Human Nature

As people, we are naturally social-emotional creatures, meaning we care about what happens to others. Of course, the world can turn us bitter, but we have not to ensure the world doesn’t play a factor in who we become in the end. What’s happenings right now in our world are that we are losing the value of our true human nature with every new passing generation. There are many reasons for this, and the solution can be simple. Today, I will be breaking down the idea of our natural human condition and sharing some methods to get back into our natural mindset.

When we are young, we have a wonderful imagination that rivals our favorite fiction author. We have all these fantastic and far-fetched ideas that help keep us young. Our vision runs rampant, and we are always thinking about something grandiose in our minds. That is until our dreams are shattered, and our imagination is taken away. What happens next is we are left with a shell filled with what society, our parents, or friends want for us instead of what we want. However, before we fall into this pit of despair on conformity, we must first learn where we came from and who we once were.

We once were people who would band together for the sake of survival. Working in a group in a survival situation is more straightforward, especially if the group knows what they are doing. The idea is that everyone plays a small piece that adds to the whole. When this is done, people can work together on a single project or task and have it done more quickly. This was typically done in a unison fashion. Using the stone age as an example, the men would go out to hunt, and the women and children would gather fruits and vegetables for the evening meal. 

If one failed, they still had food, but the idea of both working towards the meals would bring balance to what we are eating. A well-rounded diet and ensuring you receive the proper minerals and nutrients the body needs help them stay in peak performance. Today’s article is the perfect follow-up to last week’s blog, Out of Tolerance, and the importance of staying in the best performance shape possible. This unison also creates a byproduct called comradery.

Working together as comrades or as a team means we can work more efficiently. The best thing about this is that the body’s natural human condition is to conserve energy in a fight or flight. Our bodies have changed drastically from how they were in the Stone Age, and so have our minds. We no longer must be vast and hairy and fight off saber-tooth tigers. We also have moved away from living and working together as one unit for a common goal.

Today our goal has become more streamlined than it once was. Before, we would do things for the village or the community. In our world today, we do things mainly for our benefit alone. That doesn’t mean there aren’t people who operate under our initial ways or have those traditional values. The norm has become to do things if only it has some benefit to us. This way of living is a selfish way to think and live because it secludes you from working together with others and gives you the “I” mentality that can be a detriment to your growth and success.

If we continue this path of solidarity, we will soon notice that we will be left dow-stream without a paddle. If that becomes your reality, you will find it challenging to take action and do what you should be doing in your days. The mentality that society has told us to move toward is the way we naturally would and into a new way that may stop us from reaching the person we can and should become.

I understand that becoming someone might get in the way of identity loss, but the goal is to get us back to our natural thinking. This is because we are in an epidemic of mindless zombies and ineffective individuals who do not even know they are that way of being. Our conscious mind has taken over, and we are given a close tie to our emotions that are not conducive to growth. Do you ever wonder why you are afraid to take specific actions? One of the main reasons is that we vie for this comfort we have created and are told we must have in society when in reality, we should look at that comfort as an anchor rather than a vehicle to happiness.

To return to our original human nature, we must do a mindset reset. There is a good possibility that you have done this in some aspect of your life already. One of my favorite ways to reset my mind is to spend some time outside in nature. Today, we live in our homes which creates a bubble of comfort. We have food, water, shelter, and security, making it difficult for the brain to realize that this place is a death trap. Not a death trap in a sense we will die if we live here, but in the long-term scheme of our life, it can lead to our demise. This is because if we do not see a reason to create change, the brain will not send off those cues to take action.

When we immerse ourselves in nature, we remove ourselves from our materialist and agenda-based society. When we are outside today, we will get the sun we need, the fresh air we desire, and the connection we never knew we had lost. I find that people who create opportunities to go outside have a better view of life. This optimism is not just something they read or watched here at Reven Concepts. It is a belief that has come to learn is essential for life. Our original senses have helped us to stay in touch with our entirety rather than the mentality we hold today that only hints at our superficial needs.

Another great way to return to our natural human way of being is to eliminate technology for a short period. I love to forget my phone at home some days. Though it can cause problems if I need it, there are ways that I can get around not having a phone in my pocket or hand. It sounds strange, but I have lived without a phone before, so I am confident I do not need it to live. However, for many people, their phone is their lifeline to identity; without it, they feel lost and anxious. That is not how the human body or mind should be. You should be self-sufficient on your own two feet and not need something to make you feel complete.

Getting back to our original Human Nature is not a priority for many people. What tends to happen in our fast pace of human evolution and mindset is we forget what we had because it is replaced with a new and trendy way of being. I do not know about you, but I do not live life to be accepted by people who could care less about you after five minutes have passed. We have taken humans out of society and replaced them with cogs. We are running around unaware of our potential and out of sync with our emotions, and what we do believe is just an identity that was built on the whims of societal ideals.

Though the concept of human nature refers to how we once were, there is also the idea of who we are and who we will be. We must examine all three aspects and conclude how we want to live. I cannot tell you how to live your life, but I can share with you the cause and the effect of each of the ways you can live. If you are unsure of the path you should take, then reach out to me and find a time that we can meet to discuss your life. If you feel that you are off whack and want to get back in sync with your natural way of being, then learning about human nature can be a great starting point for you to get back to normal.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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