The Current State Of Mindset

Right now, we live in a society of frail and weak individuals, and their mindset reflects that too. Though our society is in a poor state mentally, there is a way to help strengthen people again. There is a saying that strong men create easy times and weak men create tough times. This formula is why we are in the predicament we are in today. The human instinct is to evolve and adapt, and the brain’s job is to conserve energy. What we have created was an opportunity for the brain to take a vacation and for people to be lesser in thinking and survival and more in line with a plush way of living. Today I will be unpacking how our mindset is leading us to destruction. 

We were once warriors and survivors, and now we are activists and Tik Tokers. Oh, how society has fallen from our great ancestors. Though we have made significant technological advances and learned to make life streamlined and simplistic, we have missed an essential factor in the development of mindset, which is strength. Many people are so weak and timid that they can only speak to another person through a computer screen. Though this is a different problem, we can see that the mindset of being strong is courageous has gone out the window.

Many people live in a fantasy world where they hope and dream of a better tomorrow. These people do not apply any actions toward their ambitions and accept whatever comes their way. We live in a world where we no longer have to go out and hunt and gather, and we can get food delivered to our front door without leaving the comfort of our homes. This is causing a rift in people thinking they can simply want, wish, or desire something, and it will automatically come their way. Though Doordash wasn’t the downfall of our society, it is a mindset factor we must understand because as we unravel this onion of weakness, we will see many layers of change that have caused a plummet in solid mindsets.

Today people think having a strong mindset is having an opinion or belief and not moving to falter when opposed by the opposition. I believe you should stand up for your beliefs and freedoms, but in our society today, if someone has a different viewpoint, we must hate them and surround ourselves with only people who are like us and think like us. Though that could bring about good things in time, it is going o create more infighting than teamwork and cooperation. This will lead us away from our goal as a society, but the possibility of being successful alone is still a viable option.

I saw this first hand in the George Floyd riots in Austin, TX. I was in the street monitoring the people and their actions and saw a large amount of infighting and high uncontrolled emotions. I also saw people banning together, but the dynamic was interesting. You would think that if you are marching for the exact same cause, you would be able to get along with your brother and sister. However, people could not separate their feelings and beliefs from the more significant reason, justice. 

The way the mind has evolved is more in line with following a trend and being a follower. Today, we have fewer leaders than ever, and the appointed leaders are incompetent and controlled. As you can see, many organizations created in the past 10-20 years have been meant with extreme prejudice and hostility. This is because our current mindset in society is meant to oppose change that contradicts our beliefs and to look at the hardships of our comrades and presume the same meta-emotional response even though that person has no right. An example of this today would be white people talking about slavery and how it was so challenging when many, if any, were never put into slavery or their ancestry has a history of being enslaved.

There are many reasons why people have fallen into this way of a weaker mindset. The first is that they have been handed easily and have been protected from challenges and adversity in their life. This is causing the influx of weak and fragile minds that eliminate critical thinking and courage. These people have had “hardships” that are nothing compared to what people had to deal with 50 years ago. Today a person will be upset that they are not called the correct pronoun and start yelling and crying because someone is not respecting them. Though we might see this as a minor deal, it can be an immense trauma to them.

I watched a video the other day of a man talking about how his father made around 100k a year and sometimes a little bit less, and he would go on about how his life was hard. He then shared a traumatic experience he had when he was in the park and saw someone litter. This man was not assaulted, yelled out, had to eat out of the thrash, experienced bullying, etc. In his brain, he still saw his father not making over 100k, making him poor, and someone littering as traumatic. We could laugh at this man for thinking these experiences are tough because I am sure we have had more challenging experiences and traumas.

Though we are not here to compare life with others, I wanted to give that example so you can see that trauma for one person may appear insignificant to another person, but to the brain, trauma is trauma. This is why our current mindset is in decay and depreciation. We have once struggled to survive. We had to hunt and grow our own food and figure out how to entertain ourselves without using our smartphones. Times have certainly changed, and I will not say we have changed for the worst. What I will say is that our mindset has become weaker.

With this weak mindset taking over, we will have to experience the cycle of what mindset is. That is, we will adapt to the times we are given. We will reminisce about the days when we had smartphones and grocery stores. If tragedy happens to our infrastructure, people would starve and die off because they have no sense of survival skills beyond going through a drive-through window. That leads us to the second and most important reason why our mindset is, and that is due to convenience. It is easier for the brain to procrastinate and wait until it has no choice but to act. This inaction will be the fall of many people, but not the end of the human race.

Humans are highly adaptable and will fit the mold they need to survive. Right now, we do not have a mold for survival, so our brain creates a social acceptance mode that correlates to the brain’s survival instincts. That means as long as we conform to society, we can feel safe and secure. That is why you had an influx of people taking experimental drugs to try and save their lives. It is because the brain, for one, didn’t want to adapt to this life-threatening change. The second reason was that society was telling you to do it; if you didn’t, you would be ridiculed and outcasted. That alone would be enough to spark conformity of mindset, even if it would mean destruction through the absence of critical thinking. Think of it this way: you are stranded at sea and dying of thirst. To drink seawater is a death sentence, but water is what we need, and our mindset today is convenient no matter the outcome.

In closing, there are tools and resources we can utilize to strengthen society again. However,  we will have to endure a steady period of hardship for people to realize that they have this option. I cannot tell people to change and hope they listen. Many people will have to get burned figuratively or literally to make the changes they need to strengthen their mindset. Regardless of the facts and circumstances, people will still choose not to take action. This can be due to denial or the current state of their mindset.

In the coming years, you will notice people trying to utilize hope and the idea that they will be saved and choose not to adapt and grow. Those people will soon cease to exist if they cannot adjust their mindset for growth and survival. We are still some time away from the end of our current way of living, so this is not meant to be a piece to scare you into action. I would rather see you prepared for the storm than scramble without a plan when you are stranded without a paddle. My advice is to adjust your mindset for growth and survival. If you do not know where to begin, you can always seek coaching and find out where you are, so you can develop a strategy to get to where you want to be. 


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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