T.U.S Part 48: The Factors for Manifestation

I have been in the personal development world for many years now, and to this day, one of the most powerful tools I have found is the concept of Manifestation. Manifestation is bringing your desires, goals, or intentions into reality through your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and actions. It is based on the idea that the universe is abundant and responsive to our energy and vibrations. Today, we will attract what we want by aligning ourselves with that positive energy in this Tune-Up Series.


Manifestation involves focusing on what you want to create and taking inspired action while maintaining a positive mindset, a sense of faith, and trust that your desire is already on its way. There is more than one secret formula to reaching success and happiness, but most of those formulas contain, knowingly or unknowingly, the secret of belief. They say if you can dream it, you can achieve it, and that is what we will be working towards to gain a deeper understanding and apply that secret sauce to our life.


The Steps to Manifestation

  1. Clarity & Visualization
  2. Belief & Trust
  3. Action & Gratitude


1-Clarity and Visualization

Creating clarity and becoming adept in Visualization is the first step to manifesting the future you see in your mind. A funny meme is out now with a picture of a man with text that says, “How can I get the money I have in my mind in my bank account?” That is the first step of Visualization, but you have to be clear about why you want that money in the first place.


In my coaching, many people like to skip steps or get to the result of the best parts of life very quickly. These same people do not want to build the foundation and do the work, but a good amount needs to know they need to complete that step first. The first step we take in the morning or towards our dreams is the same. How much meaning do we put behind it?


Not many people are clear or have clarified why they do the things they do. Many people’s reason is based on what they were told rather than their beliefs. For example, most people were told to get a 9-5 job. There is nothing wrong with having that type of job/career, but why are we not teaching our children that life is not all about work and money? What happens when you have that conversation? You dive deeper into the mind to figure out what someone truly wants.


I cannot tell you how many young adults I work with have yet to learn of their purpose or passions. They are still determining if they like certain things to go a step further. The answers they give me are more of an ordinary day rather than knowing what makes them feel good or motivated. The issue here is not that they do not know their purpose or passion, but instead that we teach children without clarifying why they must go to school and study.


Yes, we have a blanket answer: to make money, create wealth, and be functional members of society, but what if that is not someone’s purpose? What if someone wants to make a difference in the world with acts of service? Where in the curriculum is that? You are right; it is not there. Yes, as we go up, we should have positive mentors that help us see that, but not every child will be privileged to have functioning adults who have it all together. This created the main issue because now we have an adult and child that needs clarification about what they want to create, so what they visualize is a fantasy.


There is a way to transform that fantasy into reality. Still, if you lack knowledge, the first thing you must do is find someone who can help create clarity with you so you can visualize your true future rather than one fabricated by moving through the ranks of the system. This step is crucial because it will define your end goal and starting point. If you know anything about moving to a destination, you need to know where you are and where you want to be.


Remember, you must learn to be clear on what you want to manifest and visualize it with as much detail as possible. Use your imagination to see, feel, and experience it as if it happened. This will help you to align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your desired outcome. This is a skill anyone can attain.


2-Belief and trust

I need to find out how often we discuss this step at Reven Concepts. The foundation of Reven Concepts is based on belief & trust. The reason is that when you believe or are instilled with limiting beliefs, you can only break them by believing and trusting in yourself or someone else, like a coach.


The process is simple regarding belief and trust, but the implementation can be more difficult if you try to do it with others. We always say that if you cannot believe in yourself, allow us to believe in you and be your biggest cheerleader. What that does to the mind is that it sparks something within it that makes it want to achieve what we believe, or the simple notion of someone having belief and faith in you will jolt you to a higher self so you do not disappoint them.


Not much a client can do to disappoint me, but I will admit I have yelled at many clients because they failed to show up in some regard. Call it tough love or whatever you will, but I call it passion; we don’t play games here at Reven Concepts. We strive for results; the outcome is the results we aim for or better. It pains me to see people not achieve something great because of inaction. I am fine with imperfection, but I will let you know if you fail to show up. I will change your life if you give me your best and willingness. However, there has to be a foundation of trust before I can make that happen.


When someone believes what they want is possible and trusts that the universe or an individual (anybody) is working in their favor to bring it into existence creates a solid bond for that belief. However, more than belief may be needed if their mind is riddled with limiting beliefs and self-doubt and is fixed in their present situation/circumstance. The fix for that is to learn to let go of the person you have built to build someone better.


We must let go of any doubts or negative beliefs blocking our Manifestation. In turn, we must replace them with positive mindsets, affirmations/mantras, and a strong desire to read the goals we have visualized. Again, this can be a long road if you do not have a coach or mentor, but it is not an impossible journey, just a bit more arduous.


3-Action and Gratitude

I am sure you have heard other coaches yell and shout that you must take extreme action to get the results you want. Yes, this will get you to where you want to be; however, we must also recognize the power of slow and steady. The story, The Tortoise & The Hare, made this concept famous. The story’s moral is that you can take it slow and still reach your destination if you remain consistent and keep pushing. Though this premise has flaws in mindset, there are lessons we can extrapolate and apply to our lives today.


The first is that remaining consistent is a good thing, even if it is in small steps. I would rather us keep making progress, even though it is minute, than for us to remain stagnant and in a rut of mutiny. This is where the idea of action comes in. Action is not only about moving but rather closing the gap between where we are to where we want to be. For example, if you want to go on vacation, you have to not only take action to get the tickets but also drive or get on the plane to change locations. The same is true with our current circumstances and our desired circumstance.


Our actions do not have to be big or grandiose, but they do have to be consistent and focused. This means that you stay true to your vision & goal and keep sight of why you are doing what you do. If you are still trying to figure out how to find your WHY, you can read this article here. This article is a bit older, but the concepts remain true today. I will release an updated version of how you can find your why in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for that.


The actions we take will inspire us towards the goals we set. However, there is another aspect to the recipe to be successful. That last part is the idea of gratitude. The reason this part is essential is that action is what action is. You can go to the gym all day long, but if you do not work out when you get there, then what is the point? Gratitude helps us understand the opportunity in front of us and helps us take the appropriate actions.


Gratitude also helps to amplify positive energy and attract more abundance into your life. When that happens, you will want to take more action. For example, if you remember going on a field trip when you were younger, you were probably excited to go to school. However, if you had a test instead of the field trip and you didn’t study, you would not be as happy to wake up and run to your failing mark on the test.


In a sense, we want to stay focused and be grateful for what we have, but our actions must match the end goals we want to have. That end goal is essentially happiness, but if we need to understand what gratitude is and how to be grateful, we will have a difficult time manifesting the future we see for ourselves. That means we must remain focused, look toward the future, and remain in the present moment to appreciate what we have and understand what actions we need to take as our next step.


In closing, our next step does not have to be a mystery or daunting task. I know the unknown can be scary, but the journey of Manifestation does not have to be solo. I cannot recommend enough to invest in yourself and get a coach to help you in whichever parts of your life you are looking to manifest something amazing. Instead, you get on that path sooner than later, so you can experience all the bliss life offers.


There is no reason to stay in misery for more than a moment. It is not a lifelong commitment to live in your circumstance. That means you have the choice today to create a new obligation for what you want to create in your life. The first step is to create that clarity and visualize what you want. The second step is to believe in and trust yourself through the process set forth. The final step is to take action and understand why you do what you do. Following this process will help you manifest anything, be it good, in your life.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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