, but it doesn’t mean you will keep it.

Many people see a goal as a place they want to reach, and once they reach it, they will be happy, but that is not the truth. There is much more to success and goals than reaching a specific point in life. Yes, I want you to have a big house, all the cars you can dream of, and a healthy lifestyle, but I do not want that to be what makes you wake up each day. Your mindset should be what pushes you forward, regardless of what is going on in your life. Life will not always be good days and rainbows, so we must understand what truly makes a good life.

In my mindset coaching career, the results are long-lasting when I help people with a task or goal. I often ask prospective clients if they would rather have riches and lose them later on or create riches that can never be lost. Believe it or not, some people choose riches that can be lost, but most choose longer-lasting wealth. What is happening in this mindset is that they are choosing “easy now, and hard later,” but the work of mindset is reversed “hard now, easy later.”

Simply reversing how we see things or even just seeing things makes life more possible. People think that having a good life is only for a select few people, but anyone can attain that lifestyle. What separates the top percent of people from the lower percentage is not the circumstance but mindset. Mindset is the key to all the locked doors in your life. There is no reason why you should be lost long term, and you can find an oath and create your future today. If you keep living in your old ways, they will end up in a place where your dream does not reside.

A mindset coach is going to be someone who is there to not only help you get the results you are looking for in your life but they are going to teach you how to keep them. Mindset coaching is not a pill that gives you a guaranteed life because nothing in life is guaranteed. I will tell you that the people who go through mindset coaching and begin to make changes in their life have better results over the long haul. That means you might struggle a bit starting, but if you remain consistent, only victory awaits. Changing your mindset has the power to change your future.

To Change Your Mindset Click HERE


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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