Education & Mindset

There has been a rise in the number of parents who have decided to home-school their children over the past two years. I do not blame them for making that choice, and I do encourage parents to be a part of their child’s education. With that being said, education is more than just the curriculum. Education is what we display and portray in our day-to-day life. From how we speak to people to how we spend our time, that is education at its finest. Just because we might have formed it into a routine, a child will learn from their environment and the behaviors surrounding them. If we know how children learn, why do we not invoke the best education for them at home?

There are many reasons why education at home is lacking. If you think schools are failing, you would be shocked at how many parents teach their children negative behaviors and habits. Most children will not know what is good and bad because they will see it as usual. They will see their parent figure doing something and mimic it to conform to society. This is the way the brain learns on two levels. The first is conforming to being part of the pack, and the second is learning to adapt to the environment. All of this happens subconsciously, so you do not have to worry about making it aware of her child. However, there is power in it if you do.

This part of learning has some to do with personality and creating a self of identity. However, the central part of this type of education will be dealing almost exclusively with survival. If a species fails to adapt to its environment, it will cease to exist. This is science 101, and we have forgotten this on the conscious level. Our subconscious knows this very well; that is why entitlement is so easy to have. It requires more work to be humble and gracious than to be selfish and entitled. Our society is taking a unique turn, and the critical factors to the shift have been education and mindset.

When I decided to write a blog about education and mindset, I knew it would be something that has not been spoken about on a wide margin. The reason is that many see education as the attainment of knowledge, not the development of mindset. How we view things will be left up to our interpretation, but there is a way to form a stronger mindset without changing your environment and behaviors. That way will entail the amount of input you put in your brain. Essentially that is what education is on a primal level. If you can absorb more information, opinion, beliefs, experiences, etc., you will be mentally better.

If we look at society today, we must first figure out the primary source of education for most people. You will notice that technology has been a critical player in the education realm for the last two decades. The pandemic and quarantine have taken deeper into our education over the previous two years. That has spread the poison of neglectful educating and developing minds. Today, we have an epidemic of people who lack critical thinking, and conformity has become the number one reason why people will fail if they continue down their path. I do have good news for you, and the good news is there is a cure.

I have studied and immersed myself in education for the last 15 years. I wanted to know the ins and outs of education and the mind so one day, I could be a reigning voice in the education system and mindset. I have found that we are not moving towards something better; we are going downhill. This is not to say that the quality of life will diminish. It is simply saying that the human spirit will die with the evolution of society mixed with technology. This will not seem likely to you, but the cause and effect prove otherwise. This will be the destruction of mindset as we know it.

The solution is not as easy as turning off your smartphone and television. You have to seek knowledge in a new and more profound way. That means you will need some guidance. Whether it be a coach or a mentor, they will help be the cure for the poison the world has secretly spliced into the system. The conscious mind is being fooled, and we have to make it clear as a day that tomorrow will not be better unless we take action. Many people are on the ground figuratively and getting the snot kicked out of them.

One of the first things you must do is stop the source of any more corruption. Stress has become so common nowadays that we will have difficulty taking action for the first couple of times. We will be worried about the rising cost of food, gasoline, and inflation, and we have to learn what comes next. I will tell you that if you fail to educate the mindset in the next seven years, at least you will create destruction that will last 2-3 generations long. That is a risk I am not willing to take, and it is not one I would recommend you take. I want you to be in a better place as soon as possible, but it will require you to open up.

When we were young, the system placed it in our minds that we did not have a voice. Regardless of what amendments we have protecting our speech, they have been chipped away over the years to create control and divide. The people who come up with the curriculum and education should quit and allow classroom teachers to develop strategies that promote effective teaching and growth of mindset and critical thinking. We will also not put the sole role of education on our teachers. We as parents and adults must educate and create an example to be followed. If we cannot do that, then education and the mindsets to follow will have difficulty reaching a more vital state of mind.

It is no secret that as time changes, the way we grow up will change too. I must clarify that what I’m looking at with education in mindset is not an old memory of the good ole days. What I see is more than that. Today we have just as bright of minds as we did in the past, and I would like to argue that we have a higher proficiency for success and creating new advancements in life. This is because we have less stress. The problem is that many people replace the stressors they lost with different and inconsequential ones.

One of the things we should aim for when we are applying education with the goal of mindset is to allow them to come up with a solution. This skill has been lost because having technology in the classroom and changing the math system from long-hand to boxed learning has formed the mind to be different. We do not yet have enough data on whether that learning will bring about something good in life, but I can tell you that it created a mass of TikTok dancers and people eating Tide Pods. I could be a stickler here, but I think there is a better way.

In closing, when it comes to education, many components happen simultaneously. If we tie in the result of mindset, we create an opportunity for a more profound learning experience. Though we cannot get around hormones and genetics with a mindset, we can give a mind enough wisdom and knowledge to help them make sound decisions towards a better tomorrow. What I aim to do here at Reven Concepts is to help educate people after realizing that the education they have received over the years of school was insufficient for their life goals. It is never too late to change your life for something better.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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