T.U.S Part 50: Maintaining The Perfect Harmony

One must learn, understand, and maintain a few things to continue to operate at a high level. The truth is that it is extremely easy today to veer off track from our goals and our mission in life. Though success comes with hidden challenges today, it doesn’t mean that maintaining and growing it should be rocket science after the foundation is established. Today, I will walk through the “balance” of mindset and how to keep your mind “crisp” on progress and growth rather than finding yourself fat, stressed, and complacent.


The Perfect Harmony

  1. Health

  2. Time

  3. Focus

  4. Wealth



People have taken a back-door approach to health, fitness, and overall wellness. The number of surgeries to get the “ideal” body is the highest it has ever been, and the amount of people living obese has also skyrocketed. What is this phenomenon with people suddenly not prioritizing their health? The short answer is it is easier not to exert effort toward a healthier way of living. The longer answer is that people have not adjusted to their easy lifestyles and do not know how to be healthy or what benefits it brings.


People only understand how important their health is once they lose it. I tell people to avoid getting to that point where you realize if you do not make some changes, you will not be around much longer, or the quality of your life will be severely impacted. Though this advice might seem like common sense, people take it for granted.


Health and wellness have always been something that would become de-prioritized at the onset of changing times. For example, married men and women are more likely to gain weight after marriage than if they were single. The same is true for new parents and busy business professionals. Though these milestones in life are not inherently wrong, what is sacrificed for the adjustment might cost you more than you know.


Health might seem like it costs you a dollar amount, but it costs you so much more. Have you ever heard someone saying, “It costs too much to eat healthy,” I know I have. This saying is a common mindset amongst many people, not due to their own volition but rather by society’s programming. Have you ever wondered why there is a fast food joint on every corner or why the push for unhealthy products? One of the main reasons is that it is easier to be out of shape than to be, stay, or get in shape.


Knowing the struggle for health and fitness and our total wellness is built on the mindset we have, we have to create some awareness of what we need our body to do today and tomorrow. Society will tell you that average is fine and that being big is beautiful, but what do you see if you look outside your box? Here in the USA, we have common problems like obesity that other countries do not because of the different standards and lifestyles.


The difference between people who choose to live a healthy life and someone who doesn’t come down to their mindset. Some people would choose a path of hardship for no reason besides being easier. This thinking is flawed because a more challenging life is more difficult in the long run than putting in the work today. People would choose a life filled with chaos before choosing a life filled with harmony.



Time is one of those areas where people will squander and tell you that they do not have any time to do things like work out, eat healthily, or be happy. However, if you place the shoe on the other foot, the people achieving wild success will tell you that time is the most valuable thing they have. The issue between the two mindsets here is that one is thinking in a scarcity and limiting belief mindset, and one is thinking in a realistic mindset.


Understanding that time is a finite resource each day does not place us in a world of limits but instead in a realm of possibilities. Understanding that there will only ever be 24 hours a day is a life hack that many people will only realize once they are out of time. The secret to using time to its fullest is to understand that each hour has power. That is why for almost every new client I work with, I write out a 24-hour time block for them.


In the 24-hour time block, we can see what we are doing at each hour of the day. Once you see your current schedule, we make a new one alongside the old one. After you have both schedules, you have to create one more schedule. The schedule you will initially follow will be this hybrid with a mix of two schedules.


Creating multiple schedules with various difficulty levels will help your subconscious approach the new schedule openly. This will give your mind a greater chance to adapt than if you tried to shock the system. Though the system can be shocking and will work for some, it will not work for everyone, so this is the most effective way to help people get their time back so that they can do more meaningful things.


When I was in college, I would work a full-time and a part-time job to make my way through. I didn’t grow up with much money and was the first of my siblings to attend college. I understood that I couldn’t afford college if I did not work enough to afford the family contribution part of the loan. Also, with working all those hours, I also had 15-18 credits a semester, and you can only imagine the workload I had to handle each day.


The fact that I could do what I did still shocks me to this day, but I realized that as long as we give ourselves a reason or only one way out of a situation, we will rise to the challenge of life. I learned this after I graduated from college and quit my job to focus solely on my teaching career. The money was about the same, so my lifestyle stayed mostly the same, but I realized I had more time.


Though as a teacher, the school day does not start and end when the kids are in school because lesson plans and preparations must be made in advance. I remember my first weeks of having to write lesson plans after school was out. It felt like I was back in college with a hoard of papers scattered around my room, making the perfect lesson plans. Year one was more difficult than year two because you can recycle the plans to some extent, which makes the process easier.


Once I reached the easy mode of teaching, where all I had to do was show up on time, I realized that I had more time on my plate than ever before. This was when I got a puppy and began hiking more, and I also developed a negative habit of binge-watching movies and series. I noticed I had the same 24 hours I did in college, but I was doing less. That was when I realized my time was wasted in many areas.


This happens to many people today when it comes to the misuse of time and correlates it to the fact that they do not have enough time in their day. People do not realize that Netflix and Hulu do not cost the monthly subscription, but rather it costs them their most valuable resource, time. This happens not only with movies and streaming platforms but hobbies like watching sports.


There is nothing wrong with enjoying downtime if you have already achieved greatness and success. However, if you have yet to reach your goals, time shouldn’t be spent sitting on the sofa, trying to relax. We have to do better with our time and understand what mission and life we are trying to create. Whether video games or television, ask yourself what you gain from sitting there and enjoying that experience. Often, what you are doing or trying to feel or fill in reflects your inadequacies, trying to be fulfilled.



Focus is an area many people need help seeing where they are giving it away. Social media is The number one cause of loss or lack of focus today. Have you ever found yourself scrolling mindlessly for hours on end? It is easy to do because it is easy to do, and it stimulates the brain in a constant feel-good state. If one video or post is something you want to read, you keep searching for what you need. The issue is that what you should be looking for is not on a screen; you must look up.


I have written many articles on creating and being more focused in life. Nonetheless, people continue to struggle in this area because our world today is not operating under the bounds of being present and attentive but instead being relevant. This change in mindset has caused people to lose focus on the bigger picture of life and to seek their 15 minutes of fame because they think that is where happiness lies.

Everyone wants to be the next big thing but is unwilling to make the meaningful and significant changes necessary for greatness. This is why people will drown themselves in activities and behaviors that may bring some attention to help them with our current mindset’s basic needs. Those needs have evolved from the basics of food, water, shelter, and safety because it is common in many parts of the world today, so they focus on other things like pleasure.


Today, Men and women heavily influence the pleasure they want to attain in line. Whether it be the lavish meals or lifestyle or the feeling of sexual pleasure, our needs have become even more basic. This is one reason Only Fans and the porn industry have gotten so big. People choose virtual pleasure over real-life pleasure because it is easier to achieve. People will seek pleasure from their phones and computers in the hope they can find happiness. Spoiler alert, happiness is not there.


Now that you can see that social media doesn’t only cost us our time because it also costs us our focus. This focus we use on our phones daily can be redirected into other areas of our life that can bring about more abundance and prosperity. Though that might be clear to some, not everyone will take action even if they see an error in the matrix. What do you think is why social media has taken over our world? The answer is that controlling a person with no focus or direction is more accessible than a robust and abled-minded person.



The wealth area is the simplest one to explain because you can either have it or not. First, we must define what wealth is and what genuine wealth is. In standard terms, wealth is the state of being rich and having abundant money to help you live a prosperous life. However, there is another form of wealth that Bob Marley speaks about the wealth of life. Wealth is not defined by money or material goods but rather by the connection of everything alive in the world.


I understand that many people seek monetary wealth each day, but these people are also living in a limiting and scarcity mindset. Many of these people will try to get lucky or win big with no effort or work involved, but that doesn’t create wealth. For many of the people who find themselves with a lot of money, they will only ever be able to be rich. To be wealthy requires a certain mindset not taught in schools or at work; it is a secret among the rich.


As I said earlier, technology is a significant issue today. The reason is that we are in a constant barrage of things that we think we need or will provide us some level of happiness or ease in our life. There is also the aspect of keeping up with the Joneses, so we will compete with people to ensure we have the latest and greatest cars, clothes, houses, jewelry, etc., for the sake of appearing rich, hoping to become wealthy.


The secret to attaining wealth in life is understanding the areas I spoke about today and learning how to control them correctly. A Big Mac doesn’t cost you $4.99; it costs you your health. Netflix doesn’t cost you $11.99 a month; it costs you your time. Social media is not free entertainment; it costs you your focus. If you can learn how to create the perfect harmony between what you feel and want, you will get a course of action different from what you are taking today.


People today do not realize how much unnecessary stress they are giving themselves. They are focused on everything that doesn’t matter and wonder why they are stressed, overweight, and unhappy. A path a person can take today to become the person they envision themselves becoming is to get someone to help them along the journey. The main reason is that many people are unconscious of the negative things they do each day that delay their true success.


In closing, creating and maintaining perfect harmony can take years of work. Though the process is not an overnight fix, the result should always be worth it. I would rather you live a healthy life with the financial freedom to do whatever you want in your day and not be tied to a job that only gives you enough to survive. What is needed is a focus and a new directive in who you need to become, so you can stop living a life full of stress and start living a life filled with harmony. If you need help to make progress in creating perfect harmony, reach out to us today.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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