Unveiling the Mindset Behind Planned Obsolescence

This one will be dark because we are getting into the darkest parts of our mindset now. What I have been giving you now has only been a conscious and sub-conscious mindset level for a good reason. The reason is that what I will share with you today differs from popular opinions and goes against the politically correct rhetoric in I am well versed. Today, I want to talk about the dark side of the mind and how people will use you for their gains instead of wanting to see you prosper and evolve.


I have long since been a hero of justice and peace and will continue to do good in the world. However, my work will one day be viewed as negative and harmful to society in some regard. Whether it be men or women or a political discrepancy, my views of the world are genuinely positive and divine. The issue with my beliefs is that everyone can win, but the system doesn’t want that.


The issue with everyone winning is that the higher powers will have someone to control, and they will seek to gain power through force. We have already seen a display of their power and corruption through the Pandemic, but it has long been intertwined with the system that was created. That system is all we know today through the indoctrination of the schools to the limited mindsets we were given and allowed to run rampant in our minds causing immeasurable damage. This all began at the inception of people wanting to live good lives.


At some point, people switched mindsets from simply living and surviving to want to thrive and live abundantly. I cannot blame the mentality for this transition because, at some level, the brain wants it easy, but it needs to get to that point first. For example, cavemen went from living in caves to the homes we live in now is the perfect example of how we were struggling to attain our basic needs to have everything and want even more than we need.


Our mindset has become greedy for lavish, but our actions have deteriorated to attain that resolve. The issue was not that people didn’t want to work hard anymore, but that technology and innovation helped make our lives easier. That easy life does not come without a cost; the price we must pay could be our humanity or the totality of strong and abundant mindsets.


This concept of obsolescence came to my mind sometime around 7th or 8th grade when I was asked if I would allow AI and robotics to replace workers in my company. To his surprise, I remember telling the teacher I would allow it, and today I outsource much of the work I can pay an individual for. Though this is not the obsolescence intended for the world, we must understand how the mind developed 20+ years ago.


Though that mindset was a pre-teen version of myself, this ideology had been around for nearly a century. It all began when entrepreneurs and business owners needed more skilled workers to make money. This led to the industrial revolution, and those men and women had to work tirelessly to make a living for their families. The family didn’t want their children to struggle, so they would say things like, go and get your education, which they would.


This led people away from working the trades and into busy, fast-paced office buildings. In this environment, the mind did not have a moment to reconcile and take root in a meaningful purpose, so we suffered. Many people would take up drugs and alcohol as coping mechanisms to make it through the week, and they would begin to disdain going to work but feel there was no other choice. In lieu, marriages would suffer, and men would become abusive because they needed a way to express and release their pent-up dominant nature.


This is when women would tell their daughters that they should go out and get an education as well, and the women’s rights movement took place. Equality wasn’t far away, though it was never an issue until now. You will not hear stories of cavewomen talking about equality, so why now? What happened from then vs. now that caused this shift in mindset? What greater power had control over our logical way of thinking?


One of the main reasons was that people were sold a dream. That dream was filled with pleasure galore that would lead people to abundance and happiness, but no one had the nerve to tell them the cost. Men would become so stressed trying to provide and work in a concrete jungle that is so far from our roots. This caused men to crumble once again and fall into negative behavior.


That frustration was relieved through negative means, which caused the women they were supposed to be protecting to fear them and run away. This was both on the physical and emotional level, and the cause has been since felt today. Though running away was not an option for many of the women at the time, they at least could tell their daughters not to need a man and provide for themselves; feminism was born.


As the world continued to transform and become faster-paced, so did our mindset, and people would crave the latest and greatest at any cost, even their sanity. They would trade hours for dollars, and they would try to stay ahead of their neighbors, “Keeping up with the Jone’s”. This led to companies realizing that the products they were making were lasting too long and needed to be adjusted. This led to manufacturing companies creating products that would be faulty in so many years.


This planned obsolescence was then transformed into needing the latest and the greatest pieces of clothing and technology. Have you ever wondered why they add the year to your car or a number to your phone? It is a phycological cue that has been developed to make people aware that what they have is outdated, so if the planned obsolescence of the device doesn’t happen before you need to change your device, the peer pressure for staying relevant and up-to-date will.


This trickle effect has been detrimental to mindset because it has taken people away from their roots. People will sacrifice their life for meaningless pleasures and not even know why they do the things they do. That is why much of my work is helping people find where they are and where they want to be because life as a whole has become so distorted that people cannot tell the difference between their mindset and the one that was fabricated over the years.


What I just shared with you is a generalization of the evolved mindset. We will begin to address many missing pieces as the weeks go by. This brief and quick synopsis will allow your mind to acclimate to the brain shift we will go through together. This change will be one if not the most important things you will do in your life because it is not about where we are today but rather where we will be tomorrow.


Mindset is the totality of where you have been, where you are, and where you will be; however, when applied to planned obsolescence, the flow of mindset shifts. That shift will look at your past and look at your future primarily. That is why people will go throughout their days with no understanding of gratitude for their things and life. They only see their hardship and what they want. This way of thinking has a massive negative penalty on the mind that will become more prevalent as the dynamics and powers of life begin to shift once again.


I ask you, are you ready to change your life today before you fall victim to another system that is not conducive to positive mindset growth? Many people are not at the point they will take action because they still believe in the fantasy they were given. However, their future will suffer if they cannot return to what mindset truly is and how it should be lived.


In closing, though this message was dancing around the world’s significant problems, it must be presented this way so the mind can acclimate to what will come next. What comes next is the action plans necessary to combat other people’s selfish ideals, so you can see what you must do to live in abundance and feel in abundance. The coaching I have developed has played a significant role in reversing the damage many people have sustained. Still, it requires constant diligence, attention, and a relentless demeanor and mindset for personal development and growth.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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