T.U.S. Part 44: How To Create The Million Dollar You

Learning how to add value to your life can be seen in two lights. The first is you want to get more money, as many people do, and the second is that you want to create value in your life where your worth is calculated by what you have or own but instead by who you are. Both mindsets are correct, depending on how you view them. They will be personal to you, but what they do share is that we can be the best version of either. These steps will help you in either of the paths you would like to head toward.

The Path To Your Million-Dollar Self

  1. Who do you surround yourself with
  2. How do you talk to yourself and others
  3. How do you look to others, and how do you perceive how you look
  4. What positive habits do you have
  5. What vices do you have
  6. What would you like to see more of in the world
  7. How do you create meaning

1 – Knowing who you surround yourself with might seem common sense, but I cannot tell you how many people surround themselves with losers and deadbeats and wonder why they are living such a difficult life. Yes, the people around us consistently play a big part in our success. If you surround yourself with losers, you will be one of them, but if you surround yourself with winners, the winner’s circle awaits you.

The power of proximity is at play in those you keep around you. You will want to have people who have a growth mindset and help support you. Support can be anything like writing you a review, purchasing your product, or listening to a proposal you are about to send. Many people think support is only tied to money, but a person’s time can be just as valuable. You will see some people show up and some people don’t. Pay attention to the people who don’t and see if they ask things of you.

If you are surrounded by people who want to take from you and not reciprocate in the relationship, then it is safe to let them go. You do not want to have people who detract from you and are unwilling to give a hand. These people will run once the well dries up, so it is important to separate from them or keep them at a distance. If you have difficulty letting people go, make sure you set limits for individuals, so they cannot take advantage of your kindness.

2 – Knowing how to speak to yourself and others is another simple step that needs to be addressed. The reason this step is essential is that our words have power. You can make someone fall into love or deep despair with the words you say to them. That alone should show you how powerful words can be. The reason for the dual direction of words is that if you speak badly, you will also hear the words, so the energy you put off will be felt by you and your recipient.

There was a study done by speaking words to plants. One plant was told kind words, and the other was told hateful words. The plant that was told hateful words started to die slowly even though it was getting the same water and sun as the other plant. This shows us that our words have power. That is why we must be cautious about our words towards others and ourselves.

There is also the aspect of creating the habit of speaking in a positive way to build character attributes. You would not want to be around or support someone who berates and looks down on other people. If you do, then you might have to do some self-reflection.  Nonetheless, the way you speak will come out at the most important time. If you like to swear, it will become your typical speech, but if you become more refined in speaking, that is how you will interact with others naturally.

3 – Though looks might be superficial, people will judge you on your looks and worth. A social experiment was conducted with a person wearing a suit and a person dressed in shabby clothes asking for money to take the train or bus. As you can imagine, more people were willing to give money to the man wearing a suit. The reason is that there is a stigma in society to how you dress, so first impressions are typically on looks, then on how you speak, and lastly, actions. The order can vary, but that is the standard order for a first interaction with a stranger you are unaware of.

We also have to look at ourselves and how we feel in our skin. The skin is not only the clothes we wear but also our self-reflection. For example, when people wear a suit, they typically look at themselves as more attractive than if they wore a t-shirt. The styles we wear must also reflect our personality. If you try to fake something by wearing an uncomfortable outfit, it can and will have the opposite effect. You might look good, but you will feel insecure.

4 – The positive habits you have will have a compound effect on your worth. If you have good habits in hygiene, daily routine, and mannerisms(how you carry yourself), you will find those positive traits add to your worth. Only some people will be well-rounded in all the areas of their life, but if you can manage some of the bigger ones like health, appearance, and cordiality, then you will be perceived as successful and someone who has their S**T together.

Other positive habits include punctuality, thoughtfulness, motivation, happiness, and table manners. I have been around some of the world’s most famous and wealthy people. They are typically happy and accepting of me, but [ast that they have areas that can be improved. For example, this goes into our next step, if they are scarfing down their food and making a mess, it detracts from how others perceive them.

5 – I talked about some bad habits people could have in the previous step, but I want to get into the bigger ones we can see. The big vices to watch out for are drugs, alcohol, gambling, and abuse. Any or any mix of these will detract from your overall status and self-worth. People will see you as someone who is not in control, not to mention that these vices can put a heavy toll on your mind and body.

6 – We all know what we want to see more of in the world. We might want to see more smiles or technology, but this step will help us define our values. Our values will be the foundation for everything we create, and if our values are not aligned, then we will not find fulfillment even if we increase our net worth. My recommendation for this step is to see what is lacking in the world and try to fill the gap the best you can. Not only will your values be reinforced, but you will strengthen your character.

7 – Creating meaning will be tied to many factors that will create that seven-figure in your life. Our meaning will typically be tied to our values/beliefs, skills, identity, and purpose/mission. All these play a big role in what you perceive as success and reaching higher levels of success. For many people, this step will be one of the most difficult to work through because people do not have the mindset to think in this way naturally.

When we are young, we are given a set of beliefs that create entitlement. Entitlement is a vice or negative trait that will stop us from reaching better places. If we think of being owed something, it will take away the aspect of meaningful work, which plays an integral part in people reaching a higher status. The meaning you want to create should have a positive or at least some positive impact because then it will be easier to create success through that meaning.

I spoke that the final step is one of the most difficult for a good reason: people want to be valuable, but they need to create value in their life. They will stay with fixed-minded people or give themselves a negative mindset. This is one of the many nasty combos people can have if they want to reach a better version of themselves. For people who are not at this evaluation, but think they are, then they will need a reality check. The subconscious mind knows the truth, so it makes no sense to lie to it.

All in all, many factors go into making the million-dollar version of you. You will have to develop good habits and mindsets to reach the highest level, but it doesn’t have to be alone. I have helped many people get on that path to reach the best versions of themselves to where they will give themselves that million-dollar mark and also can prove it. The process can take some time, but the journey will be smooth and worth it with the right coach and guidance. Do not let your greatest moments remain unaccomplished; get to the point where you are on top of the world because you followed the right path.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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