The Evolution of Mindset

When you begin your mindset journey, you will notice that you must go through many revisions until the final product. It might seem like a waste of time, but it is important to understand multiple mindsets before you fixate on a particular one. Even when you find the mindset of what you are vying for at this moment in time, understand that your mindset will evolve. That evolution typically occurs naturally with age. However, there are ways to force your mindset to change. Today, we will explore how to develop our mindset through introspection.

The act of introspection involves examining or observing one’s own mental and emotional processes, which includes our current mindset. In following through with the process of introspection, we will notice that we are doing a self-assessment of the quality of our thoughts, feelings, and actions. This will encompass our totality of control and show us any area where we are not as efficient. Doing this is the first step to pinpointing where our mind is, and then we can come up with a viable road map to where our mind is going. This process will involve the ability to think and view different mindsets in retrospect critically.

This process is something that I do without telling any of my clients I am doing so. The reason is that they do not have to worry about what comes next if that is my job. I would rather have them worry about what is happening right now versus them worried about every little aspect of change. This is one of the best reasons why getting a mindset coach to help you along the journey to a new way of thinking is essential. You can take out the guesswork and the road, and all you have to do is complete the given tasks each day/week. What you will notice in time is that your mind will start to develop in the way the coach has set for you.

When I went on the journey to change my mindset, I had walked the path alone for many years. Eventually, I went on to get mentors and coaches, but when I first started, I would read countless books and blogs just like the one you are reading today. I have found that you can find the keys to unlock the doors of your mind with the most extraordinary amounts of wealth behind them. Initially, we do not even know where to look when we are going on that journey. At least for me, I was entirely in the dark, and I turned to philosophy to gain more wisdom and different ways of thinking.

I knew that studying wise words from some of the world’s greatest minds would be able to spark something in my mind. I didn’t know what type of roller coaster I would be on when it was all said and done, but what I do know is that I can help people change and evolve their mindsets because I walked the path I did. If I had received coaching and not gone through the struggle alone, I would not have as strong a foundation as I do today in helping people. Also, working with all ages has helped me understand how the mind typically operates at its current stage of development.

When we are young, our minds are focused on many things that might not seem important to us as adults. We might want this toy or go on this ride at the amusement park, but we focus on age’s limitations as a factor. I recall being young and too short to ride. All I wanted then was to be old enough to go on this ride. Eventually, it turned into me wanting to be a teenager, wanting to get my license, then “I need to get a car,” then wanting to get a credit card, to be able to drink legally, etc. The path of life is simple, but understanding the mindset of each walk of life will require a massive amount of compiled data. 

Over the years of teaching and coaching, I have learned how the mind is structured and learns. As the mind matures, the way it learns becomes different. For example, do you know anyone who is immensely intelligent, but if you tasked them to relay the information to others, they could not do that? That is because, in their brain, this all makes sense, but to break things down, we must understand what it takes to teach/learn and build upon the concepts of education.

When we have the basis of how the mind works and know the structure for education for the different age groups, we can begin to evolve the mind in a particular fashion. I find that a blank canvas is easier to work with than one already painted. Working with younger children is simply because they will absorb what you teach them without resistance. The problem is that not every adult has the best intention for our young leaders. Those bad teachers can teach children things that will harm their mental stability later. This problem will be more prevalent in about ten years when the students who grew up in elementary are not older and have to change their mindset. 

Society has a massive impact on the mind, and it is up to us to view the norms and ideals of culture as something we should know or avoid. This can be accomplished by a parent, teacher, or coach. The problem is that as a community, we have many minds in one basket where I can raise my child to be focused and mindful while another parent can train their child to be abrupt and dismissive. However, there is no guide on how to raise a child the proper way because it will be up to interpretation. That idea would be, what should life be in the end?

Now that we are adults, we have a different way of thinking, but that doesn’t mean we are in the clear. We will still be under the pressure of societal norms and have to follow laws and regulations to continue with a structured society. Though I have the freedom to choose what I want to do in life or what to believe in will be one of the first falsehoods we will consider. The mind seeks to conform naturally from a young age. We want to be accepted because we will be outcasted and left to fend for ourselves if we are not. The young brain cannot do what an adult mind can, so it will default to adapting to its environment.

Once we become an adult, we will see how our minds form into society’s mold. We have been told a set of limiting beliefs all our life, and now we have a choice when we are adults. We can continue to follow the system we were taught at a young age or create a new way of thinking, a new mindset that will help us reach a different life that we did not teach. You are lucky if you were fortunate to have parents who educated you beyond the school classroom. However, there is another obstacle to technology that is taking away some of the power of the mind to learn how to unlock its full potential.

Though reaching a new way of mindset is not a walk in the park, we can begin to make subtle changes that the mind is not aware of. We will be more likely to evolve if we can make changes in small increments or focus on breaking things down into small steps. The brain will naturally see the effort and energy needed for a task. Though that is a good thing because it is a mechanism to keep us alive, it has become outdated in our current society. If you haven’t guessed yet, We have to change our mindset as society changes to remain the forefront of the realm of critical thought.

As a mindset coach, I help find the unspoken answers in the words someone tells me. This goes back into our way of thinking, and it also helps me determine what type of mindset they have. I will say that some people will not change their mindset even though they can. It is because they are not willing to make the changes to evolve and be better. If they do not adapt to a new and stronger mindset, they will be at the whims of circumstances. Not everyone will turn out bad, but if you had a guaranteed way to success, would you take it?

This is where we are right now in society. We have a guaranteed way to be successful, but many people are unwilling to do what is necessary. People have become lazy due to the times and current state of civilization. The good news is that just because the world chooses to be weak, that doesn’t have to be your future. You can be more today, and it will start with your mindset. You do not have to know all the facets of the mind as I do, but you have to be willing to seek and promote change in your life. If you are stuck in your old way of thinking and being, you will continue to have an outdated mindset.

In closing, the evolution of the mind will go down many paths. It is up to you how you will lead and adjust your mind, but I will tell you that many people will allow their minds to be formed by what society says. It is because it is the easiest thing for our brain to do. If we do not have to worry about something, we won’t. However, if you put in the effort to make changes for a better and new way of thinking, you will find yourself years ahead of your peers. As each day passes, your mindset should become more robust. If you notice that no strength or fortification is happening within you, you have to choose to change or be a victim of the circumstances and societal norms.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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