The Lesser Version Vs. The Higher Version of You!

We all have that voice that tells us to go easy or quit. Well, that voice is not alone. There is also a voice that wants you to succeed and be successful. Which one wins more often, would you say in your life? If you find that the voice of your lesser self is winning more than your higher self, then this blog is for you. Today I will not only talk about how to get over your lesser self, but I will share with you the many methods you can use to be your higher self regularly.

Your lesser self will be dealing with those negative ideas you hold as your beliefs. Those will include your limits and your willingness to grow and seek challenges. Your lesser self should be viewed as an enemy that only wants to see you fail at life. Choosing the easy road is not only conformity but also an aspect of your lesser self taking over. The magic we have to look for today is how to choose our higher self every time without getting stuck by our lesser mindset.

The brain would love nothing more than to take it easy and not push every day. The problem is that every day is a struggle and should be approached. If you find yourself not failing on a strategic basis, then you might be living in your comfort zone. You can do things to fail that will not harm you and help keep your mind in a state of growth. How I use failure is in the gym. I try to fail at something, whether with weights or cardio, and I go to the point where I just can’t take another step or do another rep. 

Failure can help your mind transcend its former self into a higher self. The problem that many people face is that they are conditioned to dislike failure. When we are younger in the school system, we are given a grade that will indicate if we passed or failed. I can remember the dread and stress I would receive with each failing mark. I was not the best test taker when I was younger, so I was given a lesser hand regarding self-confidence. 

Those failures could have stopped me from becoming who I am today, but I chose my higher self with a healthy dose of optimism to help me get by. It was something I had to work at regularly, but I knew if I could let go of my lesser self and way of thinking, I could change my life. What I started to do was I didn’t allow the grade to determine my worth. Many people will enable others to assess their worth. This is not to say we are priceless and all beautiful, but rather to show us that we have the ability. That ability to change your circumstances is how you overcome your lesser self.

You must be confident that you can change your current circumstances no matter the hand you were dealt. It might not be easy, but I want you to keep pushing even if you feel there is no hope. Think of it in the way a seed is planted in the dirt, in darkness, and has a choice to sprout and push through that darkness, or it can remain the way it is. We are, in a sense, that seed in the darkness. Our environment is incorrect, so we wait for a perfect moment or time to sprout. However, if we wait too long, we will miss all those days of growth.

Many people struggle with letting go of their lesser selves because it has been their identity for so long. They are wary of that change now that they have to eliminate it. I tell my clients when they are getting out of their lesser selves and evolving into their higher selves, imagine how much better life would be. I then ask them some of their favorite things. They might tell me that they like sports, and I ask them if one year of season tickets or two years of season tickets is better if you pay the same price. Of course, they would say the two years is a better deal, which is the difference between your lesser and higher self.

Any example will work when comparing which you would instead prefer. Whatever works for you, do it, and understand that you have more potential to reach. That potential can be unlocked if you are ready and willing to attain it. It is not something you can just find easily and master. It will require immense mindset work to get what you are looking for. However, once you work to get to your higher self, you do not have to repeat the process unless you fall off and revert to your lesser self.

You will notice how good you feel in your higher self. You will see how much more energy you have at the start and end of the day. Though you should be exhausted from all the hard work you put forth at the end of the day, you should at least feel a sense of accomplishment. You will know if you pushed yourself that day to your fullest or if you left something on the table. Somedays, you might not give 100%, and there is nothing wrong with that. On those days, you just have to assess why you didn’t give 100% and make the necessary adjustments so you can do better the next day.

This can be like trial and error if you do not have all the areas of your life taken care of. For example, you might have to look at your sleeping and eating habits if you feel sluggish and low energy. If this area checks out, then you will have to look on an emotional level to see what emotion you are feeling. You might be feeling sadness or fear, and those emotions can be enough for you not to take the necessary action. I encourage you to take days off in the beginning to stress the boundary between your lesser and your higher self. 

When you stress the versions of yourself, you will see that you can change gears more quickly than if you just learned the basics of reaching your full potential. This is a great way to practice self-betterment. I aim to ensure I am in a better place than I was the day before. That means that I want to make forward progress with each new day. I want my January 1st to be nothing like my December 31st. Sometimes people set out to do amazing things, but when they look back at the year, they have done nothing more than survive. If you are in that survival mode, you have to switch it up and transition into one where you can live and enjoy life.

One of the things I like to do with new clients is to use imagery to make it clear what your higher self looks like. We look at every aspect of our life, and when we are done, we have the ideal version of ourselves in your mind. The next assignment will be to break it down into approachable steps and complete this person. It can be a long journey for that person, but as long as you remain steadfast on that journey, then you can achieve your fullest potential. There will be days when you can’t see that image of yourself, but I still want you to know that person’s silhouette and keep moving in that direction.

The forward progress you will make while operating at your higher self will amaze you. Typically when we are in a lesser self, we will get bored, stressed, and unhappy. Those are all things we can avoid; it just takes some practice. When you get in the zone of your higher self, you will see how much more proficient you are. You can do some amazing things in your life. Though you may think you have accomplished all you should in your day or life, I assure you that you have more to give. I was at this point too. I thought I was giving it all until I got a mentor who told me I wasn’t. It can be hard to see our blind spots.

In closing, When we transition from our lesser self to our higher self, we must remain steadfast toward the goal. The lesser version of ourselves would love more than to take a day off or not show up for a challenge. If you haven’t noticed already, life can be stressful and challenging, and we must know how to deal with those moments when they come. You will begin to see once you reach your higher self that you can do much more. When you can get into that mindset, your subconscious will activate and show up the same in your daily life. When faced with choosing your lesser vs. your higher self, I hope you choose the high road because it will take you to the most glorious views available in life.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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