The Loss of Traditions

We have changed from our traditional ways over the last century, and the results are prolific. Who would have thought that hundreds of years of evolution and growth would lead to us becoming bound by our current modern ideals that are destroying the human mind and body at an alarming rate? Though this might not seem prevalent in your eyes, we are deteriorating as a global populous, and one of the main reasons is the loss of our traditions. Today, I will speak about our traditions and how we have fallen from greatness only to fall into an impoverished and ill state of mind and livelihood.

When it comes to being traditional, one of the first things people think about is their grandparents. They might think about marriage, how men would go to work, and how women had to stay home and be mothers and take care of the house. We live in a modern world where women can go out and provide for themselves without needing a man to survive. Though this is a beautiful thing, it has underlined human nature and instinct. This has caused decay in relationships and growth as a populous. The result is weaker men and apparent stronger women.

The problem with strength is that people believe they have to attain it. The truth about strength is that it was always there from the beginning. To better understand that way of thinking, imagine you had a lion cub as a baby that you trained to be a house cat. Does that lion have the capability to tear you apart? Of course, the answer is yes, even if you are confident they never would. The same is true for people. People are unique and can do all these wonderful and amazing things; the problem is they are not taught they are powerful and choose to ignore their instincts.

The instincts we used to have in the olden days were to find safety and security and to live a long healthy life. Part of living a long healthy life involves having children to help out around the home, take care of the family as they age, and create a family dynamic built on love and care. Today we have more selfish ideals when it comes to being a young person growing up. We are entwined in our personal lives and do not make time for our families. Family, in a sense, has become more of an inconvenience than an aspect to our younger generation. Though this is not across the board, it is widely the trend that is taking over.

Over the years, one of the most significant changes was in our health as a society. With the creation of fast food and an overbearing workload, many people have poor eating habits and diets. This is caused by stress and ignorance. The problem with this is that many illnesses that aren’t common in younger people are becoming more prevalent. Today we have a more significant percentage of obesity due to the lack of nutritional training and awareness. We had a different diet plan at least a century ago. Today, our eating is different from how we eat today. We have filled our life with so much more junk food and a fast pace of living that has resulted in an unhealthy society.

Our poor diets and eating habits develop in our mindset first. All thoughts and ideas have to begin somewhere, and here in the west, it stemmed from marketers selling unhealthy products to consumers. This was spread like a fire in society, not its effects on our life but our DNA/genetics and our children. Though it was a slow change that took many years to become the standard, we also have to consider why we allowed this harm to befall us. We must understand the human instinct to determine why that is the case.

The mindset of looking at how our instincts have changed over the years will give us a good understanding of where we are today as people. Our current mindset is going to be thinking in a Modern and Tribal way of thinking. The advancement in technology and the evolution of our culture have made the brain’s seeking and desire easy. Many people have conformed to this type of society because of how we develop and the brain’s natural tendency to conserve energy. Today we live in an accessible community where we do not have to fight for survival as we did hundreds of years ago. The worst thing that can happen to people regularly is that their order is wrong at a restaurant or their name is misspelled at Starbucks.

Where we were hundreds of years ago instinctually was more refined than how we think today. This is because we all have a smartphone in our hands with the ability to search for news and gather information. The problem with much of the information on the internet is that it is regulated and biased. Though some publications only write the facts, more companies are interested in higher revenue and don’t care what story they have to sell to get it done. That way of thinking alone shows how our moral compass has gone haywire over the years.

That moral compass has affected not only the information we receive but our very livelihoods as well. Each party is looking for its best intentions, from relationships to politics. That means we are living in a more selfish world. Though there has been some unfairness in traditional times, it was a learning opportunity for us to grow rather than an event that would make us weak and opinionated. The reason why this is happening is due to a tainted education system. Many people do not see the school system as a problem. However, I can tell you otherwise that my time in the schools has proven that my theory on education is correct.

We took away critical thinking and replaced it with socialism. Though it might not seem that way to people who think in that manner, we have to see how we once were and then appropriate from there. That loss has had some gains, but what it is doing to people today is creating a divide that will lead to catastrophe in the future if we cannot look at how things have changed and if we are in a better place. One of the things I did when I was figuring out my new body composition at 28 was trial and error. I found out what foods did not agree with me and made the necessary adjustments. In a sense, society has already had its trial-and-error phase.

That trial and error phase includes and is not only limited to the development of modern women and unhealthy eating habits. What has happened in these two areas is a lie that people have been fed to believe over the years. Going back to what I said about strength at the start of this blog, women had and still have strength. The problem is that they are trying to create equality that cannot occur due to genetics. Genetically we are different. That is why we have separate sports for men and women and why some sports are now banning transgender women from competing in women’s sports. You cannot lie against genetics.

Though that is the case, people will fight for freedom and equality, and it was always a mindset, not an issue. As a black man, there will be areas of the country where I will be treated differently, but that doesn’t mean I will not get unequal treatment. No matter where I go, how I perceive things will be my own doing. The mindset of people who feel cheated didn’t do anything besides get upset things were not fair. I will say that many traditional values were not helpful, and our values today are better for society.

Regarding the loss of traditions, we covered health & fitness, gender, relationships, tradition, and career. Though there are good and evil in both the traditional and modern ways of thinking, we have to look at the results to come if we continue down this path. For example, what will be the outcome in the next 50 years if we keep eating unhealthy foods? We will have more cases of obesity and an increase in illness. This will drop the life expectancy lower. Mixing it in with people already going off and having a career before a family affects population growth, but this is us going against our natural ways of living.

It is not natural to work your butt off, get two weeks off, and wait until 65 to live life. The loss of traditions is more than just how society is in a tailspin toward reality. That reality will not be by our ideas or opinions. The discrepancy between how we once were and where we are today differs in the areas I spoke about. However, there have been some advances in career, work-life balance, etc. We might have to get back to what will make us most healthy and happy vs. taking what we get and keeping what we have.

In closing, the loss of traditions has led society to a poor mindset. I believe you can be what you want, but you might have to adjust if you go for something not aligned with an underlining choice. There is no perfect time in history to make the changes necessary for growth and a better life. Just because we have lost our ways and have fallen in some areas doesn’t mean we cannot fix the situation. The problem is that only you can improve your life. You will see the world in a new light when you do that. It is essential to adjust your mindset for what you want in life today, tomorrow, and at the end of your life.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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