How To Remain Consistent

Reven Concepts has been in business since 2018. Throughout the years, we have had years of growth and years of woe. It has not all been butterflies and rainbows, but I am here to say that we are still going strong regardless of what is happening in the world. So my question is, what do you do when things go wrong in your life? Do you give up, or do you find a way to keep on? Today, I want to share with you how to remain consistent through all the good and bad times.

As much as I would love to say that the good times will stay and keep rolling, that would be false. An occasional storm comes through without your consent, and you will be left downstream without a paddle. Though life is not about being fair, it is about showing up. That means if you can learn to show up in your days, you will eventually be at a point where no matter what comes your way, you will show up.

Remaining consistent has helped me make great strides. There are still many things I do not know and plenty of areas I can improve upon, but what I can tell you is that the service I offer has only gotten better over the years, from the creation of my Podcast Coaching In Session to the motivational video series Motivation In Motion. We continue to surpass our limits and what was initially thought of. I never knew I would have a podcast or a video series that would be six seasons deep. Nonetheless, I continue to surprise myself. 

In a sense, we do not know our final destination. We might know where we want to be, but the end location is in the air. For example, if you want to go to California, you may find yourself at places you have yet to go. That is the beauty and the magic of life. We have an idea of what it is, but it becomes much more. However, just because we have vast potential doesn’t mean we will take it all.

This leads us to what type of personality you must have to remain consistent. For that, I  recommend a book called Relentless by Tim Grover. You will find in that book that it takes more than an idea to keep on when you want to give up. In all honesty, there are times when I want to give up, but I understand the power of goals, habits, planning, and execution.

There are many aspects to remaining consistent, ranging from how we plan our day to how we think about our day. You can plan all day and not be happy with the results. You can have a bulletproof plan but still, get shot down. What separates the good from the greats, and that will come down to consistency? 

It is easy to see someone who has made it and to look at their life and say that you want what they have. The issue with that is that you didn’t see the years of building that had to take place for them to achieve the levels of success they have today. The long nights, the low bank accounts, the past due bills, all of that can be what stops someone from achieving their life purpose. How can we be more than our circumstances in the way of our purpose?

The ideas we have in our mind, whether they be lofty dreams or goals, help us stay motivated and hopeful for what is possible. Many people face the issue of staying in that hoping phase. They wish for things to go their way rather than going out and making their way. Results don’t happen overnight, for the most part. Yes, some things can happen fast, but the satisfaction we seek is not in fulfilling our goals but in the journey and the building toward them.

You have to be a bit crazy to start something like I have started. The task seems almost IMPOSSIBLE; however, what is impossible for someone else might be possible for me. I am not sure if I can see the future, but I can see myself doing some fantastic things. Those things that I have in my mind are only a fraction of what would happen. The mind will limit you even if you know you are about to do something amazing in the world. 

Though we are all on that road to glory, many people will face pitfalls that stop them from proceeding. The question then becomes, why do people give up? Why do people slow down and eventually stop? The reasoning can be many different things, but we all have to have a taste of this in life. We learn best from our mistakes and trials, including stopping right before reaching success.

I spent some time in the world of sales in early 2017. It was a great learning lesson because I was getting ready to launch my business, and I needed to know at least how to sell or how people think selling should go. Well, in sales, the retention rate could be better. A different person is quitting each week, and a new hopeful soul enters each passing month. Regardless of all the new faces, the training was the same. Do not stop because when you feel like you want to quit, success is right around the corner.

This kept many people in the game longer, but it is an eat-or-starve mindset in the sales world. You can have great months and some terrible months; which ones a person focuses on is dependent on mindset. I found that even though I had a good mindset at the time, it is better now; I still did things to self-sabotage my success. I wouldn’t want to make calls or go into the office and work from home. I can even give you every excuse in the book as to why I didn’t want to work, including my dog eating the keyboard, and I mean it; it was destroyed!

This helped me see myself in the environment and the environment in me. This is a tricky switch between how I perceived myself in the present at the company and what I would like for my future. It turns out that I need to be cut out for sales. I can make sales in the business, but it is not my forte. That means it is something I need my marketing team to focus on and allow me more freedom to work in the areas I shine best, and that is the secret to success and remaining consistent. Do more of what you love, and delegate the rest.

We all have something we love to do. What you do is hard work, and you might get burned out from doing such, but understand there is magic to return to your purpose. I do not say passion because passions are like motivations, temporary, and since they are only for a moment, we need to understand that we can have hundreds of passions, but we will have few or selective purposes.

I have learned through the help of my coaches and mentors that what lights me up in life is not editing or playing guitar but rather the simple nature of teaching. When I write my blogs or books, I teach someone something. I teach people continually because of the podcast and through coaching and conversation. Recently, my dad asked me where I got all this information, and I told him that I love learning. So I will read or listen to whatever I can get ahold of and make it my own.

I wasn’t always good at school, but I eventually learned how to be great at it. I believe that is why I was such an effective teacher. Not only because I knew the content, but I could ask myself, how would I teach myself if I was back to being a child? Start from the basics and start so simple that anyone can achieve. That small achievement would eventually make way for bigger achievement, but it was the building blocks I was missing, so I gave it to my students. 

To this day, I continue to break concepts and ideas down in my coaching career. I understand where ground zero is. I have to figure out where you are and then learn your personality, temperament, and resilience for pain, so I can grasp how much I need to encourage you. Some People need it ever so often, but others need it at pivotal points in their lives. I know for me growing up, I didn’t always get validation from my parents, but I had a great teacher back when teachers used to be great and would cheer me on.

Today, I want to cheer you on! Reminding you that remaining consistent can be put down into three easy steps, but there is something more to consistency: knowing the value of your actions. The world may not even know it yet, but you have something amazing up your leave. Whenever you stop or surrender, you must return your greatest accomplishment to a later date. However, if you keep pushing it back, you will have less time to reap the benefits or even achieve them. 

Right now, what you can achieve is possible, but you do not want to wait until you are on your deathbed to make some changes. Learning what you need can be as easy as meditating, keeping a journal, or getting coaching to help you advance to the next level. You might be in the bad habit of starting and stopping or giving up when things get difficult, but I want you to make a small adjustment; tell yourself to stop waiting. There is no ready time to show the world who you are. However, there is a right time, and that time is now! What will you do now? When you do it, don’t stop, get help if you need it, and stay hungry and driven no matter what.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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