The Journey of Life to Happiness

Living life will be like a figurative roller coaster in a sense, we will have many ups and downs and twists and turns. That doesn’t mean our life is terrible because that is the path that we were destined to experience. Though many people understand this concept, they are not living life with the intent of creating meaning. We all want to be happy and prosperous and find our purpose or sense of meaning in life. However, many of us do not do what is necessary to make those things come true. In today’s blog, I will talk about the journey of life in the sense of finding happiness, success, and purpose.

Finding happiness in life will be one of the main focuses people will try to reach. I just finished my first book, and it is all about the journey of happiness. You will be able to find it on my website for purchase in August of 2022. The journey of happiness is not what many people are led to believe. People will typically think that happiness will be a destination, and once they get a certain amount of money or admiration, happiness will be what is left. Though we will experience some sense of joy when we reach this place, it will not be long-lasting.

Similar to us looking for happiness in the days, we have to be able to look for life. The key to happiness is not so much about the destination, but rather it is in the journey. Many people have difficulty seeing the joy in the journey because their work is not fulfilling them in a meaningful way. Instead, they walk in life and put on a smile for appearance, but deep down, they are miserable. I have been there, and this is not the way to live. There is a way to get your mindset into a better state of being, and it starts with you.

Happiness must first be realized in your mind, and then it can correlate to your life. Many people want happiness first before they do any work on their minds. The way of thinking that we want to get paid before we do the job is of a scarcity mindset, which will affect the following areas we will talk about. If you believe that you cannot be happy or if you do not even know what indeed makes you happy, then that is where the work needs to begin. Society has told us that we need to be satisfied for so long, but first, you have to look within if you want true happiness. 

Somewhere between being happy, we want to be successful somehow. Success is one of those things that will be unique to the individual. I can be successful with $100 in the bank, and you might not think of success being anything less than one million in the bank. What you define as success will help you understand the steps needed to complete your journey. The problem is that many people say that to find happiness, they must first find success. 

In reality, people must first find happiness, and success will follow. There are cases where people find success before joy, but those are the outliers. That is why only 2% of people achieve crazy amounts of wealth in their life. Trying to be that 2% is not bad, but we have to give ourselves a better probability of success than just luck, motivation, and a grand idea. Success will come in if we let it, but many people think that success is an elusive thing that is only for a select few.

When dealing with success, we have to understand our current mindset on what it means to be a success. Many people believe that success is scarce and you have to know the right people to make it big in life. When dealing with people who want success, I find that they wish to do the easy parts but are unwilling to do the difficult parts of life. People are afraid to try or fail because it will make them feel down, but as long as you are reluctant to yield, you will not achieve great things. Our most abundant success lies on the other side of our fears. If we can conquer our fears, then we can achieve success.

That then leads us to find a purpose in life. We can make a boatload of money and fill our lives with all of the world’s beautiful things, but that doesn’t guarantee fulfillment. Many people reach out to me, and they want me to help them find their purpose in life. The process is simple, but many people will get in their way. This is because they have an inner voice and an outer voice speaking simultaneously. It can be challenging to get any direction when you cannot think clearly with one focus. 

The journey to finding your purpose will be one of the most meaningful things you do. The best thing about finding your purpose is that it can evolve. Today’s goal might have transformed into something great in five years. Though you might think that the end purpose is what you should be aiming for, that is not the truth. To get to a final place in our sense of purpose and fulfillment, we have to create the building blocks to help us reach that place.

Many people want the finished product NOW, but in reality, where would that leave people? If you were given everything you wanted instantly, you would not appreciate it the same as if you had worked for it, and it took time and effort. Many readers are thinking, “ I won’t mind getting everything I want right now” I mean, who wouldn’t? I know firsthand how fierce the struggle can be, and it is up to us to get over our lesser way of thinking and into our higher level of thinking.

When we can see our mindset as the means to take us on this life journey towards completing our most desired goals, we will create a window to appreciate the process. I know that working for things is becoming an outdated way of thinking. We live in a world where we can get something in a matter of hours without leaving the comfort of our abode. Has this made us lazy and complacent? To some extent, yes, but if you use it in a certain way, it can be a tool for our advancement.

The journey of life will be unique to everyone who walks it. Some people will give up on life and leave the remainder of their days to chance. However, what if you wanted to take life by the neck and show it who the boss is? You will notice that you are the person who is in control of your life, but you are also the cultivator of your destiny. There will be many ups and downs and twists and turns in life, but the journey is worth it if you do not give up and keep pushing past all the pain, failure, and challenge. Life is not about the destination; it is about the journey. So whether you are looking at finding happiness, success, or your purpose, pay attention to the journey, and you will find the destination in time. 


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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