Whats Under the Surface: The Three Levels of Consciousness

When discussing the levels of consciousness, there are various frameworks and theories proposed by different psychologists and philosophers. One commonly referenced model includes three levels: the conscious, the subconscious, and the unconscious. While these levels may vary in definitions and interpretations depending on the source, I’ll provide a general overview to understand each area better.


The first area is the Conscious Level. The conscious level of consciousness refers to our immediate awareness of our thoughts, feelings, sensations, and surroundings. It is the state in which we are currently awake and perceiving the external world. Our conscious mind is responsible for rational thinking, decision-making, and day-to-day experiences. It enables us to consciously interact with others, process information, and respond to our environment.


The conscious mind is also the first voice that comes into our head when we are thinking. We spend the first years of our life learning a language to be able to respond, and some of that is automatic. However, the stuff that requires a response that is not automatic will derive a response created in the conscious mind or having to pull information from the preconscious. Here we will say what comes to mind, whether true or not. This can cause a major problem if we keep thinking about whatever comes; first, I listen.


One area that comes to our conscious mind first that we have to train our mind out of is fear. Fear will inhibit good action-taking and keep us stuck where we do not want to be. The reason is that at this conscious level, we only think about our safety rather than the growth potential of taking risks. This surface level of thinking will keep our life there too. Living on the surface level will mean missed opportunities and stunted growth.


The second area is the Preconscious or Subconscious Level: The subconscious level lies beneath the surface of our conscious awareness. It comprises thoughts, memories, beliefs, and experiences that are not currently in our conscious awareness but can be readily brought to consciousness. The subconscious mind acts as a storehouse of information, holding memories, emotions, and patterns of behavior that influence our conscious thoughts and actions. It also plays a role in automatic processes like driving a car or riding a bicycle, where our actions become almost instinctive and require less conscious effort.


The key point to emphasize here is the level of awareness between the conscious and subconscious levels. The subconscious can bring things into our consciousness and use our stored data to make a choice and take action. This would be good in all if we were not our worst enemy. Frequently, people will stop themselves from taking meaningful action because they have some time to think about it. This happens in health and fitness and even taking risks at work.


The subconscious may be the most essential part when it comes to mindset. The reason is that when you are setting yourself up for greatness, your subconscious will tell you’re conscious what to do, and if you have bad information and habits stored, you will start to act on them. That is why learning how to restructure your subconscious is important. However, you cannot have a strong subconscious without a strong unconscious.  (If you need help with your subconscious, Read this article Brain Hacks)


The third area is the Unconscious Level: The unconscious level represents a deeper and more inaccessible part of our mind. It encompasses thoughts, desires, and memories typically hidden from conscious awareness. According to psychoanalytic theories, the unconscious contains repressed or forgotten experiences, unresolved conflicts, and primitive instincts that shape our behavior. While we may not have direct access to the unconscious, its contents can influence our dreams, slips of the tongue, and certain aspects of our behavior.


I like to think of the unconscious as a lion, understanding that though it is the king of the jungle, a hunter can kill it with a single shot. Though the lion may have no evidence or understanding, we humans can use the example and bring it into a thought process. That thought process is that even though we are strong, we can break down with enough pressure, just like how the deeper you go in the ocean, so does the water pressure grow.


The unconscious level can be that pressure or the realization we need to take action, be humble, or be grateful. Though it is not something we think about readily, we are more than who we show the world. What is our foundation will only be brought to light if we notice the cracks and structural issues happening due to the progression of life. Our unconscious mind might not be in charge of our choices; it plays a critical role in setting the stage. Now that we have looked at the three levels of consciousness, I can break the logic into the mindset.


These three levels of consciousness all play a role in who we are today. I can guarantee you are not a toddler who went to Revenconcepts.com and opened this article to learn how to control your mind fully. It took an adult with an understanding of the three to read this in delve into what powers these three levels of the subconscious have over your life.


One of the main reasons for today’s post was to share Freud’s Iceberg Theory with people. This theory states that there are three levels stated above, but it is done using the concept of an iceberg. An iceberg might seem like a floating piece of ice, but it can sink a ship like the Titanic. Though an iceberg might appear small from the surface, it goes down deep to show its true might and massiveness.


Breaking down the sections would mean the top of the iceberg is the consciousness that houses our thoughts and perceptions. This is what you see from the top. It is not underwater and is easily visible. The second layer is the preconscious, which is underwater that is still visible. However, it can be different levels of depth depending on the individual. The last part is the part that many do not see, which will incorporate instincts, fears, and self-motives.


When we start to work from the bottom up, we can see that our motives are based on our best interests. If you are a parent, this might not be the case for you at times, but it shouldn’t always be the case. However, the basic thought pattern at this level is to be happy and not to live in fear. I do not have to tell you how often fears will stop you from living your true life. Fears will keep you alive but will not help you prosper. In today’s world, fear should be controlled and utilized to our benefit.


As you can imagine, if you have a foundation built on fear and instinct alone, you will be in a corner, afraid to take action. This is where the subconscious mind can work through those fears and relay the final verdict to the conscious mind. Some people try to use affirmations, speaking into consciousness, so that eventually it permeates to our subconscious so that we can alter our unconscious. This is one process for growth and success, though it is not without its tribulations.


As we age, the voice in our head becomes harder to hear, so we rely on our conscious/subconscious to lead us through life. The issue is that fear has a power that can be and is often greater than either what our conscious or preconscious mind can tabulate on a whim. That means changing your life; you must learn to listen deep enough to get down to your unconscious thoughts. This can lead to many years of growth and exploration.


Though the journey will be challenging and lengthy, it will be the best thing you can do to put your mindset on the track to a better situation. Many people become victims of their circumstances and how they think is to blame. We are programmed to survive, not thrive, but what I want for your life is abundance, not mediocrity and complacency. That will require you to take action and go on the journey to visit and learn about the three levels of consciousness and how they will affect you.


I cannot give you a blanket statement of how one will do it because this is where the unique journey occurs. I can share with you that many people have some flaws in their unconscious that were formed through bad parenting and a rough childhood. Though not to be for our upbringing, we are to blame if we do not fix it. I hate to say it, but parents make many mistakes when raising children, which is not the parent’s fault.


The issue is the cycle of evolution every family goes through if they are unaware of it. My grandfather walked ten miles to work daily, my father walked ten five miles to work each day, I drove a BMW to work, and my son drove a Ferrari. However, his son, my great-grandson, will be walking again because tough times create strong men, strong men create easy times, easy times create weak men, and weak men create tough times.


This cycle happens in the mind as we move through the generations. Though you might be a black sheep in your family that aims to break the generational curse of this cycle, you must create a legacy that will make your actions today remain the teachings to your great-grandchildren and even their great-grandchildren. You do that by mastering these three subconscious levels and laying them out so anyone can navigate them.


In closing, you will have to take a different approach depending on where you are in the cycle. The start will always be you learning about yourself, the second is typically what you will do next, the third will creating a plan for your legacy, the fourth will be implementing it with haste, and the fifth will create awareness for every generation that supersedes you. In short, mastering these three levels of consciousness can change not only your life today but also the lives and legacies of every future generation in your lineage.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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